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The 12th Commandment

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Posts posted by The 12th Commandment

  1. 22 minutes ago, skinsmarydu said:

    I'm always standing at the door watching cuz I don't trust people (women tend to get shafted if not paying attention).  Sitting in my truck with my sports talk radio guys watching everything felt much better.  I think the whole process (even with the air filter & high mileage oil) was cheaper than JL. 

    I like the way they call out the different steps.  Reassuring that they don't forget anything.

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  2. 1 minute ago, skinsmarydu said:



    I needed an oil change a few months back (I don't drive far or at high speeds, everything is close by).  I saw this place near work & around the corner from where I got my new tires called "Take 5"...you stay in your vehicle while they do everything.  Checked out the reviews & they were off the charts awesome, so I went.  Got the full service everything, added a new air filter, had 'em check my trans fluid, which was fine.  Fantastic service, I was there maybe 15 minutes.  Guys were friendly & professional.  

    Anyhoo, I track my gas mileage from tank to tank.  Every tank I've gotten since that change has been a little better, and I always use the same gas. 

    So if you have one near you, check them out for your next "short service".  

    My last oil change was with them and I agree with you.  Nice quick experience.  Took my wifes car too.  Rather sit in my truck than a jiffy lube waiting room.

    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Bang said:

    There are 16 military bases in Texas. 

    They have an economic impact of more than 100 billion to the Texas economy.

    Since they don't want to be American, take American money and jobs away from them. Threaten to close Fort Bliss.



    Yeah, but El Paso is hardly Texas.  Way more like us in New Mexico and very blue.  Even in a different time zone from the rest of Texas.  Gov Abottoire wouldn't give a rats ass.


    With you on all the rest tho.  

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  4. 3 hours ago, Destino said:

    some are able to get a measure of revenge. If you’ve ever taken a proper vacation you’ve likely been offered a chance at something like this:




    A romantic horse ride through beautiful turquoise water. A popular offering for tropical resorts. My friend went off on just such an excursion with his wife. What he failed to consider is what would happen if the horses in front of you decide that being largely submerged is great time to take for a massive dump? The answer, according to him, is that you romantically ride your legs right through horse sewage.

    The smell lingers for a while, but the memory lasts a lifetime. 

    I remember taking a mule ride in the Grand Canyon when I was a kid.  The mules would do their business on the same place in the trail and the poor hikers on foot just had to trudge right through big puddles of mule poop and pee. 10 year old me thought that was hilarious.  

    • Haha 2
  5. Kinda breakfast but I'm eating smoked trout on bagels for dinner tonight.  Had a decent trip up to the mountains in AZ last weekend. 


    Saw the single most extreme case of maga idiocy I've had the displeasure to witness at a cafe in Alpine, AZ.  Place was totally decorated with militia, second amendment, snarky anti-biden posters and a mat at the cash register picturing Biden, pelosi and harris saying wipe here and here and here.  They had a strict no cell phone policy, the ****ing cowards, or I would have taken pics for you guys.  


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  6. 32 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

    While I fully respect the job that our law enforcement officers do and understand the dangers of their jobs, I don't believe they should get 'qualified immunity' for when they make egregious mistakes. Transparency and accountability help to build public trust, but the 'blue wall of silence' often defends their 'brother cops.'


    80% of cops are good people, but just like any other profession they attract some people with the wrong qualities. I know two of the neighborhood bullies I grew up with went on to become cops, because it suited their authoritarian, domineering personalities. One later was fired for roughing up a druggie and lying about it, and video taken from bystanders proved them wrong. These kind of cops HATE people with phone cameras.


    Look up the Tony Timpa case in Texas...he was a disabled man who was having a severe panic attack and called the cops to help him. Guess what? They killed him by sitting on his back, and they've gone back and forth over the years trying to argue 'qualified immunity' and such. There was also Kenneth French at a Costco in California, who was shot while running away from an off-duty cop...who also shot both of the man's parents and caused one to lose a kidney.


