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Posts posted by kwitt

  1. 1.  Go back to Washington Football Team and uniforms of 2020-2021.  (( am back)

    2.  Choose an actual new name AND bring back and make it fit the old logo.  (I am back) (Both 1 and 2 and I am back and elated)

    3.  Choose an entire new name and brand and colors with fresh slate and let the Redskins rest in peace.  (I would accept)

    4.  Choose new name while continuing with this hybrid nonsense (HTTC, Redwolves, etc)   (I remain out)

    5.  Stay Commanders since the name is becoming more and more entrenched (I remain out)

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  2. 3 hours ago, Redwards said:

    I'm all for the new owner just changing the colors.  I'm not necessarily advocating for it, but I would in no way be upset.


    The Redskins and everything that came before is dead.  It'll never come back.  All of these efforts of trying to marry to past to the present just don't work.  It's turned into a freaking pot luck of ****.  


    A TRUE start-over approach is just fine with me.  



    Completely agree.  Or go back to "Football Team" and keep colors and traditions.  "Hail to the Commanders" is ridiculous and eye roll material.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Cooleyfan1993 said:

    I’m fine with WFT as a placeholder if the new ownership decides to change the name. But as a permanent name? Please no. 

    i don’t want to hear “oh, imagine losing to a team with no name” ever again. Or, “at least my team actually has a name”. Yeah, THAT joke from my brother never got old 🙄

    So here is why no name is appealing to me and many others.   It is basically a huge eff you to the WOKE crowd who wanted this.  Change our name?  Fine, now we don't have a name.  And we can all still use "Redskins" when referring to our team.

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  4. 1 minute ago, SoCalSkins said:

    After a change in ownership the new owner could change the name. That’s an exception to the rules for the number of years you have to maintain the same uniforms. 

    The new owner is going to be instantly popular. A name change will probably erode that popularity because there is no name that will be popular with the fans. Can’t please everybody. So I’m not sure how willing the new owner would be to changing it. 

    Completely disagree that changing the name would be unpopular.   Do you seriously know anyone who likes the new name?  I do not.   It is universally panned in my circles.

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  5. If this happens quickly is there any possibility of losing "Commanders" name?  I am being serious.  The name has NOT been received well.  It would have been just one year and my guess is the new owner could make the switch.  I know Redskins isn't coming back but I think a LOT of us would be thrilled and even return to the fanbase if we simply go back to Washington Football Team or FC Washington.  Probably the only chance I come back.

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  6. I can't get past the name.  I would have stuck around if we continued with Football Team (essentially no name while we still can say Skins).  The only way I would be back is if there is a new owner who goes back to Redskins/Football team (very unlikely).  Or if the franchise is relocated and an expansion team is started.  It is weird but I would be OK with a new name at that point.  I guess that would be the Houston Oilers to Houston Texans scenario.  Also can't fathom picking another team to root for.  

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  7. So embarrassing.  Also enough with the attempts to link everything the old name had.  "Hail to the Commanders" and revamping the fight song is dumb and insulting.  That has been destroyed.   Not even sure why they kept the team colors.  Couldn't even get the uniforms right there anyway.  This is why I didn't want a new name.  Football Team was just fine.  The team I loved is gone.  All I have now are Redskins memories.  The "Commanders" are a clown show expansion team with the worst owner in sports history.  Good times!!

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  8. 14 minutes ago, Mrshadow008 said:

    Lmao why was it a lame apology because you didn’t agree with it? No matter what the man said you wouldn’t have liked it. Dude screwed up and admitted it and whether you believe it or not was telling the truth that he really was unaware about what that meant to the fan base and legitimately felt really bad about it. And why was the unveiling pathetic? Is it because he didn’t invite you? Or say hey come on down fans free for all come boo us all on national tv cause you’re not getting your way about the name we can’t have after 80% of you didn’t want the name to change anyways and are gonna hate it no matter what! I’ll also say this the park n party was actually a really cool event that you know was two days after the name reveal specifically for us fans that they didn’t have to do. They could’ve gone the Indians route and announced it via a Tom Hanks video with no fan event, no former players driving around giving out free gear, no free swag bags nothing at all for the fans. Oh and then get sued right after the name is announced just like Cleveland did. Just what the franchise needs is another lawsuit right? But hey you couldn’t potentially had a name you liked right? Oh and whether you think his excuse about the dates was bs or not doesn’t change the fact that what he said to sheehan is factually correct the nfl record books show the dates as 83, 88, and 92. I know this because I’ve actually gone and looked so no it wasn’t a bs excuse. Season ticket sales are up. There’s legitimate hope at getting a new stadium. They are legitimately trying to do some cool things for fans. We have probably one of the most diverse executive groups in the entire league. The work culture has reportedly greatly improved inside the building which was the most important thing because in the words of coach Rivera “Thats real life ****.” None of that is happening because of ownership it’s happening in spite it. But just because you don’t like him or because he offended you in someway shape or form hardly makes the man incompetent. What he has accomplished is pretty incredible considering our owner. He’s handled it as gracefully as possible considering the fan base is constantly crapping on him, having to do a complete rebrand that most of the fans didn’t want, constantly having to take arrows for a man that probably HATES that you are there and you probably can’t stand. Not to mention every time you clean up one mess the little toddler man is running around behind you making another one. So excuse the hell out of me if I don’t think a couple of mistakes makes the man incompetent or any less respected around the league. Let’s hope you never make any mistakes on your job cause that would make you incompetent ;) 

    Jason Wright fits right in with the incompetent front office.  He is a Snyder stooge.  You defending the years on the crest is hilarious.  That was truly inexcusable and embarrassing.  

  9. 3 minutes ago, AlvinWaltonIsMyBoy said:

    If Snyder has to sell the team, I’m gonna buy so much ****ing Commanders gear it’ll make you dizzy. 

    I’ll even buy one of those awful, black Commanders helmets with the stupid W right in the front and wear it to family gatherings. I **** you not.

    Funny I am having a different reaction.   I am dreaming of a new owner scrapping the new name, which is a disaster.  Nobody likes it.  Back to Football Team.  I guess I am in denial still.

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