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Posts posted by Boots

  1. In a reflection of just how bad the season has gotten, this little joke was told by my pastor right before his sermon today.

    A judge in family court, has a young boy on the stand. The judge asks the boy, "After spending time with your foster parents, would you like to go back and live with your parents?"

    The boy answers, "No, they will beat me!"

    "Would you like to go live with your grandparents?"

    "NO, they will also beat me"

    "Would you like to stay and live with your foster parents?"

    "NO. they also beat me"

    The judge, getting a little frustrated with the boy then asks, "Well then, where would you like to live?"

    The boy answers, "I would like to go live with the Washington Redskins, they don't beat anybody."


    It got a lot of laughs, a lot of groans, but I thought it was telling of how people see the skins.

  2. OK. Jumbo is a Mod. Boots is well..... boots.

    It just really bothers me when you feel that you have to shove your moral fiber down everyone's throat. Your a Pastor, I get it. Why is it that the uber-religious are some of the most judgemental people on the planet?

    And please show me when I "continually" single you out.

    Hey! I'm not here to judge anybody. I was just saying that comparing a child that looks like she might have downs to a pig is in poor taste. Beyond that, if I were the parent of a child with downs, I'd probably be pretty pissed off! Anyway, back to the funny.

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