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Everything posted by Stophovr6

  1. No pirates, ninjas or wenches were harmed when this photo was taken.
  2. Hilary Nutcracker. http://www.stupid.com/stat/HNCK.html
  3. Haha. Yeah PITA already came after me. Moving along.
  4. Sure. The Human knew the risk involved. And that still makes it funny to you when he's in traction right? But the dog was still dumb for jumping out of a moving truck and you have no proof he actually injured himself. I'll take it down if you say; My name is Jrock and I'm a huge vagina.
  5. Humans hurting themselves is still funny tho right? I just want to make sure I can't post things that YOU approve of.
  6. Please. Someone posted a gif of a kid jumping out a moving car and smashing straight into a parked car. I don't remember people getting all bent out of shape then. The dog jumped out a moving car to play with another dog. Who cares? I'll take it down if you're all going to be vaginas about it.
  7. Oh come on. No one pushed the dog out the window. Where did you find that quote* anyways? *I can't find anywhere where I said that. Please provide the post where I wrote that or don't misquote me.
  8. Hahaha. i don't know he is in pain. Looks like he did a nice roll. Must be a stunt dog.
  9. They should change it to McCants' Beyotch.
  10. Way to KILL the joke. I'm going to hell.
  11. Clicking! That sounds like it requires effort.
  12. It's a link. He probably tried to copy and paste an image directly from his email.
  13. I've watched a lot of WRC. That was one of the more phenomenol turns I've seen. Mainly because of it's length and that the turn essentially had two apexes.
  14. One of the best handbrake turns I've ever seen:
  15. Can you point out which ones so we don't ruin the thread?
  16. Nothing to get. Just thought it was neat.
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