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Forever A Redskin

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Posts posted by Forever A Redskin

  1. 3 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


    Except they weren't. I posted two articles disputing that assumption. 


    Can you tell me the names of the people charged with burning the Minneapolis police station in the summer of 2020? Can you post there ties to and ranks in Antifa?


    So you think every single bit of damage at all 45 days of rioting or however many days it was, was all undercover trump supporters?


    Whats likely is they found one instance of that amongst all of the riots, and are trying to blame all of it on them. I don't fall for that.

    2 minutes ago, spjunkies said:


    That kind of low level BS is uncalled for.  Did it make you feel good to take that little swipe?


    I've literally been called a name a million times in this thread. I didn't take a shot at anyone in here. I can post dozens of posts about me and name calling and general comments about anyone who supports the GOP being a moron and a million different names.


  2. 15 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

    Why do you hate that it happened? And who do you hold most responsible for it happening?


    I condemn all riots. Anyone who participates in a riot should be prosecuted, regardless of the cause the riot was birthed from. Unlike some here, I'm capable of condemning riots from both the BLM protests, as well as January 6th... Without trying to blame it on something else. January 6th was trump supporters. The BLM riots were BLM and Antifa, and anyone who believes it was trump supporters at each of the 45 straight days (or whatever the final count was) of riots all across the country are absolutely certified insane. 


    15 minutes ago, Springfield said:

    Y’all been trolled by this goof for like two days in a row now, huh?


    Sucks cause his side is gonna win though. ****ing shame.


    I'm legitimately not trolling. I've genuinely enjoyed participating in the political convo. Who doesn't enjoy getting every single post attacked by 23 people at once and getting called a moron left and right?


    But yeah, winning is awesome. The water is great over here in the "sewer".

    • Haha 1
  3. 18 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


    I'd counter with the following:


    Grand jury indicts anti-fascists previously charged in Pacific Beach protest violence


    "According to the indictment, the defendants “are affiliated with Antifa” and came from the Los Angeles area and across San Diego County to counter the pro-Trump march dressed in all black clothing and face coverings. According to the indictment, the defendants threw a wooden lawn chair at a woman, struck a victim with a baseball bat, struck a victim with a flagpole, attacked victims with tear gas and used a stun gun to assault a victim."


    Antifa are just anti-fascists! who doesn't support being anti fascist? They might as well call themselves the good guys. "You can't arrest us! We're the good guys! It's the guys in the red hats you're looking for!"





    • Confused 2
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  4. 9 minutes ago, Llevron said:

    What’s crazy is the at a lot of the violence and damage done we know through court records and from Trumps own homeland security was committed by far right groups looking to take advantage. The used the demonstrations as cover for their own violence. And obviously it worked. 


    Home land security says Far right actors took advantage of protests to commit violence. 


    They have their telegram messages 



    Boogaloo Boy pleaded guilty to shooting at police station during the protests 



    So, a lot of the violence people saw during the protest was not attributed to the actual protesters. I could go on. Almost ALL of the deaths during the protests were done by either straight up legit crazy people, far right folks or people not affiliated at all with BLM. I could compile a list. But what would be the point the people who would argue with me to death over it can’t or won’t read it anyway. 



    Lol. So when people claim antifa actors were responsible for violence on January 6th it's conspiracy.... But you're allowed to make the same bogus claims for the BLM riots... Rigghhhtt.

    • Haha 3
  5. 1 minute ago, bearrock said:


    Multiple officers died as a direct result of Jan 6th, yes or no?


    Multiple officers died days after January 6th. majority by suicide. None directly from the events at the capitol. Despite politicians trying to claim they died that day....


    Dems can compare January 6th to 9-11 and pearl harbor, but no one can bring up the dozens of deaths DIRECTLY from the BLM riots, and the billion dollars of damage, and the businesses that haven't recovered without being a racist, yes or no?

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  6. Just now, Llevron said:

    Wait so this was a lie, and not a technicality or gotcha word games? 

    But the Pelosi thing was a gotcha? Or saying multiple Trump supporters were shot and killed. Pointing out that one was a lie is gotcha word games. But the above isn’t? 

    OK! Cool lol


    I'm not talking about my post. My point was that multiple Democrats have lied saying multiple cops died that day when it's clearly false. I wasn't talking about my post about the number of Trump supporters that died that I already corrected.


    Nice try though.


    Anything else? Lies lies lies! Russia Russia Russia! Misinformation misinformation misinformation! The rallying cry of the modern leftists as they await their impending defeat.

  7. 3 minutes ago, mistertim said:


    This is actually a pretty straightforward question: are you ok with Trump calling the GA SoS and literally pushing him to "find" enough votes for Trump to win the state? If so, what would your reaction be it had been Obama or Hillary or Biden doing so?


