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Posts posted by Roger.Staubach

  1. The refs gave us the game on Thanksgiving.  Even as a Cowboys fan, I don't want that.  For all of the money that the NFL generates, you would think k that there would be additional referres and "full-time* on the payroll.

  2. On 10/5/2018 at 12:43 PM, Cooleyfan1993 said:

    Another wonderful Jerry Jones quote from yesterday. He said “i dont mind telling you i got a little moisture when they (the Texans) put it on us down there in that franchises first game” ?? 



    They beat our ass the first time we played them.  60-yard pass over Peanut to start the day.  We have the worst QB in football.

  3. On 9/17/2018 at 8:10 PM, SkinsGuy said:


    Troll. ;)


    Actually, I think Wentz is. When he gets healthy.

    True.  'When' he gets healthy.  Alex is the best of those playing right now.


    Dak and Foles suck.  Eli has been mediocre his entire career.  Smith has good numbers.

    • Like 2
  4. 16 hours ago, Kosher Ham said:

    Guns and alcohol can lead to a bad situation. 

    Zero reason for a federal employee, off duty to carry...chambered. 



    KH, was he drinking?  I didn't read that but I also haven't followed up.  If so, gun belongs anywhere but on his side.


    Disagree with the off-duty and chambered.  If I am carrying, it is always chambered.  Pray to god I never have to use it, but if I do...both the weapon and I better be damned ready.  Like, right now ready.  Fed or not.  Last thing I want is a sweaty hand to miss the slide or have to pull the trigger twice.

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  5. 13 hours ago, twa said:


    bringing a gun in the bar ....somewhat excusable


    having a round in the chamber....inexcusable in that circumstance

    doing flips w/one.... inexcusable

    snatching it it up inside the trigger guard....inexcusable


    people like him give Glocks a bad name  :silly:



    Agree with all of the above.  I was just curious about the 'educated elite' label.  But whatever.  Dude is a moron.

  6. 4 hours ago, thebluefood said:

    With the understanding that I don't wish death on anyone per se - chances are you're gonna have new leadership in Dallas sooner than we will in D.C. 


    Unless something truly shocking happens to Dan Snyder or any of his business endeavors in the near future, he's going to be the owner of the Washington Redskins for a long, long time. 

    True.  Jerruh is reigning Skelator.  His son should take over when he passes.  Jury is still out on him.


    Either way, Jerry and Danny are some greedy SOB's.

    • Like 1
  7. On 6/21/2017 at 1:20 PM, Califan007 said:


    He's a great guy off the field, and he backs up his bravado in a billion different ways on the field. I have zero problem with Norman.


    Does your stance have to do with how he and Dez went back and forth during the Thanksgiving game? lol...

    No Dez has his own issues.  Seems our division is loaded with immature 'adults'.

  8. 6 hours ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:


    I find myself conflicted with Norman.  I think his mindset is interesting but sort of wonder how much of it is for show.  I respect his story and grind to get where he is.  At the same time I completely understand why non Redskins fans roll their eyes when he opens his mouth.  


    Dude is damned good on the field and I can appreciate his attempts to get under his opponent's skin.  


    I just wish there was a mute button for him.

    • Like 1
  9. I would love to pour tons of money into researching the impact of mental health drugs on the problem.  I have personally taken 2 different SSRI drugs that made me both manic and angry in under an hour.  Both times, I was being treated for depression.  Fortunately, the impact was so immediate, and so drastic, that I was quickly able to identify the problem.  The first time, I ran straight to my wife and told her to grab my guns and go stay with her mother.  I knew that something tragic would happen if I didn't warn her.  


    The 2nd time I attempted to take an SSRI drug, I had the guns removed prior to taking the pill.  Sure enough, within an hour I was manic, angry, and had suicidal tendencies.   I have never been and angry person and I have never been suicidal (before, or since).


