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Posts posted by KevinthePRF

  1. Saw the movie last night.  9 out of 10. Spiderman centric movie with a Endgame type feel. 


    Only complaint is there are a couple of characters with inexplicable motives. And one particular, Far From Home's J Jonah Jamison, was included with stuff to do, but was given no writing that made his earlier version from the McGuire films so hilarious.  

  2. Question from the uninitiated as my daughter has recently taken an interest in pro wrestling.


    How far ahead does the wwe release their tour schedule?  And is their a site/app to keep ahead of when tickets go on sale?  Because currently it seems as fast as I find out their schedule decent tickets for the event are already on overpriced resale.

  3. 10 hours ago, purbeast said:

    This is pretty damn funny and regardless of you liking/disliking the finale, you really can't argue with any of it because it's him just repeating exactly what happened.



    Lol, only thing missing from this is,"...and the closing shot is John riding down the wall and heading north with the wildlings..."

    "Wasn't the wall mostly destroyed by the Night King?"

    "oh, um.... cr@p."

  4. Let me give you the definition of irony.


    The message carried away in the finale is despite Dany's best of intentions, she gave into her nature and history repeated itself as the Mad King giving rise to a Mad Queen he never knew.


    Now I hated the ending because despite plenty of foreshadowing, Dany's 180 felt hokey and forced because up until the last two episodes she was painted as a primary protagonist. 

          The closest comparison to this is Revenge of the Sith.  Anakin Skywalker's 180 in that movie felt hokey and forced because despite plenty of forshadowing, he was painted as a primary protagonist for 2 1/2 movies. It was terrible, GOT finale was terrible for the exact same reason.

        And now, the showrunners of GOT next project is Star Wars saga in 20twentysomething.  Now Star Wars most cursed history is doomed to repeat itself despite the best of intentions.

    • Like 1
  5. Just rewatched. It's as bad as the first time.  I've never been a show writer.  But how does show writers come to the decision to do a complete 180 in one episode on THREE major character arcs built up over the course of the entire show run? Just baffling. 

  6. What I don't get is the Ancient One making the point of the Stones needing to be returned to preserve the singular timeline, but its okay to displace characters (Thanos and his army, Loki, Nebula, Captain America)  thus breaking any semblance of a singular timeline. What was the point of even returning the stones? 


    Also how did Cap return the soul stone? Would it ressurect Black Widow?(maybe not a prequel)  Did And did Cap **** his pants when he met the gate keeper? 

  7. Spoiler

    Loved this movie overall. Loved some arcs(Iron Man), disliked others(Hulk).


    Two questions:


    1. What happened to 2014 Gamora? Did she disintegrate with the rest of the 2014 displacements? They used her for a reuniting of sorts then she vanished for the rest of the movie.  Maybe I missed it.


    2. So what is the confirmed Black Widow movie going to be about?  A prequel or the Search for Spock? 




  8. Saw CM, 7 out of 10.  Who I want more of going forward is Ben Mendelson's character.  The rank:

    1. Iron Man

    2. Winter Soldier

    3. Thor Ragnarok

    4. Avengers

    5. Homecoming

    6. Civil War

    7. Guardians of the Galaxy

    8. Black Panther

    9. Captain Marvel

    10. Infinity War

    11. Incredible Hulk

    12. Iron Man 3

    13. Age of Ultron

    14. Guardians of the Galaxy 2

    15. Ant Man

    16. Dr Strange

    17. Ant Man and the Wasp

    18. Iron Man 2

    19. Thor: Dark world

    20. Thor

    21. First Avenger

  9. On 6/29/2018 at 2:45 PM, Dan T. said:

    This might be the most entertaining 2 and a half minutes of surveillance footage I've ever seen.  A  clerk in a King Street Reddi Mart in Spruce Grove, Canada called police on a couple Monday afternoon on suspicion they were using a stolen credit card.  An officer responds and... well...sit back and watch for yourself:




    Just saw this and laughed my head off.  Much better than Halle Berry Catwoman origin story. 

  10. www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000657414

    "Hey Scot, Jerry here, we know you're looking to move down a few spots, and we're really interested...I can offer our 2nd, 3rd, and 6th this year, and our 1rst and 3rd next year..."

    "Jerry, can you throw in next year's 2nd?"

    "Errrr....yea, yea sure!"

    "What about a 7th...next year?"

    "Of course!"

    "What about DEEZ NUTS!" (click)

  11. I don't think he mailed it in. He just got old. Ford is in his 70's. You were never going to see that young, wise cracking, energetic Solo that you saw in ANH or TESB.

    Agree. Captain Phasma was the weakest by far. She is the new Boba Fett, as in the most overrated character, ever.

  12. Can't sleep so I'm watching ep 1 of Star Wars Rebels right now because of this thread. Got a quick question before I forget...

    Do the prequels serve any purpose whatsoever?

    The semester is over in a few weeks and I'll be free all summer. I got a few things I need to do but after that I want to bury myself in Star Wars. As a kid I was a full fledged Star Wars geek. I was deep into it. That was a lot of drugs and a lot of bottles ago though so I need to start over.

    So my question, is it even worth spending any time with the prequels or should I just skip them all together? I remember actually liking episode III a lot but I don't remember if I ever got anything from them that I didn't already know from other places.

    No. It doesn't tell any narratives that aren't mentioned in the original trilogy. In fact, it disrupts the original trilogy's continuity.

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