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Posts posted by mistymjohnson

  1. I can't remember if I posted this one yet or not... But I remembered saying I would post it... This was taken at the end of a very long party by a friend of mine.


    (No, my hair is not always pink. I only had it that color for the day to match my outfit)

  2. I have a lot of respect for you guys! Many friends do I have in the department over here in Utica (New York), and I just don't know where they draw their strength from on some days. I give you a lot of props for helping to keep us safe! HAIL TO THE FIREFIGHTERS!!!

  3. Hi, rtbasye... Sorry about no one welcoming you... I hope you will accept an apology... and join us for some playoff fun here in the forum! Everyone is so nice here (truly, we are)... And most of all... WE LOVE THE SKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, put your seatbelt on and join us for a fast and furious ride to the SUPERBOWL!

    Hey there, Maggie!!! Nice to see another friendly/female face around here! I read your site, and it was quite interesting.

  4. What kind of Redskins fan lets their kids be an Eagles fan anyway?

    Well... At first, I didn't like it at all... lol. But I had to remember that he is only five. Then, when I noticed that he almost always calls them the "African Eagles"... I had to let him keep the team as his favorite.

    However, it is a great hope that one day my son will be a preaching running back or wide reciever for the Skins! You have no idea as to how much opposition I get when I make that statement. So, not that any of you would do such... Let me just say, this is my desire for my son... In no way, shape, or form do I plan to make him do anything other than be respectful and get an education (and maybe retire his mother when he gets that big contract!) *cheeky grin*


  5. I was informed that I needed to post a picture of myself... So... Here you go. This is VERY old (In fact, I was pregnant with my son, Elijah who is now five-years-old)... however, I promise to have some brand new ones online by the end of this week!

    I do have a few others online (But they are all at least two years old which shows my longer hair. You can view those here!


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