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Posts posted by @DCGoldPants

  1. I think the smart move is pushing the Hardy's as a Tag-Team again.

    Also, I didn't see the PPV, but from what understand. The DX/Punk/Hardy's team looked really good together.

    I think that should be your full DX faction. Especially if Michaels needs surgery.

    Let the Hardy's go after the tag title, punk come to Raw and go after the intercontential title after maybe Jeff gets screwed and somebody else takes it. HHH go after the big title. Just add a chick like Mickie James and that would be fun to watch. Let Edge and Orton form their own group and that's a good storyline for a year +.

  2. I thought RAW was good last night.. That's because UK fans don't sit there on their hands. That's the loudest I've heard and arena since the last time WWE invaded the UK. Thought it was kind of cool how the brits appreciate good effort.. Like Johnny Nitro's cork screw from the top rope.. Heard some applause.. was awesome. The DX stuff is getting sillier and sillier.. the bit with Crime Time or however it's spelled was pretty funny.

    Now that Edge and Orton have the tag titles.

    This is the perfect time to set up the following.

    Make the Hardy Boyz part of DX. Have them go for the titles with HHH and HBK helping. Then have HBK go get his surgery or whatever. Then HHH can go after the big title.

    Bring in Mickie Jamies to be your DX chick who just goes after Lita

    Then all you need is a young guy to fight in singles.

  3. Looks like some of you guy's may get your wish! Just announced for Survivor Series DX/Hardy Boy's/CM Punk vs. Orton/Edge/Mike Knox/Helms/Nitro.

    This may be the first time in many years a WWE PPV is actually good as long as they add more good matches. I hope the creative team/writers due this one proper justice cause this could be HUGE!

    if that PPV leads to two factions battling across brands. That would be sweet

  4. They f'd up the whole night.

    After Eric took over.

    They should of have DX come out and help Hardy keep his title (Thus joining them), and them had DX come out and save Maria......with her coming out next week as a wild child and chick in DX.

    Then they'd slowly build two factons. One with DX, Hardy, Maria and one other guy.

    Then Edige, Orton, Lita, Nitro and his girl with their attack freak umaga.

  5. http://www.wrestlezone.com/article.php?articleid=163578529


    10/22/2006 by Matthew Boone

    The following report was written by Steve Gerweck of Gerweck.net:

    Live from Plymouth, MI

    - Samoa Joe is in the parking lot waiting for Kurt Angle. (It was obviously a pre-tape, as it was shown at 7:30PM ET, and its dark in Michigan, yet, there was still day light in the video shoot).

    - Bobby Roode cut a promo about all the managers he interviewed. He introduced his new manager ... Traci (Miss Brooks). A fan held up a sign that read "Nice Cans" for Traci.

    A. Bobby Roode (with Miss Brooks) vs. Lance Hoyt. A pre-show match, officiated by Earl Hebner. Hoyt hit a moonsault, but was distracted by Miss Brooks. Roode hit the pay off at 4:00 for the victory.

    They showed Samoa Joe surrounded by security and Jim Cornette who tried to talk sense to Joe, but he wasn't moving.

    Back in the ring, Ron Killings came out and chased away Roode and Miss Brooks.

    - Backstage, a midget arrived for the Kevin Nash battle royal. Joy!

    - After show Don West hype, they showed Kurt Angle in the parking lot surrounded by security yelling at Samoa Joe.

    - They showed the Fozzy video again.

    Bound for Glory

    After the opening promo, Kevin Nash dressed up and with a trophey in hand comes down to ring side. Austin Starr (formerly Austin Aries) enters the ring. Followed by Sonjay Dutt.

