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Skinned Aussie

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Posts posted by Skinned Aussie

  1. The trouble with that is they DON'T improve it (the land OR the property) but expect the renters to.  The Chinese have a 99-year lease on the wharf in Darwin, and the place is overrun by Chinese (my brother lives there and would often dine there - not any more).


    The Chinese have purchased former farming land between Brisbane and the Gold Coast and expect the Aust Government to maintain it.


    Chinese have purchased numerous properties and expect the tenants to pay for repairs. 


    I may be a racist but I treat people as they treat me.  If someone is racist towards me, they get racism returned to them in spades.


    ALL lives matter!

  2. So, the Chinese have purchased OUR land, OUR houses, rented OUR wharves only to bring in their own to manage it all, putting exorbitant prices on rentals (unless you're Chinese) and I am being called out on that! 


    The Aust Government has put a halt on Chinese purchasing, outright, whatever we have and I am being called out on that!


    The Chinese Government has warned their citizens NOT to travel to Aust due to racism and I am being called out on that!


    I don't have a problem with Chinese who speak english, it's the one's that make NO effort to learn that I have a problem with!


    Where did this COVID-19 virus come from?

    • Haha 1
  3. MV5BOGVlNzhmYWYtMzk4MS00YmEwLTk3MDYtODM0ZWUwM2Q4Mzg5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzA0OTQzODE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,699,1000_AL_.jpg



    During the 13th Century, Zakhar Berkut and his wife Rada lead a group of high-landers in Carpathian Mountains. Unfortunately, their tranquil existence is soon threatened by Burunda Khan, a powerful Mongolian general who leads his massive armies west in search of new lands to conquer. Forced to protect their village, Zakhar and Rada send their sons, Ivan and Maksim, to ask for help from Tugar Volk, a wealthy boyar who has recently arrived from King. After his strong-willed daughter Myroslava and Maksim survive a dangerous encounter together, Tugar Volk pledges to defend the villagers against the Mongols. But when a mutual attraction sparks between Myroslava and Maksim, Tugar Volk forbids them from continuing their relationship. Meanwhile, Burunda Khan faces questions from his warriors about his motivation and military strategy for the impending invasion. As war breaks out, both sides suffer devastating casualties. Redoubling his efforts, Burunda Khan unleashes his full fury.


    Watched it this morning.

    • Like 1
  4. Watched THE MACHINE GIRL, and if you want to read as the movie goes on, this is one of many.  Typical Japanese 'fantasy' film where the lead actress accidentally loses her forearm at the hands of the yakuza, only to have a machine gun fitted.  A blood-and-guts film, so it's not to everyone's taste.






    • Like 1
  5. I agree that not having FB is awesome.  I had more to do when I had a FB account.  With my photos, I found a site that would store them and I would send a link to people to view them.  I could also delete the photos as I saw fit rather than delete my account.


    There is a thing called EMAIL if you want to contact friends/family.  If contacting in a hurry is required, you could always use SMS.  Better still, you could always ring them!  Skype is also a go-with, and it can be used on all operating systems.  Not sure who owns it but.  The last I heard it was 'owned' by MS.


    Now I'm not saying I don't have access to FB/Twitter or Amazon, it's just that I don't WANT to use them as they are all take, take, take and give nothing in return.  I have used them but found others that were better and/or cheaper.  Hell, even eBay is often cheaper than Amazon (not that I use eBay, my missus does as it is linked to her PayPal account.).

  6. I don't "use" any of them.  I especially don't use Facebook after being informed, by someone in the 'know', that Facebook uses bots instead of moderators.  I got banned for re-posting a pic I found on Facebook, by a Facebook 'bot' (but we all know it was a human).  I closed my account and haven't been back!


    Don't need any of the other when one uses Ubuntu as an operating system.

  7. Home Sweet Home.  If you like god botherer movies, this is sure to be up your alley.  Only redeeming part of whole movie is the lead actress, Natasha Bure.



    A Perfect Plan. Action doesn't start until near the end, but the suspense is all though it.  A way of killing about 90 minutes.



    Watched 7 Zwerge again.  Not much in to read-along movies, but this is a foreign take on Snow White and the 7 Dwarves.


  8. If you're like me, you often say and do stupid things only to make your missus correct you and look like she is the intelligent one!  If, like me, you are smart enough to know right from wrong, in decision making, you will often make the wrong decision, knowingly, so that your missus, or the nearest female, can correct you.

    • Confused 1
  9. 4 hours ago, China said:

    Police: Man arrested for shooting at Amazon driver believing him to be burglar


    LAS VEGAS (KTNV) — A man has been arrested on multiple charges for firing several shots at an Amazon delivery man, claiming he thought the driver was a burglar, according to a Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department arrest report.


    The April 25 incident began at around 11:30 p.m. on Lake Isle Court, near Alta Drive and South Cimarron Road, when police were called by the driver, reporting that a resident had come out of a home and opened fire on him as he was making a delivery.


    Why would ANYONE (other than take-away) be making a delivery at 11:30pm?  There's gotta be more to this than is being reported.

  10. Have just switched over to LibreOffice from OpenOffice.  I found that OO was recovering my document way too often, but LO hasn't recovered once!  I was using LO some time ago but switched to OO when I got a new (rent-try-buy) laptop and was 'forced' into W10.  Can be easily downloaded at ninite.com.

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