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Posts posted by Tut77

  1. My review of Konings Hoeven Bock. (which I'm writing as I drink it).

    This is a trappist ale, and from my limited research, the only trappist single bock in existence.

    Pours very dark brown with a nice color reminiscent of real black cherry juice when held to the light. Thick, white head that quickly diminishes to thinness. Scent has heavy notes sweet, dark, sticky fruits---raisin/ plum/prune come across very strongly. I think I smell a bit of honey too.

    Very malty--comes forward very strongly in the taste. Easy drinking, the flavor smoothes out on the tongue nicely, with no bite and slight carbonation. Dark fruit flavors come across in the taste too. 7% alcohol. I like.

  2. Dragon Stout--Best tasting stout ever. It's a bit sweet, so if you don't like that, you won't like Dragon. Great hoppy finish that drives through the sweetness. And surprisingly refreshing considering its heaviness. Very flavorful. This is my absolute favorite beer.

    Blue Moon--Another beer I love. Really amazing how smelling the slice of orange on your glass brings out the flavors in this one.

    Guiness--Perennial favorite. I'm the weirdo who likes it better from the bottle (the one with the yellow label, not the black label).

    Dogfish Head Chicory Stout--Haven't had this in a looong time, not even sure if they still make it, but from my recollection, it was the shiznit.

    Brooklyn Brown Ale-- Good stuff.

    Presidente--great beer for a hot day/night. Very crisp pilsner, light flavor. Good for beer lovers and those who don't have the taste for beer yet. Fits the same role as Corona, but MUCH better.

  3. SS,

    This is a great threadthat you started and before asking my question, I just wanted to say thanks to you and the other mechanically knowledgeable folks who've been answering questions.

    I think this is a pretty basic question, but it's something I've never understood. When rev matching for a downshift, is it necessary to release the clutch pedal before blipping the throttle? If so, why? If I've got the clutch depressed, the engine and tranny aren't connected, so I'm not putting wear on anything by blipping the throttle then am I?

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