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Posts posted by master4caster

  1. So very wrong indeed. From what I've read and heard, he was totally trying to make us like the Pack, but he wouldn't admit it. I mean, you go from Burgundy helmets to gold/yellow and the pants go from gold to Championship gold (if that really exists). Yeah, he was trying to be Green Bay south.

    You young whipper-snappers have to understand the Redskins of the 50s & 60s were really really bad teams. Add the Cardinals to the Lions and that would be just half as bad as the Redskins were. The Redskins defense then consisted of Sam Huff and ten other guys.

    Vince Lombardi turned the Packers, who were a really really bad team, into a power-house. The Redskins hired Lombardi to make them Packer-like, inside and out. Fans WANTED the Redskins to be like the Packers. They wanted Packer players on the team. They wanted to LOOK like the Packers. At the time, the circle R helmet was well received. Lombardi put the team on the right track before he died.

    I think a throwback helmet should use one of the Indian-heritage logoes. Why pass up a chance to offend the anti-redskins crowd?

  2. The 70's anniversay uni's were my personal favorite. Even if they remind me of the Spurrier years.

    For the record, the Redskins were wearing the spear and feather helmet before the style was picked up by Florida State (not Spurrier's team, by the way, as both Seminole and Gater fans will tell you). FSU wore the logo on gold helmets, but the rest of their uniform in that period was red and gold resembling the Redskins.

    Just fyi

  3. . . . I was told absolutley that the uniform was being designed by Reebok and were to resemble the 72-73 superbowl uniforms with the yellow helmet with the script R. I was also told that they would be worn at the home opener agianst the fins!!

    Well, ok, but the uni with the yellow helmet is not from the Super Bowl VII team -- as someone must have pointed out by now. The yellow helmet uniform came in with Vince Lombardi in the late 60's and resembled Green Bay Packer helmets. I understood the Lombardi-Packer tie-in, but never liked those helmets. I didn't want an imitation Packer helmet (still don't). The more familiar Indianhead logo came in with George Allen.

    When Lombardi came as coach, the Redskins changed the shade of the jersey from true wine-colored burgundy, to a lighter red. The pant's yellow shade was lightened to what was then called "championship gold."

    I preferred those old wine colored jerseys, and NO, the 70th anniversary uniform did not match that shade. If you are under 40, you haven't seen a true burgundy & gold uniform. My all-time favorite Redskin helmet was the feather helmet, that I guess won't ever come back.

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