    I mean Hillary was pretty much outright saying Trump won due to Russian interference. Different, but just as undermining to the election.


    I think Trump was desperate. He didn't break any laws. Unless new evidence is put forth by this committee (which I doubt)... He will remain a free man, and be eligible to run for re-election.


    Trump sowed doubt about the election. It isn't the most noble thing to do, but it's been done before... And will likely happen again in the future unfortunately. Politicians don't like losing... Just look at how hard the Democrats are struggling with impending defeat right now.


    • Haha 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Llevron said:

    This is worse 🤡


    How do you feel that the clowns are winning right now?

    Just now, bearrock said:


    Not a single Democrat in the last 30 years....  How far do you have to go back to find a dem you would support other than Gabbard?



    Officer Brian Sicknick was injured during the storming of the Capitol on Jan 6th and suffered 2 strokes within 8 hours and died.


    Officer Howard Liebengood and Officer Jeffrey Smith both took their lives several days after Jan 6th as a result of the shock and trauma they suffered on Jan 6th.  In August of 2021, a law was passed to award the congressional gold medal to members of the Capitol police and DC police for their actions on Jan 6th.  That law specifically includes the text that refers to the sacrifices of heroes Officer Liebengood and Officer Smith.  The law passed 400-21 in the house and by unanimous consent in the Senate.  


    From this day forward, please don't ever dispute the fact that multiple law enforcement officers died as a result of Jan 6th.  It is offensive, it is ignorant, and it is most certainly unpatriotic.


    I specifically stated that the lie was people saying "multiple died THAT DAY"


    Also, to your first point. I said modern democrat.

  9. 13 minutes ago, bearrock said:


    You didn't answer the first question.  Did Trump do anything wrong or commit any crimes with respect to the election aftermath or Jan 6th?


    Not sure if Gabbard is still a Dem, but there is not a single other Dem you would support over Trump?  What about the last 30 years?  Give me 3 dems other than Gabbard that you would support over Trump.


    I think he played up the voter fraud thing, and could have handled it more presidential than he did. And that's my main gripe with Trump. He wasn't very presidential. I do not think he committed any crimes in regards to January 6th. The only crime he has been convicted of as far as January 6th is in the court of public opinion. Getting banned from Facebook/Twitter doesn't mean you broke the law.


    There is not a single modern democrat I would support other than Tulsi at the moment. I'd honestly support 3rd party candidates over most... But that's a waste of a vote.



    • Haha 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, Llevron said:


    Wanna know what you do that so annoying? 


    You said Pelosi was the one who stopped the DC National Guard. Nothing about the way you word it. Was dead wrong. 

    You said two protesters where shot and killed. Lie. And when confronted with the truth you were like “Oh well that’s not what I meant.” Don’t try to equate it to “word stuff” it was a ****ing lie lol. 

    Ain’t you the one that said Biden has been on vacation for 550 days? And then said it was a typo or something after someone gave you the excuse? I can’t remember. 

    What else was there? I know there was more. 

    Why would I take my time to engage with you on anything else when you are so dishonest? You can’t even admit when you are caught obviously wrong. Technicalities gotchas and word stuff. Way to take ownership. And the best is part you legit think everyone else is the problem. 


    Lol you're engaging with me right now, you're just choosing to waste your time by trying to discredit me as a liar.


    1. I responded to that with if Pelosi didn't stop the national guard, then who did? There are plenty of articles stating it was Pelosi/Bowser. Someone dropped the ball.


    2. I said multiple trump supporters were shot and killed. I immediately said it was poor wording. Multiple were killed, one shot and killed. Still haven't addressed the multiple times Democrats have said "multiple capitol police died that day"


    3. And yeah, 550 was a typo. When you're responding to 23 people at once on here all the time, I make mistakes.


    So 3 things Ive posted weren't perfect. How about the multiple facts I've posted otherwise? 


    Keep calling me a conspiracy theorist liar if you want to, that trope doesn't work with the American people anymore. Remember when the lab leak theory was a conspiracy until it wasn't? Remember when the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation until it wasn't? I could go on for days proving that Democrats LOVE claiming anything they don't like as misinformation, lies, and/or Russian.


    If calling anything and anyone that makes you angry a conspiracy theorist or "misinformation" spreader keeps you in your safe space, do your thing man. Keep writing me off. I'll be here.


    • Haha 3
  11. 1 minute ago, bearrock said:


    What do you personally think?  Do you think there was anything that Trump did that was wrong and/or criminal with respect to the aftermath of the election and/or January 6th? 


