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Posts posted by grhqofb5

  1. Distance from couch to screen is about 13'. The screen is 120".

    Once 4K projectors fall in price, I will swap the current projector out for that.


    That looks pretty nice.  I started a movie room in my basement but never quite finished it the way I wanted to.  One thing I did that added a nice touch was buy several movie posters, frame them and hang then around the room.  You can get them pretty cheap here, and then buy some 24x36 frames a photo store.



  2. Hes a sci-final troll....the type of person To goto a star wars movie and say live long and prosper, goto star trek and say na-noo na-noo, May the force be with you


    Xameil is partially correct that I tend to mix the universes of these movies together, by no fault of my own though.  I also recall having a theory that Han Solo was not really dead that caused quite a few rather passionate responses.  So I did some research, and even though I may be wrong i also may be correct.  See link:




    I think the best part about these types of movies (Star Wars, Star Trek, Mork and Mindy, Starship Troopers, After Earth) is that the possibilities are endless.  Your imagination can run in any direction, and you could be right.  Good old fashioned fun for kids too, without all the sex and violence you see in much of the stuff out there on TV or at the Cinema.

  3. You can't really be saying you didn't know anakin and Vader are the same person until seeing that video. Are you?


    I was never a particularly big fan of the original trilogy, so I just was going by what I saw in EP 3 where Anakin was killed by Obiwan.  Seemed logical, and then Darth Vader was Luke's father in one of the original movies too.  So I just figured that Luke was not really Darth Vader's son maybe.  Frankly never hashed it out, too much going on.

  4. I like that a lot


    That's neat.  I always thought Darth Vader was a pupil of Obiwan's and that the Vader killed Anakin, according to that scene from the first SW movie from 1977.  Seeing it re-cut now explains it.  Guess Obiwan was being a bit coy the whole time, answering Luke's question but not really giving him "the whole truth."

  5. [Koala Bear]


    I'm wondering why Ridley Scott has taken a 180 or at least a 90 degree turn on Prometheus, when he said explicitly before the first movie that this "series" was not going to be about the Aliens, and that it would only exist in the same universe as the Aliens. Said it would go off on its own and more or less have very little to do with those prior movies.  Now he's renamed the damn sequel "Alien: Covenant," has killed off the chick from the last movie that was supposed to have gone planet hunting, and we're apparently going to see Aliens all over the place. Plus he got the other Alien movie shut down because he wanted to do this one first, and it wouldn't make sense to have two Aliens movies out around the same time.


    Sounds like someone at the studio got into his head and said "hey, if you want to get funding for this thing, you'd better make it about the Aliens and not about some dumb space jockey things. Ya already did that once and it didn't really work out all that well."

  6. Stop the madness. There is no Vasquez. She got vaporized. Besides, once I found out that she was actually the white foster mother of John Connor in T2 who tanned herself and probably watched Westside Story 50 times for the role of Vasquez, I was happy to see her go!


    Did you ever consider that, perhaps, she died her hair red, threw a skins bleaching agent on her face, and dotted on some freckles to play the T2 foster mom?  Perhaps the Vasquez look is her real one, sort of like the Joker in the Batman movie from 1989.

  7. I know that every movie should try to keep a tight storyline, not have too many subplots, etc. But for this one, I was really hoping the writers could sneak in a time travel scene so the aliens can go back to 2016 and kill all of the characters from Independence Day Resurgence. And that weird metal sphere that is clearly a rip off of Veeger from Star Trek I.

    • Like 1
  8. gr.hq.of.bS, 


    Since you're so interested in mining and probably other forms of harvesting and dredging perhaps this Bespin career recruitment video is the thing for you!

    Do they offer a 401K plan? Is it a union shop? How much of the work is subject to prevailing wage law?

  9. Bespin is a gas giant. The mines are gas mines. That's why it has the cloud city. The gravity and weight of the atmosphere would crush anyone on the planet surface and would make retrieving the lightsaber nearly impossible.

    Do they utilize fracking or some other engineering method to efficiently extract the gas?

  10. With The ending of Rogue One being 10 before the events of A New Hope, doesn't it have to follow the exact formula of ANH?