    I took a 3rd drug for a different reason (non-SSRI) that put me in a purely manic state (no violent or suicidal thoughts).  I sat up and created a powerpoint presentation on how to save the world (until the drug wore off).


    In all case of the mania, my brain would speed up...speed up...speed up...for like 8 hours.  At around the 12-hour mark I would be so mentally drained that I'd develop a headache.  I would then start to phase back to normal until about the 18 hour mark.  


    Now, I am scared of all drugs.  If anything, I would more than happy to participate in a study that would both guarantee my safety (and those around me) while also paying me a hefty sum of money.  That is a scary place to be.


    As for violence...I am probably one of the least violent/angry people I know.  That a simple drug can turn me into Frankenstein scares the **** out of me.

    • Like 3
  10. Right?  And news has come to light that ATLPD will be suspending their body camera program...feel warm & fuzzy yet?  (It was a story on WSB, I don't have a link, just saw the story a day or two ago on the air.)

    We just can't catch a break here.  Good grief.



    From the article:


    "11Alive News' Kaitlyn Ross spoke to Atlanta City Council members Tuesday who told her that one of the companies that lost the bid for the cameras filed an injunction, forcing the city and APD to halt the trial period and start the bidding process from scratch."

  11. I own a government contracting company.  That's all I do.  DoD 8570 had a big bush to get people certified to work on contracts.  It was and is an absolute waste.  People working on the contracts passed around "study guides" which basically were questions and answers for every possible question on the exam.  I was still working contracts at the time, I was required to get a security + certification.  I still laugh at one of the questions on that exam.  It asked what a vampire tap was.  LOL  I haven't seen a vampire tap in ages.  It's sad that some of these requirements get forced onto contractors.  The CISSP may be devalued but some contracts require it.  The managers from the big contractors were all doing whatever it took to help each person get their cert.  They didn't want to lose that revenue.


    While 8570 is now defunct, they still stick to it because they haven't quite figured out how to implement 8140.  The roles are much more clearly defined in 8140 and the certification paths are more difficult.  The biggest problem I see is finding a way to map them to existing job duties and such.  For someone like me, who is still quite technical but is used as a catch-all for projects that require lots of experience in multitude of subjects, I may find myself having to focus on one area vice many.  While primarily IA and Incident Response for the last few years, I still do a lot of networking, policy creation, and provide guidance to my younger peers who haven't learned the nuances of the DoD.  And while my degrees are in IA and forensics, I don't use the technical aspects of the forensics so much as I use the theory to engineer solutions that consider what I would want if a 'worst-case' scenario were to happen.


    I just hope that they find a place for a bum like me.

  12. I have friends less than a mile away that only got power back last night.  There is no way to leave their homes without being evacuated by the national guard.  I would post pictures and such but all the ones from Weather.com and CNN are all the ones within a mile. It didn't help that we had a really large moon earlier in the week that caused localized flooding downtown (even when it wasn't raining).




    **and it's the damned snakes that are getting to me.  I have flood planes in my back yard.  Nowhere for the snakes to go but up.  Last thing I need is for a poisonous one to nab one of my dogs.

  13. This is probably the wrong forum to have a reasonable discussion, but yes...I agree with you regarding the severity of the punishment.  I swear that Commisioner Gordon pulls punishment terms out of his arse most of the time.  His rulings are wildly inconsistent (when he gives them; See Deflate Gate).


    As for Hardy, my concern is that he hasn't, or won't have, a chance to play against live competition in almost 2 years.  He'll have had a few games here/there, but he's essentially going to be out for 23 games.  I wonder if he'll have lost some skill or if he'll be subject to injury.


    As for Lawrence, I like much of what he brings to the table.  My fear is that he is just too weak to play against talented O-lineman.  But, I sure hope that you are right!  :)



    **Back to your regulary scheduled hating of Dallas.

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  14. Greg Hardy off suspension just in time to play the 'Skins on primetime? I would have neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever guessed that. 


    Wouldn't that be just in time to play the Carolina Panthers?  You know...his former team...

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