    If Trump runs in 2024, is there any politician on either side who you would support above him?  If so, name up to three each both side of the aisle.


    I hate that January 6th happened. I don't dispute the election results. I think dirty games were played, but that's modern politics. Just because ballot harvesting is legal in some states, doesn't mean I think it's right. But Biden won. Part of me is glad he did, so the people can see what happens when the country is under the control of the current Democratic party. I personally think it will be there last hurrah in office for a while, and made midterms and 2024 a whole lot easier for the GOP.


    To your second question: Tulsi Gabbard. She's the only one who has called out how far off the leftist cliff the Democrats have driven the party. 


    I'd support Rand Paul and Desantis over Trump as well. Unfortunately, if Trump runs I think he clears the field and no one else with a chance will run if he does. In that case, until the Democrats present a legitimate candidate otherwise... I will indeed vote for Trump. Doesn't make me a huge fan.



    • Haha 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

    If the Magas like FaR really believe this  is farce and will just hurt the Dems; then shouldn’t be complaining. They should let the Dems just sink themselves, it only hurts them.



    They can’t seriously think anything will come of this. You know maybe this causes the gop to lose and some gopers to jail.


    They aren’t acting that way.


    I'm just one person, tired of the one sided discussion on here that chose to speak up. You're right though, the majority of people could care less about this committee and don't think anything will come of it.

    4 minutes ago, Ball Security said:

    Where are the zip ties and **** smeared on the wall?  Amateurs.


    Sorry about your boys in Washington state though.


    Yeah, your boy saved the zip ties and guns for Supreme court justices.


    Let's not forget 200 were arrested on inauguration day in 2017. I'm sure there was plenty of poop and urine flung around that day. That seems to be pretty standard. Plenty of it flung around in summer of 2020 too. Ya know, when actual dozens of people died and hundreds of officers injured, billions of dollars worth of damage. Those reasonable people.

  13. 11 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

    Uh, that isn’t the same thing.


    You seriously are comparing a couple of protesters disrupting the proceedings on 1/6/17 to what happened on 1/6/21?


    You magas sure are smart.


    You specifically said I don't remember Hillary supporters at the capitol. I posted a video to refresh your memory. Never did I try to compare the two events. Clearly there were more people at the capitol in 2020.

  14. 9 minutes ago, mistertim said:


    You are absolutely either a complete liar or a complete doofus. Which one merely depends on whether or not you knew the bull**** info you posted was in fact bull****.


    You've been caught in it repeatedly. You come in, post a bull**** drive by right wing talking point that you probably read in some Breitbart or Daily Caller circle jerk or heard out of the mouth of some numbnuts like Tim Pool or Joe Rogan (or even Trump himself).


    Then you get repeatedly dunked on because everyone here is apparently way more capable of reading and using google than you are. Then when you're confronted with the fact that the bull**** you posted and said was complete bull****, you immediately start trying to move the goalposts and either claim you weren't saying what you clearly said, or that your point somehow still stands in some vague way which you can't articulate.


    If you want people to take you more seriously, perhaps you should stop following this idiotic pattern and do a bit more basic research before firing off your **** cannon.


    Oh, and for the record, Ashli Babbitt was an anti-American insurrectionist and terrorist. She was trying to force her way into the Capitol building in an effort to interrupt our democratic process, during which she repeatedly ignored commands from the police to stop and was shot. She got what she deserved. Why are you for coddling terrorists?


    Your post is lies. So you're saying  that the committee doctoring evidence, video, and tweets was a lie? Or the factual TV ratings i posted are a lie? Or the polling that found only 16 percent of Americans care about this joke of a committee is a lie?


    Sorry don't think so man.


    You guys are going to call me a conspiracy theory liar regardless of what I post. That's what Democrats do to any opponents of the narrative. I've said my piece for today. The results will tell us who's on the right side of history here. The results of this committee, the results of midterms, and the results in 2024 will tell us. Unless you plan on claiming those results are illegitimate too? Lol


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  15. 5 minutes ago, 88Comrade2000 said:

    What?  I don’t remember Hillary and the Dems plotting to overturn the 2016 election! I don’t remember Hillary supporters at the capital on 1/6/17 trying to disrupt the electoral vote count!


    As for the more modern Dem party it’s closer to AOC than Joe Manchin. The energy is with the progressives and eventually the Dems will be full progressive.


    I see an opening for a true third party.


    Here is a video of protestors interrupting the electorial count on Jan 6. 2017. 



    • Haha 2
  16. 8 minutes ago, Llevron said:

    It was a ****ing lie. 

    Thats 3 and counting. Do we need to keep this up? I’m enjoying it 

    My bad 4. 


