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Posts posted by 33

  1. i don't care either way honestly, just trying to keep it within the boundaries set by the mods etc. before anyone else caught wind of it.

    It's all good, just next time be more specific and I'll take it down immediatley. I honestly wasn't thinking sinister enough to catch it. :cheers:

  2. It was never an issue with me guys. I'm going to share it with Jumbo via PM to get his opinion, but it was innocent on my end. I'm still a little confused, but when someone brought up fetish I guess it maybe makes a little more sense.

    EDIT: Nevermind. I just checked the link listed in the pic, and that alone is reason for it to not be posted.

    Sorry for any close calls.

  3. I want to make a confession.

    Until right now, I had been using a brower that did not play gif's for whatever reason. My life is now changed. My eyes have been opened up to all sorts of things in this thread that I never got to enjoy before.

    I think I have now arrived at the internet.

    ps. I love the IM chat in Stophovr6's post.

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