    It was 10 years before ANH? If that's the case maybe the female protagonist is not Reys mother as some have speculated. Where u hear that?

  11. Seriously, this movie looks like it could be spectacular. And I also think it's an important one, because if it bombs it will set a bad precedent for the next Star Wars "spin off" that comes along. Imagine two bombs in a row on the dpinoffs, Disney might be reluctant to make another spinoff. Of this one succeeds (which obviously means people enjoyed it) we'll be able to look forward to the next. Nothing bad can come from having too many good movies.

  12. Sorry now you are bringing science into it, and that's star trek.

    There is no room for science in Star wars


    I thought that the metaclorians were biological forms.  And biology is a science.  Therefore "the force" is science.


    BTW-  I saw Star Wars III the other day on TV, and the whole genesis thing really goes against science. There's no way they could have produced that much life on a planet without water. And then Spock's son is somehow running around the planet naked, like they planned to send Spock's coffin there because they knew his son would be there too.

    • Like 1
  13. Hmmm...


    Not really much out on this one yet, but the vibe I get is that its maybe a little bit "prequelly," for lack of a better phrase. By that I mean that we know how the story will ultimately end, so perhaps the directors and writers have gone a little too far into the whole idea of making sure that our familiar characters will all have a role.  The thinking being "hell, he was around during this time period so he must have had something to do with all this.  Where do you want to jam him in?"


    Looks like we'll be seeing Han Solo (told you he wasn't really dead, hah), Darth Vader, the Grand Muff, and maybe even Uncle Owen!!  If this one really gets into the prequel zone, you can also expect to see Yoda, Chewy and other important characters from Episodes IV-VI who will have more or less no real purpose in the movie. Loved how Chewy was featured in ROTS, but then he also coincidentally happened to be Han's first mate in Episode IV.  And no one made the connection (like hey, aren't you the same Wookie that helped lead that critical battle on the Wookie home planet? You were great buddies with Yoda too right? Fallen on hard times eh? At least you're working though.).  Perhaps the best argument is that it was fate.  But either way the odds were pretty slim.

    • Like 2
  14. Watch Star Wars Revenge of the Sith last night with my kids.  I tried to get them to watch something else, but they wanted to see where Anakin changed to "Darth Gator" so I relented.




    I've watched this movie a few times, and generally like it. However, I just get this feeling every time that while the premise was very solid, the acting was terrible and pacing of the transition strained rational belief.  I understand they basically had a single movie to complete the change, but there's nothing in the plot to really suggest that Anakin isn't (1) really, really dumb, or (2) just a bad dude waiting for a chance to rule the galaxy.  I wish they'd made the choice more believable by having a villian on the jedi council that caused Anakin to align with the emperor, or if they had made Obi-wan into a flawed character responsible for the rift.  Just something other than "hey, this weird dude tells me that I can keep people from dying. So I guess I'll kill the Jedi Master right after weird guy tells me he's really a sith. And none of this will be recorded on video."  Then he just starts killing everyone, including a bunch of little kids.  Don't you think his wife would be a little bit upset after hearing about all this?  Like, grounds for divorce and full custody of the children type of upset?  


    Not to be a revisionist story-teller, but perhaps the best way to handle this would have been to have Anakin make his transition after some sort of Jedi betrayal, and after the Emperor had killed off most of the Jedi (perhaps Anakin unknowingly provides some sort of intelligence that allows for the killings, then realizes what he's done and feels he no longer has a choice in the matter). Then he has his battle with Obi-wan after Obi-wan mistakenly harms Padme while he's looking for Anakin.  Anakin gets word, pledges his allegiance to the emperor, and the duel with Obi-wan ensues. 

    • Like 3
  15. Have a rectangular room. 11" by 25". Stairs at one of the long ends.

    My plan is wire 5 in wall speakers, Polk audio since my budget isn't huge. Install dimmer switches for the existing recessed lighting. Paint ceiling and viewing wall black. Paint other walls a dark blue or red or green (my wife will have input on that color). Have Home Depot contract a carpet installer and install carpet to cover the vinyl floor, dark in color (only thing I won't do myself). 120" or 125" audibly transparent projector screen so the center channel and front left/right speakers can hide behind it. BenQ 3050 projector.

