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Posts posted by Rexx1240

  1. Somebody finally talked some sense into Oscar. Cotto-Canelo being moved to Nov. Cotto wanted 155 catch weight, Canelo saying 158. Hearing they'll meet somewhere in the middle. Cotto's middleweight title will be on the line.

    Expecting huge numbers for this one.

  2. I don't see the issue with him posing with guns at all, I don't see the relationship with the Charleston terrorist/hate crime massacre at all. People take pictures with guns all the time I have, I am pretty sure 1000s of others here have as well. Serious reach here, and on top of that he was just at a museum not that it mattered that he was at home but still.

    That being said, If he wants to touch Floyd which he never will he needs to take his profession seriously, The great ones don't just train during training camp they stay in shape. Floyd does alot of things but he doesn't drink or do drugs and hes a gym rat constantly working on his craft. Broner is still young only 25 I believe so he has time to turn it around but he needs to start making changes quick. The GUN THING is a no issue at ALL and its terrible to bring up it up because Broner took a picture with a gun. Now if he was to take pictures posing with the confederate flag then yea but in this case no.

    For some reason I had never seen this post until now. But it is a problem to post pics with guns when you already have a reputation of being borderline idiotic. It's almost like he's screaming for attention & the only attention that brings is the negative kind. Broner is constantly making headlines outside the ring for **** like this and clearly is being exposed inside the ring by any fighter above Level C. The pics wouldn't be as bad if he handle himself better. But he just screams for negative attention and doing **** like this is how he gets it. He needs to focus more on his craft or end up being another waste of talent like the other AB. Dude has just completely lost focus man.


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  3. I agree. Also Vargas has been getting some pretty close decisions to go his way on the cards. If this one is close, interesting to see who the judges give the benefit of the doubt to; neither guy currently has a significant belt and they're fighting for an interim WBO title.

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  4. Briggs is just begging for a payday. He already got embarrassed by Vitali. Vlad will hurt him, if he decides to make the fight. 


    I think he realizes that he's not gonna sucker Klitschko into giving him that pay day so more recently he's moved on to pulling these same types of shenanigans with Deaontay Wilder.

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  5. Briggs is just begging for a payday. He already got embarrassed by Vitali. Vlad will hurt him, if he decides to make the fight. Vlad won't fight him, but I would love to see Vlad catch him and put a beatdown on him outside of the ring. But that would only open him up to getting sued. That is some BS that Briggs pulled though with the boat out on the water.

    He knocked him off the surf board but that wasn't worse than eating his food. So disrespectful lol. Violation if I've ever seen one. Then to fly over there & crash the press con was also over the top

  6. Nathan Cleverly turned down the chance to fight Juergen Braehmer for the WBA World Title. Instead he will be flying to America to take on Andrezj Fonfara, the man who stopped JCCjr in his last fight.

    Date & venue tba

  7. Devon Alexander I can give you but he never really established himself as a potential opponent. He never really got over that hump. It's almost insulting to mention Berto, and why even mention Bradley when everybody knows the situation there..

  8. If Mayweather insist on fighting Bertie or Mayfield, fine. But don't sit there and imply that guys like Porter or Thurman isn't quite worthy.

    I said it a while ago and I'm hearing some boxers and trainers imply it. When was the last time Floyd fought a young, hungary black fighter?


    Not sure there are any Hungarian-African American champions to fight  ;)


    No but all jokes aside, while asking that question tho, you also have to ask yourself when has a young, hungry, black fighter been top 10 p4p and ppv worthy opponent??

  9. Virtually every time they were in a clinch, Porter was punching to the body. Not sure what fight you watched, Rexx! Broner was the holder all night long.

    Lol I'm not sure if u read my post wrong or took something out of context but u just confused the hell out of me...

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  10. For the past couple days, I've heard so many respected boxing insiders question/discuss Broner's mind state. I'm not sure if I feel sad for him or disgraced. Not sure what's next for him. He seems to be going from bad to worse.

  11. Brook actually did clinch more than Broner but the difference is Broner was clinching bc he didn't know what else to do. Brook was clinching as part of the game plan to control Porter's aggressive style. Brook definitely used some impressive footwork to create angles where Broner used, the little footwork he does have, very very sparingly. We saw Broner's movement in spurts thru out the fight but head movement and footwork is something Broner had NEVER been able to do consistently even @130/35. Broner doea show flashes of brilliance but he's waay to inconsistent and the bad far outweighs the good with him. If u watch Brook move around the ring, the feints, the footwork, the consistent jab, you'll be able to see he's a much better pure boxer than Broner.

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