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Posts posted by addicted

  1. Sure I did. I said you wouldn't need one. It's a survivor series match.

    I could be wrong but in this decades era of wrestling there is no way I can see the main event of a ppv without a stipulation

    Very interesting about the SC rumors. If he was going to come back I found this where he says if he does one more match he would go against Punk


    You could be onto something there, at least I'm hoping

  2. Have some random questions about the team right now that I believe belong here instead of there own threads...

    Question 1 - We kept 8 Wide Receivers on the active roster this season. Entering week 3 these players have yet to record a catch: Austin, Paul, Hankerson, Banks. Only 4 receivers have a catch on the season. I didn't expect Banks to get any catches but am I the only one wondering why the hell we kept all those guys if this is how we are going to use them? Any news on Austin, Paul, or Hankerson or idea if when we are going to use them?

    Question 2 - Has there ever been any talk about us ever doing the TV show "Hard Knocks?"

  3. KD that would be an amazing match, incredible lineup with every bigtime star in the same match

    But it would mean that the current buildup to the conspiracy is meaningless

    What sort of stake would you put on that match to make it more interesting?

    I'm hoping that Orton Henry is just beginning

    I can't remember the last time RO was squashed to lose the title like he just was

    Personally I think it's a mistake to put them in the HIAC match just two weeks after that encounter

    They need to give MH a chance to run with the title, and squashing RO in another match would cheapen any chance of a rubber match they have

    But since it's only 2 weeks away I expect to see RO go over on MH and setup a program for SS between the two

    I miss the days when the company gave 90 day runs with the title as a minimum and didn't cheapen it with short runs

  4. Didn't know that

    But if you replace HHH with the Rock in my scenario and it still makes sense

    Nash fighting with CM Punk

    Miz & Truth fighting with Air Boom

    Del Rio fighting with Cena

    Mystery opponent fighting with The Rock

    The only thing I don't like about this is Air Boom, not a fan at all of the team but since they are including Miz & Truth they need the tag champs in the match

    They will probably drop the straps from Air Boom prior to SS since they aren't worthy of such a spot and give it to another team but to whom? Either way I think that's the likely story here

    The other thought I had about the direction of this angle which would probably only interest me since I've been a fan for over 30 years is that 10 years ago was this


    Shane McMahon vs Vince McMahon, WCW/ECW vs WWE

    They could use Shane instead of Vince as a storyline that Shanes upset with HHH since he wasn't picked as his Dad's replacement

    History does repeat itself, and its believable

    And its possible that the mystery opponent turns out to be Chris Jericho

    CJ's not being used on air in the storylines but lately on Twitter has been taking it to CM Punk for stealing his wrestling moves

    We could see that take an on camera angle and give more credibility to the Your Fired McMahon team

    And the Rock could be setting up Wrestlemania Cena match and we could see the surprise heel turn from him, hadn't considered that but it would mean ratings

  5. I think the stable storyline is starting to come together. JL is going to rehire Miz/Truth and they are going to be a part of the new stable... my guess... nWo. It's a rehash... But JL is going to rehire all of the people Trips fires... Starting with Nash. Then Miz and Truth. It may take a bit, let's see if Trips fires anyone else in the next few weeks. Or it may happen right away. I'd milk it. Let Miz/Truth stay off TV for a bit. Same said for Nash. Then after another firing or two... Boom. nWo (or a new version, which is what I'd prefer).

    Then, at Survivor Series it would be: the nWo... Nash, Truth, Miz,? vs. John Cena, CM Punk, The Rock, HHH

    That would be freakin' awesome. Doubt it goes down like that... But I'd actually order Survivor Series, which I may anyways because The Rock is going to be there :ols:

    We saw in the main event match JL interfere with the match stopping the referee from counting the pin on CM Punk, then throwing the refree in when CM had the cover, then getting on the phone and less then 5 minutes later Nash showing up and beating both men up

    It's obvious that JL is in on this after Monday's show but what if JL is just the on air personality of the guy who's behind this

    JL said himself he doesn't want to be the COO and what if he's telling the truth?

    The first to get fired is behind this angle

    I'm thinking the mastermind behind the conspiracy is going to turn out to be Vince McMahon

    Vince McMahon is going to come on the scene to take back his company that Triple H fired him from

    Vince wants revenge and since he can't be on TV himself since he's fired he directs JL to do his dirty work

    Survivor Series you have the "fired" fraction of Nash, Truth, Miz, Del Rio, and a Surprise (see below) vs Cena, Punk, Air Boom, and HHH

    Like the NWO started the finisher in that match will involve a heel turn either Cena or CM Punk (most likely)

    That's how I see it playing out right now, should be excellent

    Oh course I'm probably wrong about this but if they take it seriously this could be the next hot wave of wrestling


  6. Really messed up that TNA's champion gets another DUI the same week that they announce Jeff Hardy is back in the company

    Another thing I don't understand is why TNA has so many guys under contract

    This week during the Divas GM announcement the ring was filled with women who don't ever get TV time and no push and have no purpose of being there

    What is wrong with today's wrestling? Why don't they take a page out of the territory days and shed the rosters to about 40 total?