    (1) Kevin Nash battle royal Open invitational. First two wrestle for one minute. Next in, Maverick Matt. After another minute, enters Jay Lethal. Next in, A1, followed by Zach Gowen. Then in, Kazarian. Dutt is gone. Sirelda has entered the ring, she's in next. A1 eliminted her, and then double teamed, A1 is gone. Next in, Sharkboy. Next in, Alex Shelley. D-Ray 3000 has entered the ring. Maverick Matt is gone. Johnny Devince enters the match. Gowen is gone. Elix Skipper is next. Short Sleeve Sampson enters, yes, a midget. Sharkboy and Kazarian are gone. Norman Smiley is in. Double wiggle, but Sampson and Sharkboy are now eliminated. Petey Williams enters the match. Slick Johnson took off his shirt, entered the match. He's already gone. Skipper is gone. Petey hits the Canadian Destroyer on Lethal, but Petey gets thrown out by Shelley. Starr elimated Devine. Shelley is eliminated by Starr. Its down to Starr and Lethal. Starr wins with a brain buster. Nash brought in the trophey and gave it to Starr. Nash hugs Starr, but Shelley wasn't impressed.

    Backstage, AMW was interviewed by Jeremy Borash. They said they aren't looking past what happened to Gail Kim, as Kim isn't here tonight selling the injury.

    - Outcomes Shane Douglas, who cut a promo.

    (2) AMW vs. The James Gang vs. The Naturals (with Shane Douglas) vs. Team 3D. BG came out with a Detroit Tigers hat on, mentioned Jim Leyland, the Tigers skipper. Bubba Ray said Team 3D was the best tag team, but Kip James said he had two words for that, suck it. BG, during the match, also did the DX chop and said suck it. Team 3D wins by pinning Andy Douglas at 6:54. Way too short. Shane Douglas came in and slapped Chase Stevens and verbally attacked Andy Douglas.

    - Backstage, Jeremy Borash was at Samoa Joe's door. Jake "The Snake" Roberts popped his head in and said to expect the unexpected.

    (3) Monster's Ball match (no DQ): Abyss (with Jim Mitchell) v. Raven v. Samoa Joe v. Brother Runt. Jake "The Snake" Roberts is the special guest referee. Runt's gotee is red, and his hair is blue. Runt was thrown into the crowd by Abyss. Joe dives over the top rope and landed on his three foes. Fans chanted "Joe, Joe, Joe." Abyss chokeslammed Runt off scaffolding near the entrance ramp, and then dropped an elbow on him. Mitchell handed the thumb tack bag to Abyss, but Roberts brought in the snake bag. Abyss ends up knocking down Raven and Roberts, and spread out the tacks. Joe jammed Abyss face first into the tacks. Raven brought up a chokehold by Joe by hitting him with a chair. Roberts DDT-ed Raven. Muscle Buster by Joe on Raven and the pinfall victory at 11:08. After the match, Roberts put his snake on Raven!

    - Backstage, Eric Young was being interviewed by JB, but Larry Zbysko came in and told him he'd see him in "Larry Land."

    (4) Loser Gets Fired match: Larry Zybszko vs. Eric Young. A fan had a "Happy Birthday Eric" sign. Larry stalled before the first lock up. After a ref bump, Larry brought out a foreign object, but it ended up with Young who used it on the legend. Young wins in three minutes. A waste of time. Young celebrated in the crowd.

    - Outcomes Jim Cornette. Believe it or not, Cornette noly has a voice. He says he is as sick as a dog, but wouldn't miss this night. Cornette said Joe and Angle have problems, but tonight isn't the night to settle it. Cornette said Joe can't get involved in the main event, or he'll be removed from the TNA roster. Outcomes Kurt Angle. Angle said he wants to kick some ass. Fans chanted "Angle, Angle." Kurt said "TNA is the best, screw the rest." As Angle speaks to Cornette, outcomes Samoa Joe. Angle and Joe tie up, but are pulled apart by security outside the ring. Joe broke away from security and went after Angle on the entrance ramp, but again, security pulls them apart. Fans chanted "TNA." Joe told Cornette to let him fight. Angle breaks away from security and goes after Joe until it is broken up again.

