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Posts posted by tone_dubbz

  1. 5 hours ago, CapsSkins said:

    Case in point: in 2016, the Chiefs went 12-4 and won the division under Alex Smith. A few months later, they drafted Patrick Mahomes with the 10th pick. 



    But didn't they give up a 3rd and next years 1st to jump from 27th to 10th?


    If we do end up picking in the teens, not sure if this team is willing to trade future assets unless they are absolutely sure their franchise QB is there (especially with the RG3 debacle still fresh in everyone's mind 😆). 

  2. Last time I set foot in that sh*t hole I saw two Redskins fans beat the crap out of each other, well one was actually getting his ass kicked by the other.  And everyone gathered around to watch the fight like it was high school all over again.  Better action near the concession than on the field.  F that place. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Springfield said:


    But in all seriousness, I think that the best way to lose weight is by Intermittent Fasting in some regard.  I’ve never know a person who did IF that didn’t lose weight.  There are also supposed benefits (aside from losing weight) to IF.


    Its WAY easier to eat less food than it is to jog 10 miles.  Just saying.

    Co-worker tore his MCL on his motorcycle, started IF because he was physically limited of what he could do at the gym.  Seemed to be pretty effective as far as losing weight. 


    I lost roughly 6-7 lbs. this summer by not eating and was ripped.  Kind of gave the illusion that I was getting bigger, but I was actually losing weight and the definition in my muscles were real noticeable.  Kayak fishing in the sun almost everyday curbed my appetite, and was also great exercise while still hitting the gym 5 days a week.  And the killer sun tan I got made my muscles more aesthetically pleasing.

  4. Resolution crowd? 


    Glad to see some of y'all mentioning cardio, I think it's imperative to include in your workout routine.  


    For those who have issues with jogging/running, if you can get access to a stair master I suggest trying it.  Minimal impact, but will have you sweating your ass off. 

  5. 1 hour ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


    JR wouldn't act like it was everyone else who is wrong after ****ing up like that.  Not even he is that crazy.


    There were so many bad decisions made by Draymond in that sequence.  Why snatch the rebound away from Durant when it was in his area?  Why advance the ball instead of calling time out?  Why take it up court himself?  Why dribble right into the middle of four Clippers defenders when everyone else was open?


    He knows he's not Westbrook.  That's the kind of thing you do out of spite.

    He did some Ty Montgomery **** right there!

  6. 14 hours ago, Destino said:

    Occoquan Regional Park, Pohick Bay, Aquia, and sometimes Burke Lake.  Kind of new to it so I haven't really settled on what I'd consider my "spots." 


    Nice, I heard that Bay water near the Maryland/Virginia line has some good fishing. 


    If you ever have the itch to fish in Hampton Roads, I can give you some good spots to yak and fish.  Rudee Inlet, Lynnhaven Inlet, Willoughby Spit, HRBT, and CBBT are the main spots for all the sal****er kayak anglers. 


    They are actually having kayak fishing contest this weekend here in Va. Beach.  http://www.tkaa.org/Website/


    Check out the forums, you'll find some helpful tips. 

    • Like 1
  7. 41 minutes ago, Destino said:


    I enjoy fishing, and so I (just like golf fans) also have no room to complain about the boring hobbies others.  Floating around in a plastic kayak that smells vaguely like fish and plastic worms is my idea of an ideal morning.  No one will ever convince me otherwise.  

    Destino, where do you kayak fish?

  8. This is happening a lot closer to home.  A student at Bishop Sullivan in Va Beach, I highly reputable Catholic School, was expelled for posting a selfie with a gun quoting the picture "Today is going to be the day".  Tuition is dam near $12K a year for that school so it's not like he had it tough growing up financially.  I'm just glad he didn't hurt anyone.  And this is the School I planned on my daughter attending when she reached high school. 





    A student at Great Bridge High School in Chesapeake was expelled for something similar.  Posting selfies with guns and making threats to the school.  Even making molotov ****tails and throwing them in the school's parking lot.  Luckily his friends notified the police before he actually went through with his threats. 



    The Great Bridge and Bishop Sullivan incident all in the during the current school year. 


    But here is one of the worst incidents that could have been national travesty. 


    Back in 2008, Landstown High School was just built in Va Beach, and the rezoning of school districts where implemented.  A lot of the section 8 housing kids from Green Run (were Plexico Burress went) were sent off to Landstown (were Percy Harvin went).  The football team was up and coming, and being on the team elevated their social status.  My opinion is that a lot of bullying went on in that school, I even dated a girl who's younger brother went there and said kids were packing guns in school. 


    Anyway, this kid was going to bomb the school and had a hit list with about 30 kids names on it.  He planned the attack on the anniversary of the Columbine Massacre.  SWAT, ATF, DOD make you watch the school camera footage of the Columbine Massacre, and I am telling you it will make you sick to your stomach.  This kid fabricated his own molotov ****tail bombs, had his mom's bush master AR-15 when they were still selling them a freaking Walmart back then. 