    Saves the company money, gives a chance for more guys/gals to start up in ROH or another promotion

    Same goes with the WWE, too many people on the roster.

    Trim the fat already

    Oh and Mark Henry's devastation on Tuesday couldn't be coming at a better time

    Heat looked believable and I'm digging this angle

  7. I didnt read the rest of the thread so I do not know if somone has gotten it right, but its either Bruno Sanmartino, or Hogan.

    It's Sammartino. Women its Moolah who supposidely wore it for like 40 years.

    And the first black world champion in my eyes was Ron Simmons for WCW in the early 1990's, Jim Ross booked that and it needed to be done in the big two. JYD won the world title strap as well as Butch Reed in Watts old territory but the WWE was slow to embrace a black champion compared to the other guys.

    Oh and the least is either Yokozuna w/ losing just after beating brett hart to hogan, or Andre after winning and selling it to dibase

    This is a trick question imo. How many times has there been swerve endings with one guy announced the champion then reversed? I have a match from the old St Louis territory which shows Bruiser Brody, one of my all time Favs winning the strap off Ric Flair. If your strictly speaking "record books" you could say that Andre was the shortest, Yokozunna was the second, and Kane the third shortest with his one day affair with Christans recent 5 day cup of coffee title win coming in fourth I think.

    Andre never needed it, Yoko didn't make any sense to me. Your telling me that the company needs to get behind Hogan and run with him on top and your going to give him the strap in an unnanounced match? Waste of a match imo, people would have paid for that. Kane's one day reign made sense in the ongoing ratings war but was just stupid. And Christian was forever cemented as "never gonna get respect" with that reign and the last couple of weeks has just been buried over and over again. Orton didn't need to beat him like he has been and they are going to have a hard time justifying Christian as a Hall of Famer with that crap. I think that's the point though

  8. I'm going to be at this weeks Raw in Dallas but I was really disappointed in last weeks show. So close to Wrestlemania yet all the comments were pre-recorded. Triple H's promo buried the current group of stars so badly I thought that I was witnessing 1996 Cliq again. Why have him go out and say no one was worth his time from the current roster, then bury Shemus, and not mention there other Wrestlemania match Undertaker already won? And then for no reason the Miz attacked and beat the crap out of Daniel Bryan and buried him only to see Alex Reilly get buried in the process. And the highlight of the night was the Rock saying he would attack Cena before he knew it hinting he was in the building and then no showed...one of the most directionless shows leading up to Wrestlemania I can recall. Still I can't wait until next Monday.

  9. That's the problem with the titles I think. They change hands too much.

    I agree with you, forever gone are the days when Bruno Sammartino, Bob Backlund, and Hulk Hogan were leading the company never dropping the strap for years at a time. Once Kayfabe left the titles slowly began dropping in significance until it got so bad where it is today that a guy like Shamus who debuted in the summer of last year is already a two time champion. Now they are tossed around like a cheap whore. I can't remember the last time a championship won or lost caught me by surprise. I think those days are forver gone. The very thought of a world champion keeping a strap for 2 years straight is mind blowing today.

    When a guy wins the title, it should begin a new battle for #1 contender. Not just have somebody ready. Almost like a brand new bracket.

    The ppv aspect of wrestling changed all of this. They need to keep the title in defense so they can always have a main event at a ppv ready to go for the shows that they aren't selling. The only way you could make the titles mean anything again is to go back to the days of 4 ppv's a year when they just only had the Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series and do away with the monday night war mentality. The legacy of the Monday Night Wars today besides a great promotion dying, is that every Monday night they have ppv caliber matches on free TV for the fans to get interest in to buy the ppvs. The best way to increase the ppv buy rates is to give a fan something they must watch, and when your always giving that cow away for free its near impossible for them to come up with something fans want to buy without having a stipulation like a title change to draw. Wrestling is all about the draw, and the truth is having things the way they are now has some nice advantages like being able to put the strap on someone like The Miz. If they tried that in 1950, 1960, 1970. 1980, 1990, or 2000 that would have never made it past the brainstorm meetings but in 2010 it worked. You'll never again see guys like Ricky Steamboat or Rick Rude in their primes be passed over for the WWE title again. And the revenue from the ppv's make this all worth it to the company. Besides the fans pop for title changes so if you want to make the interest look more then it is have a title change to rev up the crowd in attendance and make it look bigger then it is. From the business aspect they can't go back on this. I mean would you watch 2 hours of squash matches today? No one would.

    Also, have just the World Title. Get rid of the WWE. Bring back the Cruiser Weight. Add a middle weight. Make Tag, US, Inter-cont titles all something more glamorous. I think Del Rio is interesting too. But he should be going after the Inter-Cont title right now. It would slow down guys like Shamus and Miz getting in big boy matches.

