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Posts posted by @DCGoldPants

  1. Just now, Larry said:

    Not sure it's strong enough.  


    My version would have said "Trump and the entire Republican Party spent 40 years doing this.  And they think this is their chance to go further."  



    I get it. But if this motivates someone who was on the fence to show up and vote, or someone who was unsure to vote against Don. The other stuff you mentioned comes with it. "Trump Did This" attached to some of the most heartbreaking things, or ****tiest things. That's an easy connection. With the other women who have gone through similar stories. Their ads hopefully will get made and become very memorable. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Fergasun said:

    Joe Biden does Howard Stern.  Trump does Logan Paul.  Compare the interviews... it's probably bull**** vs. substance. 


    Yup.  What happens in the first couple minutes.  Trump gives free merchandise.  Literally his "Never Surrender" mugshot.  Trump then self-promotes. Biden goes into talking about junk fees with Stern. 


    Literally cannot be any clear difference between these candidates.  I hope so many other people tune out Trump.  Yet...  right now Stern's interview and Logan Paul's with Trump have the same amount of views. 


    anyone listening to a Logal Paul podcast is either not registered and won't vote. Or already voting for Donny. It's like showing up to the UFC stuff. A crowd of people watching guys fight, cheering an overweight old man who probably never threw a punch in his life (at a man) wearing makeup and fake hair. And what's the difference between him and Drag Queens reading books to kids? Their outfits fit better than his?

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    • Haha 4
  3. 39 minutes ago, BringMetheHeadofBruceAllen said:

    The media needs to do a better job of bringing up old tweets/posts and constantly hammering people on them. Our attention span in this country is so bad that....WAIT!! I JUST SAW A SQUIRREL!!


    relying on the media to do this right is a losing strategy. Those comments from Vance with all that makeup on his face should be turned into a series of social media and other online outlet posts by some PAC. You don't even need any context with it. He does the work for you with what he says. 

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Always A Commander Never A Captain said:


    Huh ok...are we going to re-experiment with Lipscomb at 1B, or shift other guys around? His most recent AAA stint had only two 1B starts with the rest split between 2B/3B.


    I think I'd like to continue that experiment and see if we can't get more chaos on the base paths with a 1B that can actually steal bags. Gallo/Meneses have only stolen 3 bags combined.


    it was going to be him or Adams. I would have been ok with either. Actually was curious to see Adams try 1B. But whatever, welcome back Trey.

  5. 18 minutes ago, tshile said:
    25 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:


    seems totally appropriate. Did anyone really think a not guilty verdict was possible?


    No issue with the verdict from me. Issue is he pretends to not be tuned in and not know much about it. But still have an opinion on it. Meanwhile he's fundraising for himself on his Fatso Lord and Savior's case calling it a fraud. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, mcsluggo said:


    here is a kind-of example.... i can't stand titles like "MAGA lunatic triggered and P'OWNED!!!! MUST SEE!!!!!!"   even if i would like the content, i just never click on that sort of thing.   but give me a nerdy accountant looking John Oliver with a pompous highfalutin title.....???  i'm all over it like a pothead on a grilled cheese sandwich 


    These videos along with ones from I think Meidas or whatever its called, are why liberals don't get it. If you can't take those conversations and break them down to bumperstickers and taglines. You're losing your message.


    **** ain't hard. Scale it back. Choose words that are easily repeatable.




    Thinking before Wyoming and Idaho asking for federal assistance for this. They should try some bootstraps first. If that doesn't work. Maybe the billionaires who flock to that part of the country for toy ranches and low taxes could be asked to share their thoughts and prayers to see if that works next. 

    • Haha 1
  8. 32 minutes ago, tshile said:

    Wouldn’t be shocked at all if this was planned out and Trump *actually* understood that the only legitimate chance he *might* have is for him to shut up and see if it works 


    not that I believe he’s some mastermind working a 100% con making evil genius moves, but it’s always a question (to me) of exactly how stupid he is and how much is an understood act he’s doing. He’s good at putting on an act and also legitimately a moron; not sure exactly where that transitions 


    My first thought was that his people told him they look at it before he saw it, and it was some internet troll. Then my 2nd thought was "So? When has that stopped him from running with something ridiculous before?"



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  9. 8 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


    Before seeing this post, I was about to say that it's not a smart move to take ANY outrageous claim on the interwebs at their word lol..."My cousin" was a dead giveaway/

    My cousin is friends with Judge Cannon and she said that as soon as the documents case was assigned to her, Cannon called Don for instructions on how to handle it. They talk many times a week. He's very happy with how she's helping him. 



    Whoa. That was easy. 

    • Haha 6
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