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Posts posted by Rskins91

  1. 56 minutes ago, BRAVEONTHEWARPATH93 said:

    ….That Collins quote seriously might be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard a pro athlete say postgame. To the point where I’m questioning if he can make it home by himself. Does his brain work? Is he just stupid? Are they all just really stupid? 

    Logically speaking, you can de-construct that quote and it just flat doesn’t work. It’s stunning. 

    Cracked me up man. Made me think of this.

  2. Heinicke wasn’t particularly good today, but the defense is so atrocious. We need to be bench Collins immediately, simplify the scheme, and make players ****ing accountable for once. The D-line was good today; the LB’s weren’t total ass (uneven is more fair). It’s the complete blown coverages that teams clearly know how to attack that we need to fix. 

  3. 9 hours ago, HtownRocks111 said:

    Curious how our LB play will improve with Bostic out and Jamin logging more snaps.

    I really think we’ll improve this week by a significant margin. Granted, that might be going from Dumpster Fire to just a regular dumpster, but Bostic is so terrible that Davis/Hudson getting more snaps can only be a good thing. 

  4. 5 hours ago, MarkMissoula said:

    Decent chance all 3 are gone next year.

    100% Collins is; you take the $10 mil dead cap hit for what his performance and contract are.


    Scherff is trying to reset the market at guard; hard to say he wants to be here when the team has offered him really good deals and he has said no to all of them, by all accounts.


    Unsure about Fuller; his dead cap # is 6 mil next year. And his struggles have only come this year. He was pretty decent last year so maybe they give him another chance.

  5. 1 hour ago, ILikeBilly said:

    What happened to Dyami?  I think I heard it is his knee.  I didn't see anything during the game.  I hope the kid is okay going forward.

    Not sure; wondered if there was a good update on a few of our injured guys. 

    I think with Dyami, we have to remember that every 3rd round WR isn’t McLaurin lol. I think he’ll be good with more time and seasoning. 

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  6. I’m glad that most have turned more into “Chase will be fine” than “Overhyped and won’t amount to anything.” 

    His weaknesses are being exploited and now it’s up to him to learn and grow as a player. If it was always easy in life, there wouldn’t be any satisfaction. When he does figure it out, it’ll be fun to watch. 

  7. 1 minute ago, Burgold said:

    I was so ready to flip out given the fumble the refs stole from us which led to the Falcons' touchdown. In fact, refs gift penalties, Young hitting Ryan in the chest does not constitute a hit to the head, gave the Falcons fourteen points.

    It can not be stated enough how awful the officiating was today

    • Like 4
  8. 6 minutes ago, Koolblue13 said:

    LBers and Safeties. McCains been bad, Curl hasn't looked great and Collins hs no fit in this D.


    Fuller has been awful. Awful.


    But yes, our LBers have been **** for years and I don't know how they didn't attack it in FA. I assume arogense. 

    It's obvious that that is a hole and has been, but we have a few issues.

    I think it was that our targets got snatched up before FA even hit. Milano and David are worth the bucks; not sure they saw other LBs as worth a big contract.


    But we need to do something and stop pretending Holcomb and Bostic are fine. 

  9. Something has to give after this week. I don’t care how good Josh Allen is; that was a roundhouse kick to the face and pantsing. D-line is overhyped and doing jack ****; outside of the some flashes from Jamin, LB’s are just horrible. And the secondary? Just absolutely lost in coverage.


    After week 1, I said to stay cool. Now? Time to heat things up. I still think there’s way too much raw talent personnel wise for things to be this bad. 

    • Like 1
  10. 13 hours ago, Destino said:

    Apparently if the QB runs from the pressure and gets sacked much later, the sack is his fault.  Seems strange for that to dismiss the fact that his right tackle was beat in the first place.  

    I disagree with this take. Cosmi held that block for 3 seconds at the very least. Then Heinicke chose to step backwards instead of stepping up into the pocket, which allowed the DE to break to the outside and pursue. 

    Watching the play at both full speed and slow motion shows Heinicke had plenty of time to get rid of that ball. 

