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Posts posted by cahones01

  1. I'll look for it in just a bit when I'm on my lunch break. I'll pm it to those that asked if I find it. I didn't know it existed either until I saw it on another forum. If I can't find it I'll delete my post. I wouldn't want to say something like that and not be able to back it up. Keep in mind I'm not judging or trash talking Kimbo. I don't care if he had a crazy past, tons of people do. I give him a lot of credit for taking his training seriously and trying to make a career out of MMA. I'd love to see him fight some better competition so we can see where he stands.

  2. Kimbo a classic rags to riches story? Wow I had no idea the classic story involved being a drug dealer and user, being a porn star then being a body guard for other porn stars, beating up a bunch of nobodies in your back yard, then getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to beat up nobodies in a new organization.

    I'm taking Kaitlin Young over Carano. Gina hasn't taken her MMA career seriously in 3 years now. She's done nothing but promote herself for movies, tv, etc. She's like Tito with less dedication and less accomplishments. There's nothing wrong with her trying to further other careers it just makes the full time fighter a safer bet for me. Also she hasn't even made weight in her last 3 fights. They made up the 140lb weight just for her b/c she failed to make 135 and she still came in too heavy. They allowed it anyway b/c she's the face of their womens MMA division.

  3. Marc Laimon calls Tito Ortiz the new Ken Shamrock

    "A funny thing happened at UFC 40, I was in Tito’s corner, I was one of his trainers for that fight. My friend was telling me, we were drinking, celebrating afterwards, and he’s like “You know what? In a few years Tito’s gonna be (inaudible) the Ken Shamrock, getting his ass kicked”. If you look at it, people saw Tito Ortiz but Tito Ortiz isn’t really anything special. He couldn’t even finish a season of college wrestling. Now that he can’t implement his game plan on people, he’s kind of a like, he’s a dying breed and now he’s become the new Ken Shamrock."

    Here's the full interview:


  4. Knows more than BJ, Babalu, Heath, and Pulver? I think they've been in more tournements than cahones. Unless........maybe.....Rickson, is that you?

    When did I claim to know more than them? BJ and Babalu held their chokes even with the ref telling them to stop, that's what I was addressing. And if you think that they didn't know they were holding them too long then you're sadly mistaken. Babalu even said post fight that he did it intentionaly to teach Heath a lesson.

  5. "I do too. Some fighters are willing to go out without tapping so they probably endure an even longer choke. It can't make that much difference."

    The difference is those guys were tapping. They weren't just sitting there trying not to tap. And it's a huge difference. I've been competing in MMA and submission tournaments for almost 6 years. Having ref'd tons of grappling matches seeing the effects of a choke held too long is pretty bad. I've seen guys start seizing, pissing, and ****ting themselves. I even had one kid that lost the hearing in one ear for a few hours. That was pretty damn weird. I'd never heard of anything like that and haven't seen it happen since.

  6. Dana really does play favorites, but no one says **** about it as long as it's their favorite fighter reaping the benefits. Chuck fans didn't care that his title reign was against nothing but wrestlers with poor standup. Randy fans didn't care he lost to Chuck twice, retired, then got a title shot in his first fight back. Franklin fans didn't care that after he lost to Silva his first fight back was in his home state, then his rematch with the CHAMP was in HIS hometown instead of a neutral location. It only matters to the fans when it's their fighter on the wrong end of the fight. That pisses me off even more than Dana's coddling.

  7. I knew Kimbo wasnt just some thug but to hear that his famous fight from the backyard where he made hamburger meat out of that dude's eye was against a bully is nice to hear.

    Gannon is a fool if he tries to get in the octagon against Kimbo. He barely won that fight and in my opinion only did because Kimbo couldnt fight MMA style yet.

    I did wonder what he was doing with the "take a hit from Kimbo" where kids were wearing football pads and letting him tee off on them.

    Gannon is complete garbage, but Kimbo lost himself that fight trying to work around the rules and getting beat. He got rocked 30 secs into the fight and tried a single leg takedown. Gannon put a guillotine on him and Kimbos crew starts yelling no chokes and no takedowns, even though kimbo tried the takedown. Then he takes Gannon down anyway and starts trying to GNP him even though it's standup only. Kimbo gets rocked again at the 1:40 mark by a weak ass jab and falls backwards into the wall and starts going for more takedowns. From there they're both totatlly gassed and it's sloppy standup in slow motion for the rest of the fight.

    Of course none of that means **** now. I give Kimbo tons of credit for taking his training seriously and really showing progress working with Bas Rutten. I can't wait for him to actually fight someone legit so we can find out where he stands.

  8. "umm...you are out of your mind if you dont think he would be tired from that fight. Joe is very strong and one of the best technical wrestlers in the game. he dominated him, never ran out of gas during the whole fight and finished him off with a rear naked choke that was almost textbook. he was standing at the end when they put the belt around his waist so **** what he did after that."

    Joe is nowhere near as strong as Sherk and has gassed several times in his fights. Sherk is a cardio freak, and that's Penns weak point. After seeing BJ in the best shape of his life and he still gassed after being in complete control of a 2 round fight that was stopped twice to check a cut, I have serious doubts about him being able to keep up with Sherk. I'm not knocking BJ's talent or his achievements, but his cardio will be the biggest factor in this fight.

  9. I watched that too and thought the exact same thing. When BJ's trainers came running into the cage to congratulate him he collapsed into one guys arms, then fell on the canvas. That fight didn't even go 2 full rounds, was stopped twice to clean the cut on Stevenson's head, and wasn't that fast paced. I really really hope BJ has finally found a way to up his cardio. It's always been his Achilles heel.

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