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Posts posted by gbear

  1. I am 6'3. I did weigh 207...then a month in the hospital and 2 chest surgeries later to deal with my pneumonia and empyeema, and I come out 186. I assure you that is too little for my build. The question is does healing from surgeries and the pain of rehab actually burn more calories than what I used to do (run 3 to 5 miles 4 times a week and never go below 12k steps per day)? Now it is hard to just stand up, go to the bathroom and walk back to my chair. If I hit 500 steps in a day today, I would be surprised.

    • Sad 1
  2. I can see these being wishes like the trickster wishes a vindictive spirit might grant. Almost more fun to figure the ways these could be terribly awful.


    1. New home built by idiots who hired me to do plumbing and electrical work for the property located on an Indian grave yard.




    3.new job of choice, but on shirt leash before firing because you have no idea how to do it and lack the connections to enable you to learn quickly.


    4. $10,000,000 - probably in the form of an I owe you from the African prince trying to launder money but swears "there is no legal risk for you. Just give me your bank account number.."


    5.new home - see number 1


    6.dodge...am I stuck going American?


    7. 5 mil and 100 acres....it's all about location location location. Do I have to get rid of squatters? Is there water near by? Is it 100 acres of swamp or on a flood plane?


    8 through 10. If they were fame from beating up a nun on camera while spewing racist crap? Doesn't seem so great now does it?


    11. Perfect credit with everything paid off- only to have id stolen the next day with dozens of credit cards taken out on my perfect credit and promptly maxed out.


    12. Another American car. Can't I get a BMW


    13 through 15. All of these seem to assume the person will live long enough to enjoy them. No illnesses for the rest of one's life says nothing for longevity.

    • Haha 2
  3. Was it Bill Parcels who said "the most important important ability is availability."


    I think this still holds true, especially as one tries to construct a nucleus of a successful team going forward.  The guys have to be used to playing next to the other players on the field, and that only happens if they are playing.

  4. I have a great relationship with my in-laws.  Before dating my wife, I used to visit their house just to say hi.  In fairness, my sister-in-law was one of my best friends in college.  I met my wife visiting her.  


    When we were getting married, we were having a hard time figuring out on which side of the aisle my sister in law should be.  She could have been my best man, but she is my wife's sister...so we put her in the middle and her officiate the wedding.  


    My father-in-law and I took my mother on a week long rafting trip down the Grand Canyon the year after my wife and I married, and both my MIL and FIL have always been generous with money, time and experience helping us around the house and raising kids.  As my wife and I adopted 4 kids, we think it has been critical to their sense of self to be accepted as family both within our walls and within our extended family.  Having a relatively close relationship with my in-laws made this easier as my parents don't live near us.  They also make sure we have a place to stay at our 5 year family reunions in Arkansas (again helpful with 4 adopted children).


    My brother-in-law went on a 5 day trip to Yellowstone with me as my wife's birthday present to me for my 40th.  He was there to cheer me on as I ran my half marathon there after hiking with me for the previous 3 days to see the sights.  It was like having a personal guide as his sister used to be a ranger there, and he had visited her a few times. 


    All in all, I lucked out marrying into the right family. 

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    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  5. 3 generation households have been the norm for more of human history than not.


    With America and the "go west young man" culture, we have praised the ability to move out, go it alone and make a name for oneself. That 2 generation household took away one source of childcare.  Women entering and needing to enter into the regular workforce took away the other source of childcare.  Now we outsource our childcare, whether to schools or daycare.  The cost of these was always going to be big.  It's just the cost was ignored when it was being paid by grandparents and moms.

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    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  6. I work with economic numbers, and I repeatedly tell employees whom I supervise they need to recognize numbers only allow us to model the economy.  They are not the economy.  We lose sight of a lot of the experience of numbers because we think of them linearly.  The difference between 10 and 9 is the same as the difference between 2 and 1 or between 1 and 0,  Yet, when talking about how many meals a family of four can afford, the difference between those numbers is not remotely the same.


