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Posts posted by big#44

  1. On 3/9/2024 at 9:17 PM, kfrankie said:

    So Rey was Luke’s daughter.  Never found out who the mom was, maybe that’s the big reveal in episode 10.  


    Rey was actually Emperor Palpatines granddaughter. Kylo was the last skywalker by blood until Rey decided she could just change her name to skywalker. 

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  2. Good for Saban for firing back. I had to sit here and watch FSU fans chase away Jimbo Fisher a few years back and look where that got us. Alabama is on the greatest run in college football history. Alabama fans should have zero complaints. Kinda looking forward to the day Saban calls it and they have to live with being mediocre again. 

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  3. It was ok. Didn't bring anything new or exciting to the MCU. It's basically a lore movie and not much else and I think the fatigue is starting to set in. Marvel hasn't had a great movie outside of infinity war since Civil War. These movies all just play like an episode of a bigger tv show now. After endgame i might be checked out. Downey and Evans are carrying these movies and without them idk how much longer they'll be able to carry on unless one of these other actors steps up in a big way. 

  4. I thought the first one was pretty cool, even had the N64 video game. The 2nd one kind of lost me and I never went back. Maybe I need to check them out again.

    It's been a busy week but Oldboy is on deck lol


    MI:3 could be argued for as the best in the series. JJ Abrams directed it before he went into the Star Treks and blew up huge. The 4th film Ghost Protocol matches it on the fun to watch scale though. 

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  5. I love comic books, but have not actually read the whole Civil War story arc. From the rumors I have been hearing about Captain America 3, I decided to pick up the TPB this weekend. You could see the story heading this direction after Captain America 2 for sure.


    I still hope they work a deal so Spider-man can be in future Avenger movies.


    Big time. The introduction of crossbones, planting Bucky as a big character going forward, even a bit of foreshadowing with him holding the shield during one of the fights. I think its a story that will play out very well on the big screen. The only thing is there's no hero who can be unmasked in a big dramatic way as a result of the superhero registration act. Spiderman was that character in the source material, but everyone knows the identities of all the avengers. 

  6. Maryland could conceivably win the Big Ten in their first year. And I was one that said Edsall was a boorish jerk and he was an idiot and he was the BAD HIRE but him and his cronies have recruited well 


    It's shocking that the football program has taken a huge step forward while the basketball a huge step back and that's a topic for another day ;)


    Lets pump the brakes here. Maryland would still have to get past Michigan State to even win the division. 

  7. I'm having a hard time keeping up with what Marvel Comics movies I've seen. They've been churning them out so fast.


    2/year. And I wish I could get more. 


    edit: its 2/year from the Marvel production company, but if you cant Xmen, Spiderman, (marvel characters from other production companies.) then its quite a lot, but honestly the only ones ive really enjoyed have been the ones from Marvel/Disney. 

  8. Yep....but I am a Moog fan, certainly over store brands


    hard to believe they are cheaper


    I can only speak for my specific application, but Rock Auto online has a moog LCA for around $80. From shopping online on Autozone, etc, they all seem to be at least $40-$50 more expensive. All that said, I think I'm just gonna go with Moogs and likely never worry about them again. I could get 2 day shipping and probably still come out cheaper than buying Duralast brand from Autozone. 

  9. Is there a big difference between brands of OEM parts? I'm replacing a lower control arm and an inner tie rod (probably all of them while I'm down there) and I was just curious if there was that big of difference between say Moog, and Duralast or Dormanor whatever over the counter stuff Autozone and the like sells. I've never had experience with Moog products but people swear by them and I'm actually able to find them cheaper online than the Autozone/Napa/OReiliy brands would cost me. The only downside is i'd be without a car for a little bit longer while I'm waiting for them to ship. 






    Lone Survivor. I heard about this project because I'm a Wahlberg fan. The trailer just came out and wow. Based on the book by Marcus Luttrell who tells the real story of a group of 4 Navy Seals in Afghanistan who take on over 200 enemy. As the title suggests only one of the seals survived. Never read the book, but damn if I'm not gonna pick it up now. 

  11. Personally, outside of the Captain America film, I thought the Thor movie was a lot better than the Iron Man movies or anything Hulk related.

    Oh..and having him work with Loki all the while knowing that Loki will stab him in the back looks like a fantastic story. Plus, it was good to see Natalie Portman's character again...now if only Stellan Skarsgard's character would have shown up in the movie previews.

    edit..Plus, Chris Eccleston is playing one of the bad guys????

    Where do I get tickets already?

    Captain America might be my favorite. Thor and Iron Man 1 are probably tied. I can't really put one ahead of the other because they were just so...different. Neither Hulk movie was all that good. I watched the latest one with Edward Norton on FX yesterday and it was OK at best.

  12. Looking forward to Thor 2! I feel like his movie was kind of lost among all the others since he was probably the least popular of them all to begin with. The first time I saw Thor 1 I thought it was a good but not great movie. The whole spacey thing was kind of a detraction from the more realistic Iron Man story and I wasn't into it as much. However after seeing The Avengers and watching Thor a few more times, I've grown to like the movie and the character as time has gone on. I feel like now that his whole back story is out of the way, they'll be able to explore a lot more in this sequel.

  13. I agree for the most part...(huge Stephen A Smith stlyle) HOWEVER, if it weren't for Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes would have been in The Dark Knight which would have made that movie even better with complete continuity from Batman Begins and we wouldnt have had to see Maggie Meltingface prance around as the only woman to ever snag Bat's heart.

    That is all that needs to be said about Cruise at this point in time...

    Wow, I couldn't agree with you more if I tried. No sane actress would chose to make the movie mad money (costarring, ahem, queen latifah and diane keaton) over The Dark Knight. So she definitely had some Cruise Crazy in her at the time.

    TDK still ended up being a 9.99/10 movie, but if Holmes were in it, it would have been a solid 10. Maybe on day Nolan will go back and in George Lucas fashion replace Maggie with Katie in all the scenes. I mean, at least a guy could hope.

  14. http://www.impawards.com/2005/posters/kiss_kiss_bang_bang_ver1.jpg

    I thought is was great, great, flick. Breaks the fourth wall like crazy, but it's so well done.

    Kilmer is amazing in it.

    Screenwriter and director is the same guy that did Lethal Weapon and Iron Man 3.

    FYI your link is broken so I have no idea about what movie you're talking about. But val kilmer sounds interesting so know I really want to know which movie it is. :ols:

    edit: disregard I didnt realize it was clickable. But I've heard a lot of good things about Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and I'd like to see it.

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