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Posts posted by nemocystem

  1. Benz and gotze to arsenal. Twitter says it

    Don't play....

    To the rest...it's Gunner take a minute to get used to your sense of humor. I'm normally an "observe, & approach" sort of socialite...so i need to suss out the learning curve here.

    Admittedly, this is much tamer...but i guess i just figured the flamethrowing would take an equal subsistence, considering we're all on the same team here.


    I'm also still learning how to cope with soccer disappointment because it's such a different beast than all the other sports i've followed my whole life.

    Funny that i started watching the beautiful game 2 years after the "invincibles" season, & not knowing that it had ever happened...still chose to support Arsenal. While there has been a smidgen of "success" during that time, it's been mostly disappointment. At the same time, i figure this is also why i am a bit more patient than the usual AFC dupporter i bump into....

    I think this has mostly to do with my Redskins fetish though.

  2. I see what you speak of....i just don't have the essence of being to get into more sports flame wars. Just dealing with the Redksins fan base is enough to make one go all lumpy.

    That said....soccer boards get way more petulant, & biting in nature, & i just...ugh.

    I'll give it the old college try.

  3. So, i see the Götze to Arsenal talk is hotting up. So is the Cavani talk after it seems Benzema will be staying at RM.

    Sooooo...that means we're definitely signing Krychowiak at 11:59 AM on deadline day, & nobody else.

    Funny...my only wants this whole summer were another D-mid stalwart, & another CB. Preferably Pogba, & van Djik. Now we look to be signing an attacking mid, & a striker......almost completely opposite.

    What do i know....just some yankee over here. I'll leave you professionals to it then.

  4. So....thought i wasn't a fan of IPAs....just now coming to terms with the reality that i just need super hoppy IPAs. Strange, no?

    Just tossed back a Stone: RuinTen. ZOMFG it is sooooo delicious. I also grabbed the collaboration brew.

    I regret now that i was once very leary of Stone simply because of its popularity. I felt it may be due to a bunch of trend-jumpers. I'm now of the converted....i really like almost everything they have to offer. between them, & Clown Shoes...i have discovered heaven.

  5. Back to head-spinning...to those of you more, in the know, across the pond...whuch of these potential Arsenal xfers seems most likely. & you can pick more than 1:

    1) KB....hearing it's all but done as per ESPN...which is a bit more strict when it comes to reporting via sources (confirmed or otherwise)

    2) Draxler...this one seems like a 50/50 to me. Haven't heard anything official of late, but the rumor mill is hotting up on that one.

    3) Götze...i just can't believe he's really available, & if word got out that he was, the only thing that i feel would get him to the Emirates would be him basically demanding AFC, & only AFC. At least 8 club would outbid us, i'm afraid.

    I have this one at less than 10% chance.

    4) Krychowiak....i would almost think this the most likely, & most typical of Wenger. Also...this sounds just like the kind of buy that happens at the 11th hour.

    5) Lavezzi....don't buy it for a second. But this one is flying off the handle right now. Everything about it is so out of place though.

    & finally...

    6) Cavani...if i had to choose between Cavani or Benzema......can i choose Müller? Draxler (word is AW wants to play him as a striker a'la Henry)? Or 4 players that equal either fee? Still, Cavani is the better of the 2 if forced to choose.

    Personlly, i feel that Cavani would play well in the EPL, while i think KB woukd struggle. Cavani is an engine who can provide as well as poach...but poaching is something of a specialty. He's also very good on set pieces, & plays lanes WAAAAY better than KB.

    If i were a betting man (& i'm not), then i would go with 1, & 2. 1 because of what i'm reading, & 2 because it makes a lot of sense.

  6. We do need some obscure soccer nerd here that primarily follows the Eredivisie. Like a hipster supporter. "Eredivisie is only for those that appreciate real soccer"

    I (slightly) resemble that remark.

    I started falling for the beautiful game whence watching the Netherlands. So naturally, i first started watching Eredivisie. First shirt i bought was an Ajax kit.

    Now i find it only separate from Liga MX in that the league discourages the whiny **** syndrome that is something of a badge of honor for those playing in Liga MX. That, & playing defense is seen as a 6 letter N word that rhymes with bitter (Liga MX).

    Just. Don't.

    Side note.....i find it terribly improbable that i can keep up with you lot. My G_d can you guys hammer out a convo, or what?

    I come back after work, took a glanceat the goings on since my last post, & whoah....wtf just happened, haha.

    It's all good though, guys. Just keep doing you.

  7. Agree with the back line, but also the D-mid. Coquelin is nice, but not enough imo. Agree we need another quality striker, & almost relieved if he goes to City or stays in Spain.

    Don't get me wrong...the signjng would have shown some gumption, but i just don't think he fits all too well. Higuain is a better fit for what we do, as is Cavani.

