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Posts posted by jaybrant

  1. My opinion, but I don't think the fan grabbing Steven Adams arm was doing it in a malicious way.

    The video is slowed down so it looks like she's just grabbing and holding his arm but it was all pretty quick.
    It looks like he came down out of bounds and knocked her back into her seat.. and when she fell she grabbed his arm out of instinct to keep herself from falling. At least that's what it looks like to me.

  2. This one is a tad different because I watched it on YouTube last night but meh, it's a "movie" so here it is.


    YouTube description:


    Kung Fury is an over-the-top 80’s action comedy that was crowd funded through Kickstarter. It features Kung Fury, a Kung Fu renegade cop who travels back in time to kill his Nemesis, Hitler. The film features nazis, dinosaurs, vikings and cheesy one-liners.

    It definitely kept me entertained throughout. I grew up watching a lot of cheesy 80's movies so maybe that's why I enjoyed it as much as I did. If you have a half hour to spare, I would definitely recommend checking it out. I'd say that it's definitely NSFW though.


    "Tank you"

  3. Glad to see the release of the final season is really giving the show a new audience. It was a terrible mistake to draw out the first case, but seasons 1,3, and 4 were phenomenal.


    Agree. I think they should have went a different direction with S2. However, I still can't label S2 as bad, at all. It was just my least favorite.

    P.S.  Holder is the man. "1-900-Linden"


    P.S.S. "Breaking Bad was boring..." is blasphemy.

  4. The ups and downs of Wiggins.

    Oh no! I got drafted by the town of never ending sadness! I better put on a brave face.

    Yes! So much yesssss! Lebron came back to Cleveland, championship here I come. Not 1 not 2....

    Omg what the hell I've been traded to basketball Siberia?! How could this happen? Why me?! Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Can I trust a grown man that insists on being called Ricky?


    If he even knows for sure yet lol


    Just Spoke to Andrew Wiggins at NBA Rookie Transition Program – Said Congrats on trade to T-Wolves – He said I didn't know, is it final? Wow— 

    Tim McCormick (@TMcCormickESPN)

  5. A friend posted this on Facebook. Apparently it's an excerpt from Shaq's book about Rajon Rondo. Pretty interesting.


    "In early March some of the guys went to the Museum of Fine Arts for a fund-raiser and got to hang with President Barack Obama. Everyone was a little bit in awe. The president turns to Ray, points at Rondo, and says, “Hey Ray, why don’t you teach this kid how to shoot?” Everyone starts laughing, and Ray says, “Nah, that’s why he’s got to give the ball to me. I’ll take care of the shooting.”KG told me he saw the look on Rondo’s face and the kid was devastated, embarrassed. Dissed by the president, even though I’m sure Obama didn’t mean any harm. Rondo smiled and went along with all of it, but KG told me he could see it in his eyes. It bothered Rondo. It killed him.The next day Rondo shot the ball horribly. He stopped taking shots after that. He’s so sensitive. I think it was a real jolt to hear the outside perception of a basketball fan who happens to be the president of the United States. It messed with his mind. I’m sure of it."-Shaq Uncut

  6. I have this feeling that Cavs fans are going to get their hopes dashed.


    There are reports now that the Cavs are pursuing Ray Allen. A lot of posts that I've read are thinking that this is a sign that LeBron is on his way to Cleveland.


    I kind of see it as Cleveland reaching. If they were sure that LeBron was Cleveland bound then Ray Ray would almost be a definite addition? Why reach out to Allen now, before LeBron's decision was made?

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