    Guess what? He didn't go to prison. The only good thing that happened was the wounded parents were awarded a $17 million settlement.

    Taxpayers routinely paying out million+ dollar settlements doesn't phase the police one bit. No skin off of their backs. 


    My small cities largest non-operational cost is settlements.  We just had a cop die who was doing the right thing and trying to be kind to a crazy guy trespassing, who ended up stabbing him.  It broke my heart because I know none of them will try to be kind again.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Simmsy said:



    I figured that would get a rise out of somebody.  The huge demand for pecans in China you can see by googling it.  The brain anecdote is from my pecan farmer buddy who had a big hand in opening up the market over there.  He's very well off now.


    Added: if you think about it the two halves of a pecan are reminiscent if the two lobes of a brain.

  8. 9 hours ago, Forehead said:


    My mother is from Raton.  Visited numerous times.  Was a shock that (at least at the time) mail was only delivered 2-3 times per week and you had to go over the mountains to places like Pueblo, CO for a hospital or anything fancy.


    She was very happy to have escaped that life.  It was always an idyllic place to visit but an absolutely dead town with no prospects.

    Complete opposite part of the state from me, couldn't be much further. 


    I've been thru Raton plenty of times tho and worked with people from there.  It's gorgeous up in that country and outdoor activities wise you can't do much better, but small town NM doesn't provide much in the way of civilization.   You know you're hurting when Pueblo, CO is your go to place.

  9. 3 hours ago, mistertim said:


    For the life of me, I will never fully understand women who do this stuff and think it somehow looks good


    I absolutely 100% get the fact that there are unreasonable and unfair beauty standards that women in our society much of the time have to try and live up to, but this stuff is just absolutely nutso and looks awful at best.


    On the left I see an attractive middle age woman. On the right I see nothing but pure nightmare fuel.

    In my small flyover city there are the typical big fish/small pond lawyers, doctors and bankers. 


    We happen to be one of the largest producers of pecans in the world, they grow great in the desert with some irritation water.  The market in the last twenty years for pecans has gone nuts.  Chinese love them (because they look like little mini brains, go figure). 


    Add a new contingent of big fish who are more crackery than a box of saltines.  The women folk look just Kristi.  Best I can figure is they're all trying to look like Melania.  Hideous.

  10. 8 hours ago, ixcuincle said:



    Every year, sports fans shift their attention to Louisville on the first Saturday in May for the Kentucky Derby. There’s just something incredibly special about the event dubbed "The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports."

    This is the 150th "Run for the Roses," and regardless of whether you indulge in a few Mint Juleps, there is fun to be had for all — particularly when it comes to laying a few wagers. 


    That third place japanese horse got hosed.  2 horse was holding him up all down the final stretch.

  11. 2 hours ago, @DCGoldPants said:


    Haven't had a landline in over a decade. Don't answer the cell unless I know the number or the caller ID has something I recognize. Never had a pollster call ever and I'm a Gen Xer. Nobody I know when I've asked have received one either. So, I don't know who they are talking to anymore. Registered voters? Or likely voters? Or people who can spell V-O-T-E-R? I don't know anymore. 

    Probably a similar age to you.  My war baby parents, and probably most people over 70, are hardwired to answer the phone.  Frustrates my pops to no end that I never answer.  I sit there at their house visiting and listen to him to tell the telemarketer/scammers not to call them anymore in a very stern voice.  We all know how well that works.  Try to explain to him why it's a bad policy anymore, but it's a losing proposition.

    • Sad 1
  12. 27 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

    I don’t even remember the last time I listened to AM radio; which I only listened to for talk - sports or political.


    You can now listen to those stations thru apps.


    I only listen thru SiriusXm in my car for talk or music.

    Out in the rural west AM radio is an important source.  There are a lot of cellular blind areas and the only other feed is satellite, which isn't local, till you get near a town.  Spent many years, working for the state of New Mexico, driving back roads in the middle of nowhere (literally) and AM was all there was.  I still miss ol Paul Harvey.

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