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Posts posted by mel25

  1. Does anybody have the video of Fred Smoot in the DB huddle before the game when he said "We talkin bout Redskins - Dallas... Ain't s*** else to say! Now lets go out here and ride on 'em!"

    Also I'd like to paraphrase Lorenzo Alexander's response to the guy that said hit rg3 even if it gets then a penalty. He said something like "well we got helmets and shoulder pads too, so if they wanna take it there we can take it there." I got hype at work when i heard him say that to doc and b mitch.

  2. ya'll left me out. how come there isn't anything about the day i joined, and made this board a better place? but seriously thanks fellas. i used to visit every redskins/football/sports website multiple times every day to read all the redskins stuff i can. now all i have to do is go here and i know if there's info out there, somebody on extremeskins has posted it.

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