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Posts posted by cfh64

  1. Hello Skins fans! I'll start off by saying I just signed up and I'm a Giants fans. Although ya'll are NFC East rivals, I have nothing against the fans or team. The Cowgirls on the other hand...

    I live in Dallas and have lived here most of my life, unfortunately. I'm obviously surrounded by Cowgirls fans. I can't listen to local radio, sports or music, without having to hear all their blow hard fans and media personalites constantly gloating how great they are. I've even scheduled off every Sunday I'm supposed to work so I don't ave to be around my coworkers when they play. 

    Everything about the ChokePokes disgusts me from JJ and JG down to 99.9% of their fans. The sense of entitlement and arrogance they have is beyond annoying. They need more than a loss, they need an a$$ stomping and although it would put you guys closer to the Giants in the Wild Card race I don't care. It would put both teams one win closer to catching the Girls. 

    I'm convinced if Cousins played his first game against the Girls anything like he's playing now ya'll would have beat them. It was a horrendous game for him and it had nothing to do with Dallas bs defense. Anyways, I wish ya'll the best of luck, this game will make or break my Turkey day, sad but true. I won't go as far to say "Hail the Redskins" but **** the Cowgirls! Go Skins, tear 'em a new one!

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