    (5) X-division title match: Senshi vs. Chris Sabin. Lots of near falls. Senshi did the stomp at 9:30, but Sabin kicked out. Senshi hit the top rope stomp, but Sabin put his foot on the ropes to break the count. Sabin won with an inside cradle at 12:48. Sabin is your new X-division champion. Sabin and Lethal came in to celebrate with him.

    - Backstage, JB interviewed Christian Cage. Cage called the fans in the arena losers. Cage put down Rhino's aunt's cooking, and put down the Detroit Tigers.

    (6) Eight Mile streetfight: Rhino vs. Christian Cage. Match started in the parking lot. Smartly with the weather so cold, they fought in the backstage area. The two brawl atop a zamboni. Rhino hits Cage with a light post. The two continue battle through the audience, fighting into the hockey glass. Cage wacks Rhino with a huge 8 Mile street sign, then he spits on it. As a result, Rhino has been busted open. Cage hit an unprettier at the nine minute mark, but Rhino kicked out. Cage put Rhino into a straight jacket. Rhino piledrove Cage from the ring apron through a table on the arena floor. Rhino went for a gore, but Cage moved out of the way. Rhino went throught a table. Cage did an unprettier on chair, but Rhino kicked out. Cage placed the ladder on Rhino, and beat him with a chair. Cage finally won at 14:31.

    - Backstage, JB interviewed LAX. Konnan said tonight Styles and Daniels are going to find out about thug life. Konnan also mentioned 'injuring' Gail Kim.

    - Don West and Mike Tenay talk about the World Series program, and the TNA mention in it.

    (7) Six Sides of Steel for the NWA World Tag Team titles: Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles vs. LAX (with Konnan). As West and Tenay hyped the match, ring crew set up the steel cage. West said between Daniels and Styles, they have held nineteen titles in TNA. Konnan handed Homicide a foreign object that he used to cut open Daniel's forehead. LAX poured Tequila on the busted head of Daniels. Daniels and Styles later used the object on Homicide. Styles jumped off the top of the cage and cross bodyblocked Hernandez, but Homicide made the save. Hernandez jumped off the cage, but missed! Konnan gave Homicide a coat hanger, who used it on Daniels. Fans chanted "This is awesome." Homicide scored the pinfall via the gringo killer on Styles at 14:35, allowing LAX to regain the NWA World Tag Team titles.

    (8) NWA World Title match - title vs. career: Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting (with Kurt Angle as the special enforcer). Sting has new ring tights, and face paint. His trunks are red and black, and is no chested. He has red incorprated into his face paint. At his age, I'm not sure wrestling without a top is the best idea, but at least he doesn't have man boobs. Angle is stationed on the outside of the ring. At the five minute mark, Jarrett and Angle got into a shoving match. Jarrett went for a chair on the outside, but Angle grabbed it from him. Both went for a cross body, which left both laying. Angle came in and did the olympic slam on the referee, so Angle is now the referee. Scorpion death drop, but Jarrett kicked out at two. This isn't the best TNA main event, especially being this is their super bowl, world series, etc. Jarrett slaps on the figure four leg lock, but Sting reversed it. Jarrett slaps on the ankle lock, but Jarrett gets knocked out of the ring. Sting went for his bat, but Angle took it from him. Jarrett used the guitar, but Sting hulked up. Scorpion death lock, and Jarrett taps out at 15:03. Sting wins the NWA World title. Sting celebrated with the title belt and strapped it around his waist. Jarrett looked on as the PPV ended.

  6. It has just been revealed that World Wrestling Entertainment renewed the rights to the NWO/New World Order trademark on Wednesday, September 27th. Here is the information, courtesy of uspto.gov:


    Goods and Services IC 025. US 022 039. G & S: Clothing, namely, hats, t-shirts, sweatshirts, sports jerseys, tank-tops, sweatpants, tops, bottoms, and shorts; headgear, namely, hats and caps; footwear. FIRST USE: 20020531. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20020531

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