    We experience things exponentially.  It is why sound and earth quakes are measured on exponential scales.  It is also why aboriginals in Australia say the mid point between 1 and 9 is 3 instead of 5.  The relationship between 1 and 3 is the same as the relationship between 3 and 9.  Thus 3 is the mid point when your mind doesn't stick to a strictly linear perspective. 



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  7. They were pretty dominant against Mexico. They played a very pretty passing attack style attempting/making many connections I don't think they would have even tried 10 years ago.  We are seeing the progression of a generation of players who spend their prime years playing in overseas leagues.  We finally looked like the team we were promised when we failed to make the World Cup  (time before last) and were told not to worry the pipeline looked good.  It does.


    I will say that game is a reminder why it sucked Reyna was played more in the last world cup.



  8. Let me get this straight, he is having trouble using his property assets as collateral for a bond.  These are the same assets he was just convicted of lying about their value which is why he has to post the bond.  If you were to want to accept them as collateral, how would you value them?  I would not recommend taking his word for their value.  


    OTOH, when I got into investing, it was right as GE stocks took a nose dive.  They took a nose dive because the stock market didn't know how to value their loans and thus valued them at 0.  I didn't know what they were actually worth, but I knew it wasn't 0.  I feel the same mistake is being made to disparage Trump.  I wouldn't trust him for fair value, but I am surprised he can't find anyone to use them as collateral.  Somebody should give him a deal where if he pays it back or wins the case he can have his money and his stuff.  

  9. "What did you take?"

    " I didn't take anything."

    "OK then turn around and show me what's in your hand."

    "I didn't take anything." Turning around slowly.

    I started laughing and called my wife back into the room.

    "What did you take"

    "Nothing. Why can't you just believe me!?"

    More laughing

    "Dad it is just my cone"

    "We can see the soda can."

    "How can you see it? I mean I didn't take a soda can."

    "We can see the Pepsi through your leggings."




    • Haha 3
  10. Yeah, but we paid him and surrounded him with next to nothing.  Regression was inevitable.


    I tuned in at the end of the third quarter and was like, "Woo...what are you doing guys?  Are you trying to throw away ping pong balls?"



    then came the fourth quarter, and I didn't even have to watch till the end to know the outcome.


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  11. I have gone the dealer route twice since 2006.  First time, my wife had a honda civic with 50k miles, but it was always in the shop.  I had a civic with 218k,  Which car to replace?  My answer was both.  I wrote 4 dealers offering to buy a minivan and commuter car in cash.  I made an offer and said when a dealer needs to make a quota to give me a call.  At the end of the month, we bought a corolla and sienna for what I had written, but we defintiely lost money on the trade ins because I didn;t want to deal and hadn't done my home work.. 


    Then in 2018, we wanted a new car as our corolla had 228k miles on it.  We got a honda accord hybrid,  We did the same thing but wen the car max route to trade in.  I will do the same next time.  Write one email to multiple dealerships where they can all see the offer.  It seems to work.

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  12. I am currently reading Strange the Dreamer. I am enjoying it, and so far it has the classic build up of the veey bright orphan living in their own reality...only because everyone else has forgotten the land from their myths. It is very well written with some cool character development, even in the first quarter of the book.


    Before this one, I read Harrow the Ninth which is the sequel to Gideon the Ninth. I liked it but less than Gideon. I think that was just because I liked the character of Gideon more, but also the madness of Harrow left a lot of figuring out who the narrator was for portions of the book.


    Before that was Sickening which is a nonfiction book about pharmaceuticals and American Healthcare. This is a sad frustrating book about how manipulation of numbers and profit have lead to huge inefficiencies in our Healthcare market. Worse, as I read it, I realized much of what the author presented actually understated many of the problems I have personally witnessed as a patient and somebody who once worked for a consulting firm analyzing new medical technologies.



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