    Funny to see Cech pulling a Szczesny...even funnier if he does it all season. Just can't seem to land a keeper that can't avoid the odd mind-numbing performance.

    Which brings me to Özil. 1 game btilliant, next game he puts on Potter's cloak of invisibility. Götze would be an upgrade at best, & at worst, a more attack (the net) minded mid who doesn't have a penchant for dissappearing as much....unless it's to the bench.

    Özil is a player i love when he's on, but he just has too many games like this that make his value head-scratching.

    All said...still think were we to land Pogba, everything suddenly clicks.

  8. I, for one, believe more firmly in positive affirmation...even if the duty is routine, or expected. I always open doors, say please, & thank you, & start with the formalities, & finish with warm goodbyes. I even try to manage a smile, especially when i don't really feel like it.


    Because i've witnessed the infectious impact of positivity.

    Now....i'm terrible at this in message boards, lol......my passion gets the better of me, & I tend to take a "must not back down" posture as exemplified by my upbringing, & peers. It's way out of character for me, & it's in large part because in the real world i tend to get tuned out, or drowned out. As a result, i tend to overcompensate in situations where i know my voice will generally be heard.

    But nobody deserves that, really.....at least not here. I don't need to take out my real world frustrations on teh interwebz.

    It's a work in progress...but i digress.

    The main point i wish to make here is that i feel that people are/have been so quick to point out oppression, & systemic failure based on the perceptions of their realities. I sympathize with their circumstances...i really do, but i believe that fundamentally, they are barking up the wrong trees, & barking in ways that make many (such as myself) tune it out as little more than noise.

    Personally...i am less likely to do something if you demand it of me, & do so with tonal inflection. I imagine i cannot be alone in this. Besides, i just don't feel that the positive reinforcement angle has really been given the ol' college try.

    I feel that reinforcement of good police behavior...yes, despite the expectations of the job...can go a long way to encouraging more of the same. They are people after all. People whose jobs are extremely stressful, & are filled with constant/relentless forced interactions with irate public who see them as less than human. It becomes only natural if you are looked at this way constantly, to start treating those you come in contact with in like mind.

    I worked an extremely tough job dealing with nasty segments of society for a short while & i generally look at the public as disgusting, vile, conniving, & unpredictable. I got ulcers from stress at one point. The best part was that our data showed that over 95% of all of our calls were customer related, & could have been fixed before calling at all.

    As a result, i tend to be apathetic to claims of injustice when it comes to the public interacting with any form of authority ranging from service employees, up to law enforcement. It's not that i don't care, it's just that i tend to lean in the direction that people, usually are quick to hold the people they are forced to encounter to a higher standard than they themselves would aim to put forth...& that hardly seems fair to me.

    For my part, if means little to me whether i have knowledge of how a person is required to act in my presence, or whether i feel right to be upset, or to outwardly project my frustrations with you simply because "that's your job." It's a bull**** excuse for being a poorly human being.

    All told, I am aghast at the many individual events (some moreso than others) on record as of late, & even moreso to note that these are only the ones we are made aware of. I think this is the general popular reaction. Still, i doubt the irony of treating all people of blue color based on the actions of few should be lost on anyone. Especially when the topic du jour seeks to illustrate, & condemn just such an action.

    Nay, i would much rather encourage good police work, regardless of how routine it should be. I would like to emphasize the instances of better judgment vs the ones that illustrate the opposite. & i feel that the better move is to reward just such practices, rather than show apathy to their requirement, in order to more effectively weed out those who are incapable of acting in good faith as public servants.

    At the very root of this belief is the prevailing thought that through kindness, the kind will multiply; & through violence, or negativity, i will respond in kind.

  9. If i may be honest...i would much rather spend a few extra coin to go after Pogba...& by a few, i mean another £30mil or so. I think Arsenal have options up front, & i don't believe that Giroud can't get us there, but rather that he can't do it alone. Not too comfortable (yet) with Walcott as a striker, but Sanchez can fill in there in a pinch, & Akpom is not too far behind real PT.

    Still...quality depth is what wins the big trophies nowadays. It isn't good enough to have a great starting 11, & a couple of good subs. At least not anymore....& especially if you're competing deep into 3 tournaments/leagues.

    Even the Götze rumor sounds more beneficial, if you ask me. I still would prefer Pogba, or even one of the Bender bros., but Benzema would still do nicely either way.

    All said, i really think Giroud is underrated for what he does to keep the cogs in the machine working at peak performance. It's not a skill so easily overlooked. Alas...if he goes down (which...as an Arsenal supporter, this is all too familiar a reality), or you find yourself in a match where you need players to create from thin air, then Benzema should satisfy.

