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Cooked Crack

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Posts posted by Cooked Crack

  1. 40 minutes ago, grego said:

    I want to know what the jury heard that made them decide not guilty cuz I haven't heard anything yet about him going for the gun - only that he allegedly didn't hand over the gun (or something to that effect) when he told the officer he had one and a permit to have one. 


    Maybe something will come out??? Just weird that I haven't heard anything that makes it justifiable. He's not guilty cuz he had the misfortune of having a bad witness? 


    Im gonna want to hear more than that. 

    This is America. Police can pull up, shoot a kid in 1 second and beat the case. Justice isn't afforded to all. The more people accept it the better we'd be.

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  2. 43 minutes ago, Busch1724 said:

    To the idiot's credit, he listened to the people. However he came to that conclusion, he at least recognizes it must be improved. I'm sure he doesn't understand the nuances of the bill, but is at least willing to make them work on it. 

    You're giving Trump way too much credit. If the Senate changed nothing from the House bill, I guarantee he would still sign this turd. He's going to sign whatever they put in front of him and chalk it up as a win. They are going to be pounding beers on the White House lawn again.

    • Like 2
  3. Quote

    In Illinois, investigators found evidence that cyber intruders tried to delete or alter voter data. The hackers accessed software designed to be used by poll workers on Election Day, and in at least one state accessed a campaign finance database. Details of the wave of attacks, in the summer and fall of 2016, were provided by three people with direct knowledge of the U.S. investigation into the matter. In all, the Russian hackers hit systems in a total of 39 states, one of them said.


  4. Just now, AsburySkinsFan said:

    Other than the fact that Frank shoved that girl in front of a metro train...yes he would be a massive upgrade, at least he has a grasp of national and international politics.

    The Underwood body count seems to grow with every season. I've finished the latest season. I'll give it to Trump because I can't support murderers. Just like in real life I'm just waiting for the downfall of this regime. Also just like in real life there are some Russian shenanigans this season.

  5. So Russia tried to get into our voting machines and this Administration tries to reward them by attempting to ease sanctions? I don't see how anyone can look at this and think this is normal. I'm sure we'll hear that the President has these rights and no machines were actually compromised. The real story is the leaks! Everything is being swept under the rug. We need a fact finding committee for all the non criminal acts of scumbaggery. 

    • Like 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, DogofWar1 said:

    Wait so is Trump on stage 5 of the 5 stages or did someone slip him a handful of ritalin?


    Did he go to the doctor's this morning and start getting treated for neurosyphilis and it kicked in around 8pm?

    I think Trump being calm is a sign he's worried it might come crumbling down. The only other time I've seen Trump calm is the debate after the Access Hollywood tapes. He was very low energy initially. Then he eventually went back to himself. This calmness won't last. Would really like to see the people who cover Trump and know how his psyche works explain his reaction.

  7. Just now, mistertim said:


    So basically confirming what most of us took it for already. Trump is dangerous, buffoonish braggart who doesn't fully comprehend or seem to care about the gravity of the information he gets or the gravity of his office in general.

    Pretty much. This does raise some questions. Is the IC not fully breifing Trump cause they are afraid it will get in the wrong hands? Is Trump's learning style not allowing him to be fully briefed? Like Trump wants everything condensed in large don't and bullet points. Maybe that style doesn't work so well when you are supposed to be protecting a country.

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  8. 3 minutes ago, tshile said:

    Im confused...


    Did he not just say, before walking out: the president wasn't briefed on the information he supposedly gave over



    He said the President wasn't aware where the information came from. He knew the intel but didn't know how we got it. So he's off running his mouth not fully knowing how sensitive the information is. That's what I got from that.

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