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Posts posted by SUNSTONE

  1. That's a guy called Anderson Silva. Wrong guy.

    You know I was thinking....man this guy sure does tan to the point of looking black. lmao :laugh:

    I guess now I know why.

    I think they are brothers, or cousins. If you look at the video they show the other Silva in his corner.

  2. I believe Liddell will beat Silva. Silva lost to Tito Ortiz who got KO'd by Liddell so I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the iceman puts the axe murderer to sleep.

    Well the thing about that is, Tito is a stronger fighter than Silva is, so he took him to the ground and got a decision.

    But Silva and Lidell are going to swing for the homeruns, so someone is getting knocked out!

    That's what makes this fight so special.

    Lidell has thee best chin I have ever seen. With the exception of maybe Cabbage.

  3. Arlovski is cut the F up! I hope he crushes Sylvia's ass.

    FYI alert FYI alert! It was announced that if Lidell wins his next match he'll fight the 205lb Pride fighting champion in November. The guy's name is Silva or something like that, dude's suppose to be a beast.

    He is a beast!

    Probably the most beast fighter in the world when it comes to just leaving nothing behind.


  4. The best fight was that Neer and I forgot the other guys name.

    It went back and forth, a lot of big shots and submission trys.

    Plus several great slams.

    The Tito fight wasn't necessarily stopped too soon. Because how should the ref know if Shamrock was ok or not?

    That was Shamrock's fault for not even trying to cover up.

    The Silvia Arlovski fight wasn't bad really. But neither men were going for the homerun hits, atleast not after the second round.

    Alrovski was way more active, but if you look at the fighters faces, Tim's face was fine and Arlovski had several cuts and bruises nothing serious.

    Tim stunned Arlovski more times as well, nothing serious thou.

    The best moment of the night was when they said "The Axe Murderer" Silva was going to fight Lidell in November. They put both of those guys face to face in the ring talking smack to each other.

    Now that's going to be a fight!

  5. Arlovski vs Silvia

    Tito vs Shamrock

    I think their are 9 fights, but these are the two main ones.

    I think Silvia is too slow. He has heart and strength, but he's too slow.

    Silvia got a little sloppy and started throwing bombs at will on Silvia. He barely missed one that would have ended the fight, at the same time he stepped into a counter punch.

    I got Arlovski in this one, I expect him to come out with a lot of leg kicks, and dancing around a lot more.

    I've got Tito for the other one.

    Shamrock is over rated, he always has been.

    He tried to say he beat Royce Gracie, but I watched that fight. And it was the most pathetic 40 minutes ever in the UFC.

    But he has been working with Randy Cotour(sp?) and he looks pysically better than ever.

    But in all of his interviews he sounds like a ***** saying things like "Well if he makes a mistake".

    I think Tito comes out with a great stand up fight, and I think he turns his career around.

    He has the ability to beat anyone, but he has to stop being "punchy".

    The UFC and Pride are the best shows on TV just outside of the NFL.

    Scratch that, just outside the Redskins winning season NFL.

    If you haven't seen one of these in a long time, do so. The ground game is rare now. Even when it goes to the ground, more often than not, a fighter just stands up.

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