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Posts posted by HooHog

  1. What a huge pop.  Man that ruled.


    8 hours ago, No Nonsense said:

    This is a prime example of how the internet has ruined this aspect of pro wrestling. This would have been a HUGE surprise back in the day. Now there’s no surprises. 

    Might agree normally but they needed it out there for ratings.  His signing and obviously his first promo are a huge shot at wwe.  

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    • Super Duper Ain't No Party Pooper Two Thumbs Up 1
  2. 1 hour ago, mcsluggo said:

    books 1 through 3 (corresponding to the parts of the series that you liked) were great... then books 4 and 5 fell into the crapper MUCH harder than the series did.  

    AFFC was objectively not very good.  Just slow and boring - way too much of Brienne wandering the wilderness.  But I thought ADWD was much better (albeit not as good as books 1-3). 

  3. On 4/19/2019 at 11:02 AM, HooHog said:

    Random thought I just had as pertains to succession from Robert Baratheon.  It's established in both the show that a king can legitimize ****s.  So lets say Dany dies somehow (I don't think this is likely, but with GoT you never know).  Jon has made clear he has no desire to rule, but he would be a king in theory.  Jon could then legitimize Gendry (Robert's only known remaining **** after Cersei had the others purged way back when), abdicate the throne, and Gendry as the then only legitimate Baratheon, could be elevated.  Again, don't think this is likely, just spitballing.


  4. 15 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

    Reading through reddit and twitter, the book nerds are in total revolt and are ready to burn the legacy of this show to the ground.


    Good episode nonetheless. I think the book-reader segment is so upset because it is very likely that they never receive a conclusion from GRRM to the entire series, so they are left with Arya dunking on the Night King, who isn't' even a character in the books, as one of the two major endpoints to the story.

    I'm a hardcore book reader and wasn't upset with this in the least.  One thing I think many readers are failing to process is that while ASOIAF is widely considered the best modern epic fantasy series, GRRM frequently goes out of his way to flip off fantasy tropes.  Those who really believed his story would end up with the unknowing prince/chosen one being the great singular hero and savior of the world weren't being realistic about where this story was going.  There isn't a singular protagonist in the books whose POV we always follow through the story.   The POVs are split between many of the "main" characters, Arya being one of the largest.  The other thing book readers fail to embrace is that the show and books are separate mediums and at this point largely different stories.  A lot of folks seem offended that their pet theories didn't pan out, but they can still theorize on what's going to happen in the books because we still just don't know.   

    • Thanks 2
  5. 19 hours ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

    2. In the great hall, and it's possible I'm in the minority, but I don't mind Sansa and the other northern lords and ladies being salty that they elected Jon Snow king, he went away, and came back not a king and with a queen.  Danny claims to be the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.  And that's all well and good EXCEPT her father was overthrone and the monarchy was transitioned to another line. I'm honestly not sure WHO is the rightful successor to Fat King Robert. He had no children (and the ones he thought he had are dead anyway.  Both his brothers are dead. Cercei basically took the throne because she could.  Maybe Gendry actually has a strong claim to the throne?  Not really sure.  BUT, honestly, the Targarians (Danny and Jon) really don't have any claim.  They were defeated.    So they have just as much of a right to the throne as anybody who wants to try and overthrow the king. 


    Random thought I just had as pertains to succession from Robert Baratheon.  It's established in both the show that a king can legitimize ****s.  So lets say Dany dies somehow (I don't think this is likely, but with GoT you never know).  Jon has made clear he has no desire to rule, but he would be a king in theory.  Jon could then legitimize Gendry (Robert's only known remaining **** after Cersei had the others purged way back when), abdicate the throne, and Gendry as the then only legitimate Baratheon, could be elevated.  Again, don't think this is likely, just spitballing.

  6. 1 hour ago, Enforcer_FFX said:

    Interesting that Bronn would get sent up to take out Jamie and Tyrion.  Granted, he is a sell-sword, but those are 2 people he has some attachment to.  It's a good excuse to get him up North and in on the Walker fighting, though.


    All they have to do is give him the Glovers' castle.  Easy peasy.

  7. 6 minutes ago, zoony said:


    Its not just the right.  Also, its becoming abundantly clear that AJ had very few actual disciples, and a whole heck of a lot of gawkers.


    Youre being a bit of a drama queen.  Charlatans are as old as the country

    Very few actual disciples, but at least one very high-profile one:


    • Haha 1
  8. Just now, Spaceman Spiff said:

    I am not sure if this makes these two teams better on the court.  But it gets the headache out of San Antonio.


    DeRozen must be pissed.  East is pretty wide open and then he gets traded out West.  I'd be irate, especially after all I've done for Toronto.


    Seems like a great move by the Spurs.  Kawhi was leaving after next year and could have just sat out again this season.  Derozan is a good player who should fit right in in SA. 

  9. 1 minute ago, BRAVEONAWARPATH said:

    Apparently, Derozan and Leonard are pretty upset.


    This should be interesting......

    Derozan is understandably upset.  He's saying that the Raptors told him during summer league in Vegas that he wouldn't be traded.  What a joke of a franchise.

  10. 13 minutes ago, No Excuses said:


    I had no idea Warrel Dane passed away. :(


    Their last album was a complete dud and not surprising that they broke off.


    Dead Heart in a Dead World and This Godless Endeavor are masterpiece albums from start to finish.


    I am a fan of Arch Enemy's older work but the new album with Loomis really didn't do anything for me. IMO it has very little of his sound. You can tell from his solo albums that his style is truly what came out of Nevermore's best work.


    I would say you could put Dreaming Neon Black right up there with those two as well.  Obsidian Conspiracy had a couple decent tracks but you could definitely tell things weren’t going well. 


    And while certainly not as great as the best Nevermore albums, Loomis’s solo albums are awesome.


    Side note:  I discovered Nevermore totally by accident when I went to see In Flames (before they turned into garbage) and Children of Bodom.  Nevermore went up before Bodom and I was blown away.  Show was in Philly and my friends and I were hanging out in an undergound foot court beforehand and saw this big scraggly dude walk by and we’re like “this guy’s definitely gonna be at the show.”  Then we saw him again singing for Nevermore.  Hahaha.

    • Like 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

    Slayer's final tour is here in June, I'll be going.




    Hell of a supporting lineup too - Lamb of God, Anthrax, Testament & Napalm Death/Behemoth (split between legs one & two).  Going to be a hot ticket.

  12. On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 3:09 PM, No Excuses said:

    A band I am really into these days is Periphery. They are maybe one of the few current metal bands who I like. Otherwise, I think I’m recycling a lot of material from 90s and 2000s from bands like Nevermore and Opeth.


    Nevermore was so great.  I had totally missed it until a few weeks ago, but Warrel Dane passed in December.  Freaking sucks.  Jeff Loomis plays guitar for Arch Enemy now, which I suppose is cool, but I kind of feel like his talent is wasted on that band (not that I don't like them).  At The Gates has a new album dropping next month that I'm pretty excited for, although it will be their first without Anders Bjorler so I'm holding my breath a little bit.  I thought At War With Reality was really solid considering it was their first album in almost 20 years.

  13. 30 minutes ago, justice98 said:

    I kinda think there's only one way this Daniel Bryan thing is gonna end.  WIth another concussion. 


    To me, this is like a Jordan Reed situation.  He's had a bunch of concussions, but he keeps getting cleared every time to return.  But we all expect it's only a matter of time before he gets concussed again and puts him out for good.


    That's kind of how it feels.  I can't imagine Vince lets him anywhere near the title picture on either show, unless he goes a couple years without any setbacks, and even then I doubt it. 

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