    Wrestling only works when you have talent to replace the talent that the fans grow tired of. In the 1990's and before you had lots of federations to pull talent from to keep things interesting. A wrestlers shelf life is only a couple of years. After McMahon took all the talent from WCW and ECW they had to fold and he owned all the talent except for what he left down in Flordia. If you don't push Miz and Shamus then who are you going to push? Edge, Ray Mysterio, Kane, Undertaker? We all love these legends but the truth is its been done to death already and doesn't draw like they did when they were in there primes. You need more then just legends to keep your product fresh and without those other feds to pull guys from they have to use the home grown talent. The WWE still pulls guys from the Indy's occasionally from companies like ROH and occasionally TNA but they know what happens when they go talent raiding...it kills the other guy and they don't want to kill off anyone today. No one is in competition with the WWE today but the more wrestling fans out there the better off business is for them.

    Also, why do they just not care about the tag titles?

    Because the purpose of Tag Teams is to showcase an unknown and hope that he eventually breaks out of it to become a great single wrestler like Bret, Shawn, Booker T, and others did. Tag Teams or fractions are a great place to let a rookie you want to push gain expirence but not look bad if they lose on TV to the fans. That's why they are fooling with the Nexus and New Nexus today, they want to push these guys but as they stand alone they aren't yet a draw however collectavely they can be. Years ago they did that with Batista and Randy Orton...hid them behind Evolution. They did that with Benoit when he was in the Four Horsemen. The act of hiding talent in fractions and tag teams has been going on for years. The tag teams that stayed together forever - Road Warriors, Dudleys, Arn & Tully, Rock N Roll Express, Fantastics, Midnight Express - simply weren't viewed as being able to draw as single wrestlers (right or wrong). The guys they don't think can draw as singles are put together to hold the belts (Morella and Kossloff) for the next time tag team wrestling is needed (the Harts were the last team but the fans didn't get behind either guy). The truth is these wrestlers didn't join the business and train simply to be a tag team. These men wanted to be the world champion and make the most money. They still do. The money's not there in tag teams compared to single wrestling. It's never been there. Tag Teams are just a tool to push a story line and with things like NXT where development gets on air time to train they aren't needed as much as they once were so they have taken an even further step back.

  10. I meant the VERY beginning of his career.

    Yea you could say that. The very early rock was so inexpirenced and was given a goofy costume, had a really bad haircut, and went by a stupid nickname "Bluechipper":


    The WWF pushed him as the "1st ever 3rd generation superstar" and gave him the intercontential title after only 3 months in the company. The fans **** all over this and he was repackaged and put with the Nation of Domination and made into a heel. The beginning of his career was really bad but the good news is it didn't last very long.

  11. Funny thing is, wasn't The Rock originally crammed down everyone's throats and thus got booed?

    Not how I remember it.

    The Rock at the end of his career was inbetween making movies and wrestling. He did a bunch of promo interviews on a movie location and the fans saw the writing on the wall that he was choosing entertainment over wrestling and was leaving. They started giving him heat at this time. Before that he was extremely popular

  12. What words what that be?

    Can't figure out how to embed this bro and nothing against ya. Rock being back is exciting as hell. The last show here in Dallas was the Hell in the Cell ppv which I was at and expected some good stuff from with a card like Undertaker vs Kane in a Hell in a Cell match but the whole thing didn't live up to billing. The show in March is going to amazing!

  13. What do you think about that Bubble? It doesn't matter what you think!

    I'm betting a lot more people watch wrestling then they are willing to admit. I'm one of those. It's entertaining to me.

    Me too and proud of it.

    Got my Raw tickets for the show in Dallas this March. I always go whenever they come to town. Been going since my first show in 1984. If you aint down with that I got two words for ya :)

  14. If you thought last nights show was good, then you guys have really lowered your expectations. IMO, Mike Tyson was horrible on the Mic and in the ring.

    I get you but I think seeing Mike in a ring was something special. Back in 98 he didn't get as physical as he did last night. I've always thought if you could cage the beast within Mike and get him to be a worker and controlled he could be a wrestler. Seeing some of that come to light last night to me was special. I enjoyed him much more then other recent hosts (Nothing beats seeing Mark Cuban put through a table live though). And when could Mike ever talk on a mic? Never, that's not his thing

    Who didn't see a triple threat match with Cena, Kofi and Orton for a chance to face Sheamus at RR and who didn't see Tyson double crossing Jericho to end the night with him and DX posing in the ring coming?

    The Tyson double cross is one thing, but Kofi Kingston getting a chance to fight in the main event for the Title after losing the past week again to Orton was a bit of a surprise to me. All signs were pointing to Kofi's push ending and I think offically it did yesterday but at least he had another shot to shine in the main event. I also figured that Cena would win the triple threat. I'm looking forward to Orton Sheamus at the Rumble.

    The only good part of last nights show was MVP and The Miz.

    The Miz is always great. MVP, meh. He talked way too much last night. I'm not a fan. Just my opinion of course

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