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Posts posted by boobiemiles

  1. The way America treats black people will be its ultimate narrative. This whole sitution is sickening, and they have the audacity to roll a black Republican general attorney out there. That makes it all white right. Stupid white people thinking that this is black and white. This is deeper than that. This country is so foriegn to its creed it's not funny. There is no freedom,and no matter how many people u force to say its anthem you can not change that. Stupid people so happy they are not black. Here's a news flash every day your rights and possibilities to realize financial stability is eroded and allocated to the 1 percent that flaunts the fact you're not them. You are getting blacker everyday and it's not from that fake spray on tan. You keep voting for the stupid GoP that systemically destroyed the middle class. Stupid white people keep seeing the inaccuracies and do nothing. 

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  2. 18 hours ago, twa said:


    You seem conflicted on that matter.

    ? That we owned businesses????? Or wealth?  Did you read what I posted?  I said we own business, but our businesses are not transient into other ethnic areas; Chinese restaurants, Corner stores, Department stores etc. Then you told me there are a bunch of black owned businesses next to you.  A question that comes to mind is how can you run a business, and on Extremeskins all the time?  Don't you have to work a lot to compete with all those black owned businesses.  With all these black owned businesses why do we have 50% of 1% of America's wealth.  You said that us owning business is new.  Really????? Did anyone hear about Black Wall Street?   It kills me. You would rather look at the post and not talk about the problem.  SO let me make this simple, WHY DO AFRICAN AMERICANS OWN ONLY 50% of 1% of AMERICAS WEALTH????  If you took all the wealth of African Americans and put on the table, there are 3 white men that can put their money on the table and they would have more.   

  3. 7 minutes ago, twa said:


    Pasadena,Texas...c'mon down, seems like everybody else is 

    Yes,right next to mine is one.....and some others around me (I'm assuming you mean black owner/operator)

    shoulda known you were in the great white North :ols:

    Yeah I know. Since there is all this financial prosperity why do African American only own 50% of 1% of the nations wealth?  


  4. 27 minutes ago, stevemcqueen1 said:


    I get where you're coming from.  I think the creating new sources of Federal investment in poor black communities could be a good idea.  It's probably necessary to help uplift them.  And everyone ultimately benefits from a healthier society where we solve a lot of the problems of some of our most distressed communities.

    But you can't call that investment reparations and it can't be limited strictly to black people.  You'll lose the support of a big majority of non-black people if you do, and you'd single out black people as needing handouts to become functional members of society.  That racist notion is a fringe belief that would become mainstream as a result of paying out reparations.

    No just for people that were effected by slavery.  If there are Asians, and Native Americans that fall into this category, then so be it. America has paid for it's transgressions in the  past.  It gave Japanese Americans and Native American monetary reparation for the way it treated them in the past.  Why not African Americans, whose labor was a sacrifice help create this nation.  Triangle trade was very good for this country, and the people picking cotton got the short end of the stick.  Stand for what!? 

  5. White America should back the idea of reparation for African Americans.  Not just for the horrors of slavery, but the fact that white america got fat while others starve.  And that starvation continues. Give the people money to reinvest in their community. That would cure a lot of problems. And it would be fair also. Then people can stand for the anthem not because a contrite feeling, but a proud one.

  6. African Americans have fought in every military conflict however we are marginalize by this country, and it's system.  If Colin feels the way to address racism is to make a small sacrifice then so be it. I hope he understands that his gesture will cause a lot of people to hate him. But if his actions bring light to the racial problem in America I feel he would honor the men and women that died for the idea of a country where people can express themselves freely. I hope we start asking why people can set up businesses in the black community but you will never see a black business in a white, asian, or middle eastern community. If it helps make a better future for us all then it was worth the sacrifice. Black people own .5  of 1percent of wealth in America. How can Colin triumph against such overwhelming odds. People are more concerned with him standing but not the problem. 

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  7. 8 hours ago, Burgold said:

    I'm a firm believer of freedom of speech and protest. That said, I think not standing during the Pledge or during the playing of the National Anthem is wrong. Now, I support your right to stand up silently and not say the pledge (for religious or other reasons). I can even get behind you not putting your hand over your heart, but I do think you should stand.

    I think part of it is that I look at some of these issues as a matter of harm. As a young Jewish boy, I wasn't harmed in being asked to sing Christmas songs during the school assembly. I remember being invited to be part of a Presidential prayer breakfast during an inauguration. When the priest asked everyone to rise I did. I didn't say the prayers, but I did stand. These are the little slights we bare as being part of the community.

    So, when I read about Kaepernick choosing to sit during the National Anthem, part of me gets it and most of me doesn't. He says he's doing this because he's frustrated with racial inequality. Is not standing a good gesture to announce that disquiet?

    I don't think so because no one knew why he wasn't standing. They just saw it as a sign of disrespect. More, as a QB in the NFL he has a tremendous platform to use his voice or his money to make an actual difference. That makes the act of sitting seem hollow as far as gestures go.

    If you believe that police abuse is one that deserves action and comment than ACT and COMMENT! As a side note, I see this police abuse issue as more of a local issue than a national one as it doesn't involve federal abuse of power, but local ones. If that's true it makes protesting America by sitting even less effective as a statement.

    I suppose Kaepernick's action did generate some attention and so I may be wrong, but I think it garnered a lot less than the NBA and WNBA players who wore protest t-shirts and got fined for it. I respect the latter statement more if for no other reason... their actions were unambiguous and clear.

    In other words, stand up for your beliefs and your country. Don't sit on your arse and sulk.

    This is the whole problem. Equating racism to the school Christmas song. U and most white people have no concept about what you are talking about. 

  8. Buckle up. This ride is going to be rough. Very ugly. This is a business. People in Britain lost their minds. They and the rest of us are going to feel it.

    Japan the Nikkei is blowing up...u idiots. This is a business! Leave ur feelings at the door. Immigrants and Isis....u got to kidding me.

  9. Damn Bill Cosby had to drug every woman to sleep with him?  Rape is a crime of control not pleasure.  The way it seems is Bill is the only celebrity with out groupies.  This was the most prominent comedian at one point.  I just don't understand why he had to take the sex when women will give it to you just to say "I slept with Bill Cosby!"  I know he is funny looking but come on. But if one is true then he is a rapist.  Why the law didn't prosecute him when black men get thrown under the jail for much less is a mystery to me. 

    Get ready for the trial of the century II.

    Attorney Thomas Mesereau knocked Gloria Allred down a few pegs.

    He might not make it to trial.  the man is 78 years old.  Remember Joe Pa.  Once they went after his legacy he gave up and died. 

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