    Here is a quote from the sick ass kid:


    "I just think about it all the time," he wrote in November 2008. "What the world will think when I'm gone. How many followers I'll have. How many kids will be dying (no pun intended) to be like me. I'm going to be famous in a morbid kind of way."



    This is happening way too often, and a lot closer to home than a lot of people are aware of. 



  9. I'm laughing at the so called experts who claimed Holms boxing wouldn't be enough take Ronda out.

    ....."make it a couple of minutes".........huh?

    After that head kick now you want jump on the Holly campaign.

    I will take their fight predictions with a grain of salt, because that's all its worth.

  10. Show me one post I've EVER made where Pacquiao's career was discredited for PED use...

    I also went on record to retract the "garbage" statement and admitted it was overblown and out of spite BUT i still feel his career was/is overrated. I gave a multitude of reason why, PEDs was never one of them.


    Rexx1240, you made a lot of good points about Pac that are actual fact and not biased opinions, which is why your post hold a lot of weight.  But the only thing that I can't agree with is that saying Zab Jhuda had a more impressive career than Pac.  Really?


    We're talking about the same Zab that literally ran away in the ring from Baldomir because he was getting his ass whooped.  The same Zab that also got beat by Clottey and Cotto, two fighters that Pac defeated. 


    Don't get me wrong, I was a fan of Zab until the Baldomir, thing then the groin shot followed up by hook to the back of the head of Mayweather the following fight kind.  But I don't think his career even comes close to Pacs, just my opinion. 

    • Like 1
  11. QBkilla - That's pretty bad ass. I know a lot of the students at Gustavo's wear that cauliflower ear as a badge of honor. I started to get it just from clinching during muay thai class.

    Also, once you reach brown belt (not that i'm even remotely close) you pretty much have a life time membership and you're allowed to start teaching the students anytime you want, not just during open mat. I wonder if its the same at your academy. Anyway, congrats again!

    • Like 1
  12. QBKilla.....congrats on the promotion.  I know it took a lot of hardwork and effort to get that purple belt.  You'll get that brown belt in no time.


    Question, did you still have to compete in open tournaments (NAGA) to get promoted to purple?  How's the colliflower ear coming along?

  13. It's literally amazing how many ppl are crying for LA.

    1) Chris Paul ****ed up 4 times down the stretch. But cuz he's in State Farm commercials and isn't LeBron, he gets a pass

    2) that whole team is full of assholes and whiners. How can anyone even like those ****s on the court?


    This is why I'll never root for the Clips, and why I'll always boo Chris Paul. He's a little beeyatch.

  14. I've been hearing that a lot lately.  OldBoy got ripped by critics and most fans of the original.


    Tarantino was smart to leave this one alone.  I love Spike Lee and all, and he's got some classics under his belt, but he might've been a little arrogant/over confident thinking he could pull off a remake successfully. 


    Oh, and as a self-proclaimed movie buff, I find it hilarious that a bunch of my random friends on facebook and people across the internet are just now seeing the original Oldboy, and chiming in about how cool it was for hipster points.  Bro, that movie has been out for over 10 years now.   Step your independent/foreign films game up dawg.    ;)

    Those are probably the same people that think "The Departed" was an original script too.  But at least with that re-make of a classic movie, you had Martin Scorsese directing it with an all start cast:  Leo Cap (protagonist), Jack Nicholson (villain), Matt Damon (prick ass cop) and Wahlberg (cool ass detective)


    Spike picked an interesting choice w/ Josh Brolin as the main guy, which I think he did a descent job of portraying.  But he flopped on choosing a convincing villain, you know, someone that you can really hate.  And if you're going to cast Sam Jackson, you got to give him more screen time. 


    And without giving too many spoilers away to anyone that wants to see it, the characters not having the inner monologue to narrate the movie just throws the whole movie off. 

  15. Saw Oldboy this past Friday.  Spike Lee sucks. 


    To be fair, I don't think a lot of directors could have done this film any justice.  Which is why people like Tarantino (who lobbied for this film over Ferinheight 9/11 at the Cannes Film Festival) did not want to touch this script because he knew how hard it would be to try and recapture everything that made the movie what it is. 


    I still like Josh Brolin and Sam Jackson was still cool.  I wished they picked a better villain though. 

  16. Royce Gracie did a seminar at my BJJ school tonight.

    That's awesome.

    We tried to get him to do a seminar this year at the academy, but he already set his tour schedule for '13. The closet he'll be will be in Alexandria and Dulles area.

    I can imagine meeting him would be a humbling experience.

  17. rebuses=

    1. AC/DC - highway to hell

    2. Korn- i have no idea, I hate korn. I'll just guess "****ty Korn song #35"

    3.Scorpions - rock you like a hurricane

    4. radiohead - paranoid android?

    5. Guns and roses - November Rain

    6. Queen - somebody to Love

    7. beatles - twist and shout

    8 Bob marley No woman no Cry

    9. Michael Jackson - earth song

    10.. uh.. not sure.. so i'll say Korn again, and it's "****ty Korn Song about 3 kids"


    I think number 1 is Led Zepplin, Stair way to Heaven.

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