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Posts posted by Boss_Hogg

  1. We deserve more. We deserve to know where the organization went wrong, where we are heading, what's the plan. Anything at this point. The fan base is hurting and he chooses to completely avoid the situation. It's irresponsible. Even the Jets and the mess they are, Idzik still at least had the guts to speak

    He's probably busy planning the next pancake social.

  2. We basically rebuilt a best friends club after Vinny left. Dan is such a loser. Always looking for friendships through his football franchise. It's like his personal tinder. Bruce Allen can wear the hell out of his suits and throws amazing pancake socials. That's about it.

    The coaching search was a farce. Bruce made up his mind in November 2013.

    He owed Jay or Jon a favor and reunited the Buccaneers or Florida Tuskers.

  3. I'm not sure you can say Bruce ignored the OL. He drafted Morgan Moses and Spencer Long.  We have yet to see these guys play a down so I'm going to give them and Bruce the benefit of the doubt. Shaun Lavauo is mediocre, in fact I think he's on par with Chester. Cooley constantly bashes Lavauo on the radio. It's pretty obvious why.


    The secondary us FUGLY as is the defensive coordinator. Signing Ryan Clark was nice and all, but he's a much different safety without Sean Taylor and Troy Polamalou.


    The Desean Jackson signing smells like Snyder.

  4. You sure McDaniels was offered the job?  Thought he withdrew because he wasn't really in the running.  



    People said the Redskins was the worst job out there? 


    I don't think he was offered the job but I think he was on their short list. The "insiders" at NFL.com claim that Josh withdrew after he had an "awesome" meeting with the Haslam, Banner, and Lombardi. Yet one "insider" Albert Breer believes the job is too "radioactive" for a potential head coach.




    RE: Redskins job. Sure we do have the worst job if you believe Mike Shanahan's leaks. He would have you believe that being the head coach of this professional football team is worse than cleaning the toilets at your local Golden Corral. 

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