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Posts posted by DCBnG21

  1. If Yemen goes down, I think they have a huge chance of heading into a prolonged civil war; however, hopefully if it goes down & they move towards modernism and a free society. Each day that counts by in Libya without Gadaffi dying is another day closer to large scale civil war - they absolutely must finish it off quickly there. It's yet to see how Egypt ends up - my hope is that the military transitions it over & they get democratic elections. If a fundamentalist slant takes over & they violate that treaty with Israel it's hello WWIII.

    If Saudi were to light on fire....wow; who knows what happens. Oman would be nice, but I don't know if it has a huge impact either way. I'd feel good for Oman if it ignites though & those people get their freedom. Bahrain is a little bit more of a move towards fundamentalist Islam. I don't think we want any part of that revolution happening.

    The Jasmine Revolution would be awesome, but while the Chinese government is super jittery, it seems unlikely right now.

    As I'm saying right now, my analogy is that the offense has the ball about 1 inch out of the endzone right now - and someone is about to get a big play. Either the offense converts & the world ends up a more modern, peaceful place or the defense gets a safety and we're gonna kick off World War III. Call me crazy, & maybe I'm over-analyzing this but right now my feeling is that the peace of the modern world hangs in the balance on how this all shakes out.

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