    Already have a Yamaha receiver. I'll buy an AV rack for the components to put in the back of the room. Get a couch and a bar height ****tail table to put behind the couch. Some stuff for the walls.


    I built mine out about 6 years ago.  Initially just projected the image against a white wall.  About 3 years ago I made a frame out of brown wood trim, about 120" x 60.  Painted the wall again with some projector paint I bought at lowes, then put up the trim.  Projector sits on a shelf mounted against the back wall.  Thinking about upgrading some things now, just don't have the time.

  16. No, don't waste your money on sod.

    It's going to be next to impossible to fix your yard situation this spring, into the hot summer.


    Don't spend your money or time on seed, weed and feed, etc.  Cut it and wait for the Fall.

    In the fall, lime and aerate your yard and go to a Southern States and get some quality seed.


    How many square feet is your yard?


    The part I'd like to rehab is about 1000 square feet

  17. Spring season, lots of rain, I see a good opportunity to work on my lawn now.  Here's the problem-  last summer was brutally dry, so much of my grass in the dryer areas was taken over by small weeds (mostly chickweed).  I've done the spring anti-weed fertilizer treatment, and i've also sprayed the lawn with the anti weed stuff.


    My goal here is to replace some of these areas with actual grass.  I've done a decent job in my front fixing the patches.  Back is different.  The weeds are done, but if I don't get grass there I feel like in a month they'll be back.  Is sod really the best option here?  I've tried just about everything (ez-seed, top soil with fertizler and grass seed, etc.).  Soil in my area generally sucks (it's actually just sod on top of clay).  Thoughts?

    • Like 1
  18. Dumb answer. Cops have just short of the unquestioned right to kill anyone they want, especially anyone considered the "other". You do the math.

    Maybe they should be required to take annual lie detector exams to determine if they are racist or have racist tendencies.

  19. Maybe older future Luke will show up and reset the timeline.













    Nah. That's silly. Who would ever do that to a franchise?


    I'm still wondering why Yoda didn't have kids (or maybe he does). Got to have the big questions answered first.  And what type of organism is Yoda?  Where did he go to school?

  20. The trailer sure does have me interested. 


    To me, it's a chance to travel back to the days when the Empire was scary.  Invincible.  In fact, undefeated. 


    And, hopefully, to get away from all of the Force mysticism, and the political messages.  And get back to Good Guys and Bad Guys. 


    Yeah, but really how good can it be.  It's not like this group is going to be destroying the empire or even destroying the death star.  They're just stealing some blueprints so that the next group can go back again and take care to the fun stuff.  Maybe we'll get introduced to a new relative or something. Seems like Luke or Leia or Ben Kenobi should have some important people in their lives during this period that haven't been examined.

  21. Your overrating Joshua a lot there imo. He still has some ways to go in his development and has beaten nobody of note.

    1. Fury

    2. Wlad

    3. Ortiz

    4. Wilder

    5. Povetkin

    Next tier of Pulev, Haye, Joshua, Parker, Stiverne


    Yeah, my list is perhaps more of a prediction with regard to Joshua.  Gold medal and his upside/potential is greater than the others who (with exception of Wilder) are known quantities.  For Ortiz, he's beaten a couple somewhat notable guys (Thompson is past whatever prime he had at 44), but in the past he never made the Cuban Olympic team.

  22. Changing the subject....  The heavyweight division hasn't been particularly interesting in the past 10-15 years or so, due in large part to the dominance of the Klitschko bros.  Now that Vitaly is retired and Wlad has be deposed, any thoughts on the next true king of the division?


    My rankings (not including Wlad, not sure if it was just a blip for him or what but he's 39 now)


    (1) Anthony Joshua (looks like the complete package)

    (2) Deontay Wilder (looks like the complete package, but sort of more like Michael Grant which isn't good)

    (3) Tyson Fury (difficult to fight, but not the talent of Joshua or Wilder)

    (4) Alexander Povetkin (has beaten just about everyone but Klitschko)

    (5) Joseph Parker (pretty much untested, but has taken care of business so far)

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