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talk show host

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Posts posted by talk show host

  1. He was awesome, the movie was anything but. The CGI was horrible. And come on...is the Secret Service, United States Army and Air force that inept?? I hate having to suspend that much reality...

    Other than the washington monument scene, i didnt really notice CGI at all in the movie, and i didnt think it was bad at all. Also, other than secret service agents just running out to be mowed down (2 seconds of screen time), i didnt notice any ineptitude at all. I saw US forces caught off-guard by an exceptionally cunning and well executed terrorist attack.

  2. I just added this to my que. Just wondering how you came up with it is very factual? The cover says 'Inspired by true events.' Movies that say that are so far from factual it is funny. I am going to watch it, because I enjoy good movies and it has a lot of positive reviews.

    At this point, with Hollywood, I am sure the Transformers are inspired by true events as well. Every movie they make anymore says inspired by true events.

    it was a highly publicized national story. having read the accounts, and seeing the movie, i can attest to how disturbingly accurate the movie is. The only reason i mention it is because, when you watch the movie, youre reaction is going to be "give me a break, this is crap - theyre making this up." They arent.

    Depending on the level of detail you want to read, here are some links. i think the abcnews article has the best balance in detail vs. brevity.



  3. http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTk5MDQ4OTQ3NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzQ2NjU4Mw@@._V1_SY317_CR27,0,214,317_.jpg

    In this gripping thriller, a group of men volunteers to take on the roles of guards and inmates at a mock prison as part of a controversial psychological study. But when the guards abuse their power in alarming ways, the prisoners stage a revolt.

    Supposedly a remake of a German film and based off a book of a real experiment. Of course, none of what Hollywood has portrayed here is true. However, I loved the movie. It is violent and it pissed me off. I wanted to beat the hell out of some of these guys. It evoked emotion and that is always a sign of a good movie IMO. I know other people that couldn't finish it because they got so angry.

    If people couldnt finish this, i wonder how angry they'd get watching Compliance, which is 100 times worse than the prison experiment and very factual.

  4. I saw Raid Redemption in theaters, it was awesome. It was on Showtime this weekend, but they had the dubbed english version, which took A LOT away from it. Really neat movie, and that fight scene at the end was amazing.

    @ talk show host, I wasn't aware he was going to be in Man of Steel. Looking forward to it even more now. Do you watch the show Boardwalk Empire on HBO? He does a great job playing a tight-assed, weirdo special agent.

    Ive been looking for a new show to watch - you just gave me one. thanks!

  5. Where/How did you come across this movie? I've been looking for it on OnDemand and/or DVD for a while now and havent been able to find it.

    I frequent aintitcool.com and saw a review for it and figured i'd check it out. Very glad i did, although one of the reviewers there really didnt like the movie - which prompted my earlier comment about some people just not "getting it."

    Bought a copy of it on blu-ray at bestbuy. You can purchase the dvd/blu-ray just about anywhere online or stream on vudu. You can also get it on netflix via dvd if you have a disc subscription.

  6. ^I absolutely LOVED that movie, probably my favorite flick of 2012. Shame it wasn't nominated for any Oscars last year, because it should've been. I had to google search the ending to get different opinions on it.

    I saw "Lawless" last night, with Tom hardy, Shia Labeouf, Jessica Chastain, Guy Pierce and Gary Oldman. Pretty neat movie, and I guess it was based on a true story about bootlegging in rural VA during prohibition.

    Tom Hardy was one hard mother ****er in that movie. Guy Pearce did a good job playing a psycho special agent, and Jessica Chastain showed her boobs. :)

    I agree with you on being shocked the movie didnt get any oscar nods. Michael Shannon is now one of my favorite actors because of this movie. Very excited to see him as Zod in Man of Steel. I liked Lawless, but it wasnt as good as i was hoping it would be. it had a stellar cast, but i feel it could have been much better.

  7. Take_Shelter_poster.jpg

    This movie is in my top 10 all time list. Michael Shannon gives one of the best performances i've ever seen as a man, Curtis, with a family history of schizophrenia who struggles with visions of an massive devestating storm. He uses all of his family's money to build a tornado shelter and his family must decide what to do with him. The movie is a fascinating study of mental illness and its effects on a family. TThere is not a single wasted line of dialog or wasted shot in the entire movie. This is a slow, character-driven movie that gradually ups the tension. If you thats not your bag, you probably wont enjoy the movie. If it is your bag, then you're in for a treat.

    I would recommend that you see this movie, and if you do, do not read ANY spoilers about it at all. I do not want to spoil anything myself, but in reading some other reviews out there, it seems some people dont like certain key aspects of the movie. However, those people also completely missed the point, as thier reviews indicate they did understand, or really think about, what they saw. If you see this movie, pay very close attention to it. You will "get" the movie if you think about, not just WHAT Curtis sees in his visions, but WHY he sees them. If i said any more, i would be doing you a disservice. Needless to say, you need to see this movie. And you should probably see it with a number of your friends, because youre going to want to talk about it for hours afterwards.

    If you have seen the movie, and want to talk about it, PM me.

  8. i did 2and cant reach anyone to get my money back

    If you paid via credit card, you can usually dispute the transaction on your credit card companys online website. just find the transaction and select the option to dispute it. you will have to fill out some paperwork, but basically, your credit card company will refund your money and then use whatever means necessary to collect from the merchant. If not, then the merchant will file a claim with the authorities and they will shut eventually the merchant down.

    I also suggest that whoever recommended that we use the lifefox site remove the name of the site from their post - otherwise, a careless member of ES could sign up for this service, which is obviously a scam.

  9. If someone could PM me and let me know what ATD and MASN are so i can watch the game tonight, i would really appreciate it. I have a media center PC so i hope to watch the game on my HDTV. If there is a way to watch it in HD, id really appreciate that option, even if i have to pay a premium for it.



    I have a 2007 Subaru Forrester XT Sport. It has a turbocharger and "requires" premium gas (93). What would happen if i put regular in (87)? My manual says very bad things. However, i read online in a forum that since the late 1980s, there has been a law requiring automakers to make all their cars run on regular gas. Allegedly, if i put 87 in, not only will i be saving money on gas, but i will get better gas mileage due to the turbocharger being shut off (when the sensors detect 87 instead of 93). is this claim true or bogus. it would be GREAT to save some money on gas, even if it comes at the expense of performance.

  11. Since the 2006 season is about to start, I'd like to propose a uniform change for next season.

    Let's get rid of the 'white' uniform, and bring back the Burgandy & Gold.

    Here are my proposals:

    Home Games: Burgandy tops, with Gold Numbers/Names, Gold Pants with Burgandy stripes on each side of the pants seam. Helmet: Gold Helmet with Burgandy "R" surrounded by Burgandy circle of feathers, with Burgandy stripe down center of helmet - i.e.; "Lombardi Helmet."

    Away Games: Gold Tops, with Burgandy Numbers/Names, Burgandy pants with Gold stripes on each side of pants seam. Helmet: Burgandy Helmet with Gold "R" surrounded by Gold circle of feathers, with Burgandy stripe down center of helmet.


    thanks for your proposal. i'm sure the redskins FO will get on it right away.

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