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Posts posted by Bat~man

  1. I haven't watched wrestling in years but my all time favorite era of wrestling was when Sting left and became the dude that jump out the rafters with a bat...then the NWO came along, only to be divided into NWO and NWO Wolfpack...Sting in Red n Black..Kevin Nash and Scott Hall...was good back then.

    But, stuff I used to HATE was how they start storylines and left them unfinished...like when they tried to get DDP to join the wolfpack..DDP be was like " I can't believe I'm doing this" then he got jumped and they NEVER finished that story off..That and there was NEVER a clean match...always had someone to interfere...or cheat. I don't know how WWE is now, but a lot of the time when triple H was the champ..he would win clean even as a "heel".

    Anyway, it was great to see Nash and Hall....but those guys are old now so it isn't near as interesting...it's a shame too. Wrestling today just doesn't appeal to me, with bad characters to everything being so CORNY...it feels more for the teenagers I guess.

  2. Arlovski won his last 3 fights in the UFC

    but dont let that stop you from thinking he was beaten out of the UFC

    It doesn't, because looking up his stats on wikipedia doesn't show you what kind of fighter he was, Dana let him go for a reason. God forbid you actually watch the fights.

    But I'll go ahead and let the Fedor Fanboi's claim he is number one in the world without fighting guys like Lesnar, Couture, Mir ,Carwin, Velasquez, Junior Dos Santos....hell even Kongo or Gonzaga. He is number one beating has beens.

    I'm sorry, I like talking MMA with people who actually watch MMA and aren't just fans of a certain fighter, its obvious it isn't here.

  3. i think the disconnect we have is that you're using how Sylvia & Arlovski have looked after their fights to argue fedor still isn't fighting top comp. i dont think its fair to Fedor, or any other fighter to do that. the fact is, when they fought Fedor, Sylvia, Arlovski & Roger were amongst "the best in the world". how they look in subsequent bouts is just about irrelevant in my eyes, otherwise you could diminish the wins of just about any other fighter you choose

    No, I'm sorry, when they fought Fedor they were already beaten out of the UFC. They got laughed out of there, the ONLY thing they have done since losing to Fedor was get KOed by a noname and by an old retired boxer.

    Everyone who has watched MMA for a while knew WHEN they fought Fedor that they were jokes. Tell me, how to you get beat out of an organization like the UFC and all of a sudden become ranked top ten in the world? I'm sorry, you can argue Fedor is the best or whatever you like but there is no argument for those 2 guys being top ten at all.

  4. Who in the UFC is better?

    Fedor doesn't just win he finishes fights. Of his 31 wins he's only went to decision 7 times. On top of that he used to be feared for his subs but recently he's chosen to just knock your ass out. No one has a win loss record for as long as Fedor, not even close.

    As for the negotiations, the first time Dana tried to sign him he said he couldn't fight outside the UFC. The last time he tried he said they wanted to co-promote and he said no. The dude is making so much freaking money and would make a ton off of a Fedor against anybody fight that he's just being stubborn, plain and simple. You also only have Dana's side of the story, I believe him as far as I can throw him. He's got a track record for being truthful. :doh:

    The thing is you or I do not know who is better, because they aren't fighting.

    I'm not taking ANYTHING away from what Fedor has done, and Fedor was number one in the world at 1 time for a reason, he was a beast NO way around it.

    The ONLY point I'm making is, he can't claim that anymore, because the UFC is proven to have MUCH better fighters than anyone Fedor has beaten in years. I have already named who I would liek to see him fight, I named 4 of the top of my head...which is plenty more than strikeforce has.

    I wouldn't agree to co promote either, they want to make money off of all of UFCs fights with only having one fighter there? Thats retarded, they gave him what he orginally wanted then m1-global changed it up and asked for more, call dana whatever you want but that is horribly greedy and only hurts Fedor.

    **edit** Since I named who I want Fedor to fight for you, answer me this. Who was the last fighter that Fedor has beaten that is better than anyone in the ufc? Name one.

