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Posts posted by ntotoro

  1. 20 minutes ago, KDawg said:

    I don’t think Jahan said **** it. 

    He just struggled. 

    You ever felt like you were getting ridden at work unnecessarily? And then you make little mistakes you usually don’t because you’re feeling pressure? I know I have at times. Not all the time. But it’s happened to me.


    Now, imagine feeling that way week to week with a 250 lb linebacker running at you while you’re filling out TPS reports.


    These are professionals and part of their growth is to figure out how to handle that stuff. And maybe he learned from last year. 

    But I’m not willing to throw away a great rookie year because of a bad year with a lame duck regime.


    I feel the same about Forbes, in some ways. 

    Really, with everyone not named Wiley. 

    If it repeats this year - there’s a problem with the player.


    Oh, I almost feel that way daily LOL!!! I think about my kids and maintaining myself... my name and that's enough. My balls, as Tony Montana eloquently puts it. That's enough to get me going. Now... I'm 51, divorced with three kids and not in my early 20's, so I get the value of perspective. Maybe it's a generational thing. My name was always worth more... I don't know. Hopefully he did learn how to overcome issues, whether mental or physical on the field. When you're in GovCon, you always feel like you have six bosses who want six different things and you can't make them all happy... like coaches... but Terry still did what he did, despite the issues with the Offense (which there definitively were and a lot was coaching). 


    I don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater, either, I just worry when you see someone so fundamentally lost after showing such a high ceiling the prior season. If he's able to rebound, then maybe it really is a matter of coaches and players being able to reach him where before they couldn't and just gave up on him or didn't even try.


    When I was in the middle of my divorce years ago, I spoke to my Priest about how he could connect with me, despite never having been in the same position. He said some people look the part and dress the part, but are unable to reach your soul. The same can be said about coaches, bosses, teammates, coworkers, et al.


    Forbes... we'll see because he hasn't shown anything at the NFL level yet. Certainly not as much as Dotson.

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  2. 11 hours ago, KDawg said:

    I think a lot of you are really forgetting how good Dotson was his rookie year.


    I thought it was pretty obviously a Bienemy problem. 

    We’ll find out. 


    want to believe that... badly... especially as good as he was his rookie season and the ceiling he showed. A player who loses motivation because of a coach makes me wonder. Some people can get the best out of others, some can't... but a player who just says "**** it" makes me worry.


    Terry wasn't exactly in a position to succeed, was hurt and still got 1000 yards. He didn't have a season full of mulligans and mistakes.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Command The 414 said:

    The Sunday Night game is already scheduled…Cowboys at Browns… someone posted a Twitter link on previous page… so not going to be Commanders at Giants  


    I believe that's the broadcast debut of TB12... ?


    Edit: Not SNF, though.

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  4. 36 minutes ago, Llevron said:


    I wanna see him and Dak do this competitively. Like, hyper adrenaline fueled raged filled competition. To the death. Would make a great Old Spice commercial. 





    I mean... I know he's young and all and you never know what the future holds, but I don't think he's ready for the car wash down Loudoun County Parkway just yet.

    • Haha 6
  5. 21 minutes ago, Koolblue13 said:

    Witten had an awesome career. That would be awesome.


    I used to watch Cooley shade Witten and think to myself "Man, you wished you had half the career he did," as much as it pained me that he didn't.

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  6. 7 minutes ago, Warhead36 said:

    I think most teams scouts are more or less the same. It comes down to how they're utilized. Any scout who is highly regarded will get promoted and go up through the ranks anyway, and will either end up Peter Principling their way failing upwards to an executive role(see Vinny Cerrato) or is truly elite at their craft and end up a top notch GM(hopefully Adam Peters).


    Exactly what I was thinking/assuming/imagining. GMAP has, in one UFA, Draft and UDFA class already gotten more with this current staff than Paddleboat Ron got in all his time. Turned everything I thought right on my head, that the scouts were all a reflection of their management. Turned out they were a product of it rather than a reflection of it.


    "...but Brawndo's got electrolytes... "


    Turned out they just needed water all along.

    • Haha 2
  7. 34 minutes ago, MartinC said:

    And yet here you are. 

    It’s fine to have doubts about the pick. OK to be negative about it. If all you do is one line drive by posts that just poke at people happy with the pick you drift into trolling. Which is not permitted. 

    EDIT. I see Jumbo already gave you the same  warning. There is probably a baseball analogy that could be used here.




    • Haha 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

    I’m all in on Jayden. I’m scared because of his size, but that is the only reason. I think people that say he can’t throw should be downvoted into oblivion. If he can stay healthy, it seems we’ll have a heck of a QB and a good person on top of that. 

    That has been my worry all this time and I've said as much. I'll root for him to succeed and stay healthy with all I can. The guy has gifts you can't teach or even foster. He needs to learn he won't be invincible at this level, physically and that this NFL isn't the SEC. If the staff is comfortable with being able to coach him through that, that's all that matters at this point. 

    His size is irrelevant. He is what he is and you cannot change genetics or your frame. All you can do is maximize what he can do and minimize his weaknesses the best possible. 

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