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Didnt realize (rivalry)


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I didnt pay much atention to the rivalry numbers in recent years, most likely because I didnt wanna see what was happening. However with all the excitement last night I was looking at them after the game, I didnt fully realize how much the last couple years had hurt this rivalry until then.

I dont have the numbers right now but I think were like 20/19 games behind the cowboys now (all time). Meaning before we lost 14 of 16 to them we were only 5/6 games behind them.

Last nights win felt so good, but it in no way makes up for what has happened the last few years. We need to have a streak of our own, and have some blowouts, etc.

Looking at those numbers makes me sick, but makes last night even sweeter.

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The Cowboys have always been a thorn in the Skins side, but 1982 (strike year) the Skins sole loss of the season was to the Cowboys.. 24-10.. but in the game that really counted.. at RFK..

NFC Championship Game: won 31 - 17 vs. Dallas Cowboys

Btw - that was one of my earlier memories of the Redskins... and it was sweet!

If you're into stats, you might like this site:

Pro-football reference - Redskins

It is nice to have sweep years(there are some...1984, 1987)...

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