  5. Dana wanted complete control over Fedor just like he wants over all his fighters. Fedor wanted to continue to compete in Sambo competitions in Russia and that was a no go from Dana. Fedor's people also wanted to co-promote, Dana wouldn't budge on that either. If Dana wanted him bad enough he would have made it happen. The way Hendo jumped ship, Tito and Couture wanting out and only coming back for the money; Dana obviously is a douche to the fighters behind closed doors.

    Sure he's great at marketing and blah, blah, blah. However it's just like Dan Snyder in DC, this is a sport where you make money off of grown ass men sacraficing their bodies for entertainment, you can't treat them with indignity or sooner or later they'll all jump ship.

    The UFC has never allowed anyone to co-promote and this prevents matchups of the greates fighters in the world. Just like Hendo said, for some it's not about the money.

    BTW, Brett Rodgers has some sick hands for a HW and a lot of fighters in the UFC would struggle against them. He has one punch knock out power and has proven against everyone he fought accept Fedor.

    No you're wrong, Dana gave him everything he wanted except "co-promotion" and I agree with Dana, why the hell should they profit off the UFCs hard work? He said Fedor could fight weekly wherever he wanted as long as he fulfilled his UFC fights, which is funny because they didn't get Fedor when pride broke because of that, now Dana said he can have that and they pull this "50% co-promotion" junk outta nowhere when they offered Fedor an insane amount of money already...thats a joke.

    Brett Rodgers would pose problems I agree, but so does Shane Carwin and he HAS proven it against EVERY fighter he has faced, and he isn't even the UFC champ.

    The point is, Fedor is the best fighter OUTSIDE of the UFC, no way anyone can argue that. Is he is the best in the world? I dont know nor does anyone else because he IS NOT fighting the best in the world. The people that are blindly claiming he is are prolly the same ones who said Cro-Cop would mow the UFC down, and we see how that turned out.

    Fedor hasn't fought anyone worthy in years and we will never know if he really IS the best out there because he has yet to face the top fighters from the UFC, the same fighters who laughed the guys Fedor has beaten recently out of the UFC.

  6. that Nogueira fellow seems to be doing fine

    He's doing ok, and he lost to Fedor, I won't argue that or try to take away from that win or ANY of Fedors wins.

    It is just he is NOT fighting the best right now therefore he is not the best there is. He never even fought Couture, which now wouldn't matter since he is washed up.

    **edit** Looking at Fedors wins in pride, the only one doing anything in the UFC is Nog (who has been up and down there)...the rest couldn't make it. Cro-Cop, Herring...won't even count Coleman tho because he is like 78 years old.

  7. its easy not to care when they destroy your argument

    directly before they fought Fedor:

    tim sylvia was top 5 on most rankings, top 10 on all

    Arlovski was 2nd on most, top 3 on all

    Rogers was on the bottom of the top 10 of all rankings (with a resume that was identical to Carwin, whom you seem to be touting)

    Destroyed by arguing that Arloveski and Sylvia are top 10 fighters in the world?? OK , say I agree and they ARE top ten, then how much better are the fighters in the UFC for DESTROYING them so bad that they arent there anymore? And Roy Mercer for one shotting Sylvia and the guy who one shotted Arloveski recently?

    To me, if they ARE top ten then it validates my point of him not fighting the top competition from the UFC, who embarrassed those 2 "great" fighters.

  8. top 10 fighters are not scrubs

    fedor just fought someone like Carwin, his name was Bret Rogers (an undefeated fighter with 1 good win on his resume, the exact same as Carwin)

    If your top 10 fighters highlights are brett rogers then that is not saying much for being the best in the world. Fedor has dominated some great fighters in pride, but not many of them are doing much in the UFC right now.

  9. in fedor's last 3 fights he's beaten 1 man who was top consensus top 3 in division, 1 man who was top 5 in the division, and one who was top 10

    but you're right, he was fighting "scrubs"

    Who are you talking about? Arloveski? Tim Sylvia? BreTT ROdgers? lol come on man 2 of those guys got laughed out of the UFC, the other wouldn't make it there.