    How about the lies from the members of the committee? Doctored evidence, videos, tweets? Care to comment on that?


    You trying to label me as a liar doesn't change reality. I don't claim to be a perfect news outlet and it's funny you try to hold me accountable like a journalist. I'm just a dude with a different opinion than you. The Democrats have lost the narrative war. People don't care anymore.


    Plenty of what I posted is undeniably true, and you guys focus on technicalities and gotchas over the way I word stuff. It's cute.


    It's not surprising though. This thread is a microcosm of the leftist party at large. They spread just as much misinformation but downplay it, brush their wrong-doing under the rug while magnifying others. Try to discredit anything and everything that goes against their narrative as "misinformation" or "conspiracy". Just a bunch of pseudo-intellectuals telling the average American they are too dumb to understand. Just buy an electric car, they say. 


    You could be presented with 99 facts and you will point out one that can't be proven completely and try and discredit all 100. Nobody has yet to address the botched evidence this committee is presenting to the American people that they ADMITTED to. No comment on the lie of "multiple police officers killed", Not a peep on the attempted murder of Justice Kavanaugh, etc.


    Hold on to that narrative as tightly as you can as it slips through your fingertips. The American people are voting all these hacks out of office come midterms. I could post data on that, but you'd probably mock that as disinformation too. Or youll say "you said they are voting ALL of them out, liar! Hahahaha"



  17. 1 minute ago, hail2skins said:

    For someone who claims not to be a Trump fan, you seem to enjoy chortling about how nothing will happen to him. I agree that nothing will happen, but your posts on this topic really paint you as a supporter of Trump's behavior.


    I can understand how it may come off that way. Believe it or not, I'm more of a supporter of the Dems getting their heads out of their asses and focus on something other than Trump. Because until they move away from the far left ideology, calling Latino/latina voters "latinX", their obsession with Trump, and a myriad of other things... It's not going to do them any good. People want the old Democratic party back. The woke stuff has to go. I'm surprised they didn't learn their lesson with the Virginia gubernatorial race that trying to tie everything to Trump isn't working anymore...


    But yet here we are with this BS committee they waited until near midterms to roll out, and then CURRENT president is STILL talking about Ultra MAGA. They are trying to distract the American people from the terrible things happening on their watch... And it's not working. And this committee isn't going to work either.


    I used to be a Democrat. I don't know what the heck this party currently has morphed into, but I'll continue to voice my displeasure over it. Doesn't make me a super Ultra MAGA trump supporter, but I do think he did a lot of good things as well. For instance the economy, which 52 percent of american voters agree with me on. Unlike the left, I don't try to paint everything trump did as awful. Because it wasn't. Some people just can't handle that.


    It's funny too, because there were protesters of the 2016 Trump election too. Disrupted the vote count and everything with their protests. Biden had to tell them "it's over"... People questioned the integrity of that election plenty. But like JDR said... There are two standards. 

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  18. 10 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


    Why do you insist on lying over and over?


    Clearly people care. Twice as many people watched the opening hearings as did the second game of the NBA Finals. 🤓

    Per the polling data I posted previously. Only 16 percent of Americans care. Not quite nobody, but an insignificant amount of the typical never-trumpers are the only ones tuning in. The ratings data also shows the ratings for the committee were terrible. Way to cherry pick which event it got more ratings than though.


    Let's not kid ourselves, the Dems are hanging themselves and they expected way more people to tune in.



    • Haha 1
  19. Just now, Captain Wiggles said:


    You do this every time you're caught in a lie. You lie then when confronted with facts just shrug and say "well it's debatable. Now can we get back to answering my other bull**** questions." 🖖


    And your MO is predictable as well. Focus on one part of my post and attempt to declare the entire thing misinformation and that I'm a liar.


    I don't pretend to act like I'm perfect. I misspeak and don't get everything right 100 percent of the time. But that doesn't make me a liar. And it's not gonna stop me from posting opinion from the other side of the political argument. 


    What's FACT is that no one cares about this committee. What's FACT is that nothing will happen to Trump because of it. What's FACT is they are lying and doctoring evidence that they are presenting to the American people.


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  20. 16 minutes ago, Ball Security said:

    Rosanne Boyland was not shot and killed.  Did you intentionally lie or are you misinformed?


    If you want to become more informed about her story listen to the podcast American Radical.


    Only one was shot, saying shot and killed as a blanket statement was a poor wording on my part. Doesn't change the fact that more trump supporters died, and the media and democrats have lied about the statement that "multiple police officers were killed"


    I don't remember the cod of the other Trump supporters vividly. I think greeson was a heart attack or stroke as well.



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