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Posts posted by theboomking

  1. I'd also add the Broncos, Browns, 49ers, and Packers to that list. The Broncos since they drafted Moreno even though they are making a difficult transition on defense when they already had the 2nd worst one in the league. The Packers because they got a problem child in Raji. The 49ers even more so since their pass-rush is nothing to write home about and now they are stuck with a guy whose rookie season is pretty much over before it started because he was too difficult to sign. And the Browns because they needed a pass-rusher, were in position to get a great one, and instead ended up with a Center. Orakpo drew a lot of negative evaluations from scouts about his ability to play OLB in a 3-4. Figure the Broncos drafted Moreno thinking they'd get Ayers later on, but Ayers has to be an even worse fit for a 3-4 than Orakpo.

    Luckily for us Orakpo has shown way more range and aptitude for LB than the scouts gave him credit for. He's flourishing at LB in a 4-3! He absolutely could have done what Shawne Merriman does in a 3-4. It may take a little while, but I bet all of those 3-4 teams in front of us will be kicking themselves for underestimating Orakpo. Anyone of them could have drafted Orakpo and made a good decision. Also thank Oakland for reaching for Heyward-Bey, and thus taking the 49ers out of contention for Orakpo since they honed in on Crabtree.

    There was no excuse for Buffalo though. What on earth were they thinking? Yes it's super early but I feel pretty secure in betting that Orakpo is a better 4-3 end than Maybin is. Orakpo is as good a speed rusher as Maybin is and he's way stronger. With Orakpo you have to think that one day, he'll at least have the size to be effective in setting the edge against the run but Maybin doesn't really give you that. He'll always be undersized unless he lets himself get fat.

    Wow. What an extraordinary and improbable chain of events that needed to happen in order for Orakpo to fall to us. We might be witnessing a massive shift in football karma.

    I agree whole heartedly about all but the Packers. Character aside, Raji looked like a great prospect with the size to hold the point, but also the ability to penetrate.

    The niners probably feel the worst right now, but I agree that the Bills will be the ones to feel the worst in the end. Maybin just doesn't have the size to play DE. I mentioned this in another thread, but I don't think that the fact Orakpo signed before the picks above and below him in order to make it to camp was insignificant. He has been a real professional since he signed here, not complaining about a position change, learning his assignments, staying humble, working hard. He seems to have the perfect combination of temperament and talent to be really special.

    I really think that Denver ought to have either gone up for Sanchez, or stayed put and taken Orakpo. They could have landed Orakpo, traded down and gotten a DT, and used the pick from the trade down to get Alphonso Smith instead of next year's first. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    I also think that given his similar build and athleticism, that Merriman is a pretty good template of what Orakpo could be if we use him the right way, which we seem intent on doing.

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