    You see what happened to another great pride heavyweight who was supposed to DOMINATE the ufc...Cro-Cop...

    Im not saying Fedor is garbage, but he has NOT been fighting top competition, I don't care what rankings say, ROdgers, Arloveski and Sylvia are not top fighters

  10. Just curious, aside from Brock Lesnar who else would Fedor have to fight to make you not so skeptical? Who exactly is he not fighting that's so great?

    I can't think of anyone in the UFC's HW division that would pose a real threat to him besides Lesnar.

    I'd like to see him fight Brock, Carwin, Mir, Cain Veasquez, would have loved to see him fight Couture when he was in his prime, or any of the guys that destroyed Arloveski and Sylvia from the UFC since those guys are "top 10 in the world".

    So, I answered you, answer my question now.

    Who is Fedor fighting that is so great? Rogers is his best win in years and even Rogers, who gave Fedor a run for his money, is very raw and unproven.

  11. :wtf: Let me get this straight, your contention is that Fedor hasn't "proven" himself against the elite??? Who does he need to fight to "prove" himself in your eyes?

    Fedor has fought some top fighters in pride, most of which couldn't make it in the UFC.

    Can he dominate Brock, Frank Mir, Shane Carwin from the UFC just to name a few?

    He was eating punches from Arloveski before he caught him with a crazy punch and he was getting beat on by Brett frikin Rodgers...Fedor is no doubt a top fighter but IMO he is not THE top fighter.

    It looks really shady when he is given everything he asked for from the UFC but still doesn't join because of "marketing rights" ....I won't say he is ducking top opponents, but, lots of people consider him the best in the world and it is much easier to keep that title fighting the scrubs he is fighting.

  12. I am NOT trying to take GSP out of the top 5 P4P discussion at all, but-

    The man was knocked out not long ago by Matt freaking Serra. I'm sorry but that eliminates him from #1 status.

    So? Anderson Silva was beaten with a flying leglock outta nowhere, along with 3 other losses.

    BJ Penn has lost several fights, including 2 to GSP, Fedor isn't fighting top competition.

    Only losses GSP has are to Matt Hughes who he destroyed in 2 fights since, and to Serra who he also destroyed in the rematch....who would you put above GSP?

  13. Everything is affected by his strength; his speeed, ability to lay on someone and not allow them to get up; everything. Even in a double leg takedown, you're still driving your shoulder through them, and pulling on the backs of their legs. I don't understand how you can say size and strength play no part. I think it's the size and strength of GSP coupled with his technique that make him the best at taking down opponents. I see no way that they are mutually exclusive.

    I agree, GSP has the perfect balance of size, speed and technique. You could easily argue that pound for pound GSP is the best fighter in the world right now, biggest competition being Anderson Silva. I know some people would wanna argue for Fedor, but IMO there are too many fighters out there that Fedor isn't fighting, he is beating scrubs right now so I am very skeptical on him until he proves himself against the elite.

  14. Double leg takedown doesn't require strength unless it's against the cage. GSP takes opponents down in the center of the ring, no slam. That isn't strength or size, it's speed and technique. BJ can't stuff that at all. His entire takedown defense is based on pressing his ass against the fence and using balance to combat single leg attempts.

    Very few guys take down opponents in the center. GSP is one of them and BJ has not answer for it. They could be that exact same size and BJ would be on his ass.

    His entire takedown defense vs Sanchez was pressing his ass against the fence, but BJ has legendary takedown defense. I seen him hop on one leg in the center of the ring more than a few times and not get taken down. BJ vs GSP was the exception really.

    GSP is just in another league, in GSP's weight class he looks to be unbeatable as does BJ in his and Anderson Silva in his.

  15. If UFC can sign Fedor, he will be favored to take the heavy weight title.

    Shogun was gassed in the first round, he didn't take this fight too seriously it looks like.