    • Like 5
  11. I don’t think it’s the D line’s fault more than other position groups (LB, Safety). We had pressure from almost all our big 4 DL. Several plays where we were just a hair late getting to Jones. We have to figure out how in the world TEs and WRs are able to find such massive holes in the secondary, because they make for easy reads that it doesn’t matter if the DL wins their matchup. 

    That said, they were not dominant and could still improve. They can and should play better. 

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  12. 4 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

    *clears throat*


    The D Line is not overrated.


    The back 7 needs to be better and the offense has like -5 yards in the first quarter after two games.


    Wait for it…

    There were several plays where a D-lineman was *just* short of hitting Jones before he threw the ball. Tighten up the secondary and those are sacks, or at the very least, contested throws. 

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  13. I’ll start this post with a disclaimer that you can react however you wish to a win or loss. Totally within your rights. But even though I can be salty and angry in the moment at a bad play or loss, I prefer to think about things with the larger picture in mind. So with that said, let’s dive into why the sky, is in fact, not falling. 

    1.) Week 1 of the NFL is incredibly hard to gauge 


    In 1999, the Rams beat the Ravens 27-10 to open the season. I remember it well, despite being 9, because my dad was seething mad after the game. How could the Ravens defense, or any defense, lose to some former Arena league QB? Of course, it turned out that Kurt Warner would become a pretty damn good player. And that those Rams would go 13-3 in route to a SB title. 

    Or, if that example isn’t good enough, take the 2007 Giants. They got the doors blown off them in embarrassing fashion to start 0-2, letting up 80 points over two games. It was a large concern for a defense that was supposed to be much better. Eventually, the 2007 Giants got right, and painfully went on to win a SB with a dominant defensive display. 

    The point in these examples are that we really can’t draw too many conclusions from one or two games. Teams change and evolve, with schemes and players being week to week. In this week’s case, I’m willing to give the team more time to right the ship. 

    2.) It was a one possession game where we had opportunities to win


    Yes, I know the score didn’t reflect how the team played. It was clear that for most of the day the Chargers were the better team. But even with that - even when the eye test told us, “man, we’re getting wrecked” - we held in there and, if a few plays turned out differently, could have stolen the win. That’s not insignificant in my eyes. It says that even on a day where the team isn’t playing to it’s full potential, there’s a chance to make enough plays to win. Obviously would prefer to play to said potential, but winning ugly is something good teams learn how to do. 

    3.) The game will serve as a wake up call and reality check


    For the most part, this team is pretty young. And that worked against us I think. This game felt to me like the team read or heard the press clippings about them and how they were perceived favorites with “the best defense in football.” The Chargers didn’t care about that at all. Sometimes, when you get full of yourself, a trip to reality and humble pie can bring out the best in you. And so I hope it does for the young guns who might have felt a bit too confident. 

    I wish I wasn’t making this post and that we were enjoying a win. The truth is though we deserved to lose and we had our asses kicked. That doesn’t mean that we’re doomed to fail this year, though, or that we should release Del Rio, or that the D-line won’t play better in the future. It can be simultaneously be true that we got beat bad and can do better next game.


    IMO, the biggest question mark is the Fitzpatrick injury. That has the highest risk of detailing our season. But on the upside, I guess we’ll soon know what we have in Heinecke.

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  14. Thanks for the reminder on why I should avoid this board after a loss. There are 15 other NFL fanbases also taking an L and feeling bad. Week 1 is not an indictment of an entire season, even if there are clearly things the team needs to fix. 

    Step off the ledge everyone. Go take a walk outside. 

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  15. 13 hours ago, TheShredder said:

    Dallas has too easy of a schedule to be optimistic about repeating as East Champs.  The difference could be in the depth chart as WFT has far better depth all over the roster.  Dak looked really good.  Those WRs are the reel deal.  They can score points and if there Defense is decent, they just need to stay healthy.  Much better competition this year.  Should be great to watch.

    I don’t agree that Dallas has “too easy” a schedule. They have the same opponents as us mostly, and the three opponents they have we don’t are:


    @New England


    vs Arizona


    I don’t expect any of those teams to be slouches really. Minnesota maybe, but NE should be better, and Arizona is a darkhorse. Are they a grade below the teams we play? For sure. But I wouldn’t say that makes Dallas’s schedule “too easy”


    Plus, they get opponents like the Chiefs and Saints on the road, while we get them at home. 

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