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Posts posted by rictus58

  1. That's the other problem I have with Sports Talk Radio, letting people call in to express their views.  I'm not trying to denigrate anyone who disagrees with me, but I seriously think the majority of people who call into Sports Radio shows are literally dumb, or have no clue. I seriously cringe whenever hosts take calls from either 980 or 106.7.

    I'm up in the Baltimore area where we have 105.7 the Fan....there's a caller...."Bob from Parkville". I've heard him calling into radio shows for a decade. Never has a good point. Never provides any value. Just inane ramblings of an old man. It's like it's a joke with the phone screener to make the hosts deal with him. By and large...i hate sports talk. The only sports talk i really enjoyed was the NFL channel on sirius (when i had a subscription).

  2. Two officers were gunned down yesterday in Abingdon MD.

    Stealing this from a FB post....

    Earlier today, law enforcement officers was dispatched to a call of an older, disheveled, apparently homeless, suspicious subject who was sitting in a restaurant without having ordered any food. The first deputy responding to the call reportedly approached the subject, and in an attempt to treat him with humanizing kindness and compassion, sat down to him and asked the man how his day was going. The man responded by putting a gun to the deputy's temple and pulling the trigger. He then proceeded outside, where he killed another responding deputy sheriff.

    For those of you who have not worn a badge, please remember this case. The next time you interact with a police officer (or Sheriff's deputy), the next time you witness someone else interacting with the cops, before you criticize the officer for not being as friendly as you think they should be, before you judge his or her demeanor as being cold, condescending, or excessively cautious, before you accuse them of overreacting or countering resistance or force with brutality, please remember this case. Because there's a good chance that officer does. There's a good chance they knew, remember, or heard about the deputy who was murdered in cold blood for simply being polite.

    • Like 1
  3. this is what dave ramsey does. do yourself a favor and visit:


    www.everydollar.com (dave's online budgeting tool)

    you can listen to dave's radio show on iheart radio, tunein radio, or he has an app. read his book: the total money makeover.

    his plan in a nutshell:

    (prelude: create a zero based budget, where every dollar coming in has a specific place to go)

    1. save a $1000 mini emergency fund

    2. debt snowball (list debts in order from smallest amount to largest amount, and pay them in that order while paying minimum payments on all)

    3. save your emergency fund: 3-6 months of expenses

    4. invest 15% of income

    5. college fund for kid(s)

    6. pay off house

    7. save your face off now that you don't have any payments at all.

    don't do #2 until you do #1; don't do #4 until you do #3; etc.

    you're going to have to really cut things waaaaaayyyyyy back, but it can be done.

    Dave Ramsey offers a lot of good advice. With the Exception of Debt Snowballing. That's simply a feel good measure for people who feel bad about their situation. Your first order of business should be paying off which ever debt is costing you the most. Which means going after loans with the highest APR first.

  4. People fleeing war are darn nonsense? That's pretty deplorable.


    I just can't understand folks who assume that if you're of the Islamic faith, you are an immediate threat. There are 1.6 billion followers in the world. ISIS is such a minuscule percentage of that number.


    Your reaction to this is exactly what ISIS wants. They want a clear drawn war between the West and Islam. Good job buying in.

    did you not get the memo?

    It's perfectly ok to believe all Muslims are terrorists based upon a small sample size. .

    It's not ok to think all Cops are bad based on a small sample size.


    i've never seen a group of people so willingly embrace their hypocrisy.

    • Like 2
  5. Sorry, I do not believe you for a second and think you are just trying to make new liberal friends after the some of the things you post.


    I wouldn't take any darn nonsense into my home. EVER. Period.  Guess that makes me a bad Catholic, but I will live to see next Christmas and keep my family safe.

    It does. No doubt. You're turning your back on one of the key tennants of the faith.



    If the left had any balls, they'd use this as an opportunity to hold the Rights feet to the fire and put forth bills to help the poor, the homeless, and the veterans. Make the right put their money where there mouth it.

  6. Co-worker came over tonight to watch his Longhorns. He bought some Not Your Fathers Root Beer. I like it. Currently on my 2nd one now. Didn't think I'd like them.

    I had some Sunday. Didn't like. Too much like Cough Syrup. But hey. We've all got different tastes. That's why there's so many delicious beers to choose from.

  7. At the Orioles game the other day, this is on the menu as "Belgian Style IPA" instead of using the word ****. Thought that was funny.

    On more than one occassion last year, I drank far too many of them at an O's game. Each time I ended up around the toilet later in the night. Each time got a lecture from the wife. It's a tastey beer. I can't help if it makes me want more.

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