    Usually he is the energizer bunny who never stops swinging, and the other guy runs out of gas.

    Props to Forest for being ready and winning that fight.

    Shogun is young he'll be back.

    Don't knock the pride fighters, because honestly they saved the UFC from being a boring Chuck vs Tito 6 and boring repeat fights like that.

    Pride EASILY took 2 of the 5 belts away with the only 2 title fights between the two organizations.

    the same argument you made for Shogun can be made for Rich franklin when he fough Anderson Silva and lost the belt , the facts are , pride fighters so far aren't holding up to the UFC with the exception of 2 fighters thats it , and i agree shogun will be back but he better get in shape I have watched Pride and UFC a LONG time i have seen them all fight , and I'm surprised that Pride competition isn't holding up to the UFC , but the fact is that they simply aren't , although I agree about Fedor , I will wait and see before I buy the hype this time because the other hyped fighters blew it

    *edit* Anderson Silva only ofught in Pride 5 times so he isn't really Pride , and Rampage is from here and no stranger to the UFC style either .. so our 2 UFC champs from Pride aren't completely Pride fighters like Cro Cop and Shogun and a few others who have not looked good , in time maybe they will but they have to get better

  16. I was happy to see Sanchez get beat again, but I do respect his skills. That was a technically very sound fight. Props to Fitch for his escapes.

    Forrest "I ain't that great but I'll fight ANYBODY" Griffin!!! What grit and determination! He's my favorite MMA personality and now I can take him seriously as a contender. He just whipped and choked out a BAD man.

    So would anyone like to start the "Jardine vs. Ali" thread? I hope last night's fight put to rest any ideas that Chuck Liddell would beat the Greatest of All Time. Clearly Liddell was suffering from a touch of what Forrest Griffin and Andre Arlovski did after they were KOed. Their first fights coming off those losses they were timid about committing to heavy strikes and I think Chuck was too. By the 3rd round he was too numb and sore from those kicks and befuddled by the fact that he hadn't knocked Keith out.

    Fight of the Night had to be Tyson Griffin and Thiago Tavares. What a brilliant chess match. TG is a bull dog.

    I agree to a point , I'm not ready to crown Forrest yet , he is a great fighter tho and he gets a LOT of respect for his win over Shogun but these Pride fighters with the exception of Rampage and Anderson Silva just can't hack it here they need to realize that you have to be in better shape and completely well rounded to make it in the UFC . Chuck did look a little timid , reminded me of Tim Sylvia when he had the belt , he tap danced around the ring , last night wasn't good for the UFC IMO , I mean come on , Forrest Griffin and Keith Jardine?!... blah

  17. 1. Chuck is 37 years old , a one dimensional fighter who has been exposed and near the end of his career , he did'nt do anything against Jardine except look for the KO and he lost a boring technical fight , he clearly lost but it was a horrible fight

    2. Jardine is still a mediocre fighter IMO , he wins he loses he wins he loses , not good for the sport

    3. Pride fighters are so overrated , they are out of shape and just can't hang with the UFC fighters and with the fights of Cro Cop and "the best fighter in the world" Shogun , it proves they aren't much compared to UFC fighters

    4. Tito Ortiz is my favorite fighter , and I think Tito has made a huge mistake going all hollywood with that hooker porn star slut Jenna , but if he can find some kind of hunger to fight again , then he can still be a force in the 205 pound weight class , I thought Tito would fade with all the talent coming from Pride , but Pride fighters are weak and out of shape , Chuck is about done , Tito already beat Forrest , so he can still be a force ...

    5. MMA has been crazy and totally unpredictable this year but I love it !

  18. Why don't we just go with what we wore during the 70th anniversary season? Those were tight!

    i hate to disagree , but those uni's are SO boring , reminds me of a rainy day >< ... bland dull colors ... if i had a replica jersey i would have to work to mak eit look good with an outfit ... i like the new bright colors that scream burgundy and gold .... no matter if its in a white uni or a burgundy uni ..

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