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The Titanic Was a Better Run Ship


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I've been quiet long enough! I gave this group of "near-do-wells" five full games to get their s___! together and I've never seen a more pathetic looking football team in all my life. I used to moan and groan that Norv's teams look like a bunch of idiots but this group has taken incompetence and idiocy to all new levels!!

These guys are supposed to be "professional" football players; more like professional paycheck collectors! These guys should be ashamed to even cast their paychecks! A bunch of "professional" jerks that I wouldn't even let clean my toilet bowl for fear they would foul it up! That's the players and the coaches!!

I don't see any passion, any leadership, any desire, any professionalism!! As far as I'm concerned they are all a disgrace - and I hold them all responsible from Top to Bottom - Danny Boy to the Water Boy!

The best thing Marty could do (besides retire) is bench Banks and Westbrook; get super glue for Davis or bench his sorry butt and let the new kids play football. They probably wouldn't win any games but neither does the current team! They would probably be a lot more fun to watch and I might see some excitement with the kids wanting to play football; I might see someone who has some real pride in getting out on the field and laying it on the line!

This sorry group of slugs goes down in the annals of history as a real "fantasy" football team!!

Alright I got that off my chest and I feel alot better. Now if I can just make it to the 2002 draft!

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