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Posts posted by eckseid

  1. Arsenal is a good pick IF you enjoy getting close to greatness and having sadness smack you in the face lol

    Fanbase is huge in the states. Every major city has a Gooner support organization. They are currently top of the league, won the FA Cup two years in a row, and always in the CL even though they never win lol. Had arguably the greatest team in EPL history with the Invincibles.

    If you want more info, let me know

    On the verge of greatness and then sadness smacking you in the face? Sure, being a caps and nats fan has prepared me well for that lol. Also, that is definitely one thing I've heard is that they do have a huge fan base here. It seems like Richmond actually has a Gooner organization as well, at least a spot to watch the games.

    Just curious, why not pick Tottenham?

    As for the FIFA thing, I suck at the game, but I'm getting better. I keep changing around teams and that might be my problem.

    But yea, I'll take some more info on Arsenal if you don't mind.

    Only thing I don't want to happen is to be labeled a band wagoner if they do end up winning it all lol.

  2. Yes, mine as well.

    Do you have any European lineage or ancestry?


    That's the best place to start in my opinion.

    If not, then it's whatever your priority is.


    If your into style of play and goal scoring, you may want to keep driving west across the channel.  They play better football in Germany.


    Never really studied specifics of my European lineage/ancestry, so not sure that will help. Also, I don't really have any style that I'm into. I mainly watch the Olympics, World Cup, and any La Liga, BPL, Serie A games that are on TV.


    @FanboyOf91 - I've thought of Tottenham. Having young talent is sort of what I'm looking for in a team. One that is up and coming. I liked that with the Nats and enjoyed watching them build from the beginning.


    I was also considering a Welsh team as well just to make it even more different for an English league. 

  3. Anyone bar Liverpool. 


    Enough of them in here already I keep reading. 




    Lol, the little bit that I read toward Everton's history is that their biggest rivalry is Liverpool. I literally know nothing of either team, save for the fact that Howard is the keep on Everton and that tiny bit of history. Besides yourself, who else is a Liverpool fan on here?


    Timing was just too perfect for that.


    No way that isn't one of the knuckleheads in here already.


    Maybe we should just create separate threads for the different leagues then?


    Umm, sorry that you're assuming I'm one of the other people you have an issue with, but I'm not. I've been registered here since 2005, but like I said, I like to read, not post. If someone has a troll account thats been registered here since 2005, they would be pathetic in my mind. I use to actually post over on WNFF, but I don't really visit there besides during the baseball season. 


    I'm truly interested in following a team and I would like some history lessons on teams and maybe who to avoid due to potential relegation and what not. I just don't want a big team like Man U, Man City, etc.

  4. So I normally just read this forum and never post. However, I've been sort of following this thread for a while and I want to start following a BPL team. Any suggestions on who I should follow? i was thinking Everton because of Tim Howard, but I'm not sure that's a good enough reason to follow them.

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