  10. Any news on Benzema....this silly season business makes my head spin. Especially being an Arsenal fan.

    Also...Galaxy vs Sounders tomorrow should be a good watch.

    Up the G's, up the Gunners!

  11. Talking DCU ..... 6-4 man.

    THAT'S what you want as a fan. To be entertained. Awesomely good stuff.

    That stadium's looking sweeter and sweeter too. And with over 17K at RFK last night, DCU's hand is surely being strengthened all the time.

    As soon as I get the word on confirmed dates I'll let you guys know and you can get the jump on things.

    Traores a winger right? Can't harm.

    Our midfield and attacking options, if utilised right, could be as good if not better than anything else in the league. The potential option's there make it a real exciting prospect. If he fails with the tool's he's been given for a 3rd time in 4 seasons, he has NO excuses.

    The less said about the woeful backend the better.


    GHH...lemme know when you're coming to LA. I stand with the Riot Squad, & can get good prices on seats in that section if you want to join us lowly supporters for a match. Good group of people.

    Wait....Hazard is better than Sanchez? I like Hazard, but doesn't Sanchez do more all over the pitch?

  12. Stone's Smoked Porter w/Vanilla Bean has started showing up in stores again, and is pretty cheap by craft beer standards. I highly recommend picking it up.

    If you like that, you'll love the Ballast Point Victory at Sea. My favorite flavored beer.

    Also to someone re:Pliny...the Younger/Elder/& Blind Pig are all very good.

    Elder is my fave...such a **** to get though, it's kinda lost its appeal.

    Anyone try the Stone: Enjoy by 4/20/15?. Hands down my favorite IPA so far. Not a huge IPA fan, but it as super hoppy without any lingering bitterness. Absolutely delicious & refreshing.

    Btw...dis i mention Clown Shoes: Blaecorn Unidragon. 2nd favorite brew. Imperial stout, 12.5% abv. Devastatingly delicious!

  13. Allagash is gold on everything i've tried from them so far. The Curieaux is my favorite brew.period.

    About to have at some Brother Thelonious. One of my favorite fallbacks.

    Anyone here on Untappd?

  14. Don't do light anything. Here's my short-list:

    Lager - Heineken

    Heffeweisen - Paulaner, Franziskaner

    Stout - Guinness, Murphy's

    Amber Ale - Smithwick's

    IPA - Sculpin/Ballast Point, Pliny the Elder/Red River Brewing Co.

    Specialty/Seasonal - Anchor Steam Christmas

    I prefer draught if possible, bottle if necessary, generally avoid cans...even if it means going without.

    Heineken Extra Cold Draught & Pliny the Elder are my 2 absolute favorites though.

  15. The Redskins are one of the richest frachises in sports. Not in football; in sports period.

    RG3 sold more jerseys in a single year than any player in NFL history.

    Yeah, I'd say that they weren't "hemmoraging" money.

    You didn't read that in context. Hemorrhaging money in that sentence & paragraph structure was referring to money we could ALSO be making. Obviously the franchise makes plenty of money...oddly, i don't catch many people reppin' Redskins gear out this way, or any other city for that matter.

    I'm assuming we make a ton of money off of past value, real estate value, parking, TV, netwoks, & now you can add RGIII burgundy jersey sales to go along with Taylor, Cooley, & Moss jersey sales of the recent past. The point being that by updating the uni's & making them more fashionable & changing the scheme regularly gives MORE people MORE reason to buy that team's apparel on a more consistent basis. Add in the potential with RGIII going forward & the team on the brink of being a more consistent competitor.....

    I think you may start to get my point. It's not hemorrhaging money we already have....it's hemorrhaging from the link to potential income & preventing the organization from earning an even larger overhead.

    Put another way....if RGIII is the only player i'm really interested in buying a jersey of, then if i get 1 burgundy...i've got 'em all. But if i'm an RGIII nut, & they change the look enough next season...well darnit...now i've gotta buy that one.

  16. Strange reactions i'm seeing. Personally i'm a MASSIVE fan of the faux-collar look & am severely bummed i missed out on an authentic one in my size.

    I also love the gold pants/white jersey combo. Kinda not into the white/white as much & having burgundy pants for every game, or just having burgundy & white is a little bland, boring, overtly traditional for tradition's sake only, & limiting.

    I'm all for opening up the uniform playbook, & i'd especially love to see a few games with gold pants/white jersey combo (with the collar) & the old Lombardi gold Redskins helmet with the "R".

    All things considered...i love our logo, our colors, & many of our uniform iterations....but i am a vehement YES vote when it comes to the topic of updating our unis.

    I feel our organization is being left in the dust on this issue & is hemorrhaging money it could be raking in if it were to make some updates & give fans more options.

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