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How bad were the announcers on fox today?


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I really liked it though...especially the part where Collinsworth shows the clip of Aikman getting pummeled, and Aikman goes

"Yea i've never been hit so hard in my life, i thought the trainer might have had to go and put my head back on my shoulder" or something..that was hilarious

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I didn't mind the announcers today. Thought they did a good enough job.

What really bothered me was Fox's gay endzone view during plays. I mean seriously, how many plays did they plan on ruining today using that angle. Its ok for replays but for live action just give me the standard sideline view.


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I thing it was nice we got one of the better teams instead of the same old crap crew we always have. At least Chris is honest he even said he was surprised how fast Gibbs could turn something around and I loved Jimmie's comment about how this is not Floriday anymore, to late for trying to take everyone by surprise now :cheers:

The radio team still isn't the same and I just don't like Larry, at least I give him credit where he didn't use Franck's saying, however he seemed lost and surprised when portis broke that long play and sounded bad.

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Originally posted by Johnny_Blaze

I dont know, i always feel like Collinsworth makes anti-redskins statements, he usually is quick to pick out flaws of us rather than praise us in any way.

he made aikman quiver when he showed him the clip of lavar knocking him into retirement. So i guess hes anti-cowgirls too ?

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Summerall has never bothered me before, but I was SHOCKED listening to his intro tonight. He sounded old and unsteady. Since, I've heard him screw up 3 or 4 times. He didn't even recognize Tony Gonzalez! Called him "Dunn."

He won't make it through the whole season. No way.

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Originally posted by TheDane

1) I'm embarrassed for Pat Summerall. He sounds bad. ESPN should bring back Mike Patrick; why did they ditch him in the first place?

2) Collinsworth has pulled a complete 180 degree turn on the 'Skins. It's amazing. Chalk another one up for Gibbs.

they didn't ditch him he is recovering from major surgery, i think on his heart

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Originally posted by mad4comp

I really liked it though...especially the part where Collinsworth shows the clip of Aikman getting pummeled, and Aikman goes

"Yea i've never been hit so hard in my life, i thought the trainer might have had to go and put my head back on my shoulder" or something..that was hilarious

yeah that was the best part i wish they wouldve shown aikmans face after that hit i bet hes still in pain
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Aikman repeats himself too much and Collinsworth is getting worse IMO. CC is too political. I liked him in the studio, but he just seems out of place in the booth. Buck is better at baseball.

Overall, they seem to be getting worse, not better. They are becoming very predictable. CC and Troy should talk about the fine points of the game more. Aikman does sometimes, but not enough.

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Collinsworth hasn't gone from hating the Redskins to loving them, he's gone from criticizing their ridiculous coaching last year to pointing out how big an impact it can have on the team this year. He always talked about how Ramsey could be good but we may never find out because Spurrier was going to get him killed!

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The crew for the game today wasn't so bad. I didn't find anything they said particularly objectionable.

Sumerall tonight though - wow he's noticeably off his game. I

don't know whether it's him recovering from his recent health

problems or just old age but, he has made several errors this evening.

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Originally posted by Woofer Magoo

Chris likes the Redskins - plugs them whenever he can.

What's the problem?


I CANNOT BELIEVE I just read that!

Dude, sorry but did you listen to him call any of our games the last 2 years?

He has LAUGHED at us, constantly made sniping, petty criticisms and basically completely disrespected our franchise.

He doesn't do it with the same spiteful venom of Fatsquarelli, I think he's just more of a bandwagon pile-on media clone. But that's hardly an excuse. Just a pathetic attempt to be "edgy" or "controversial." For an announcer on a national network to display that kind of flagrant smart-ass attitude while calling a game is just inexcusable.

I used to dig his act when he worked for Inside the NFL, but I refuse to ever listen to him do another Skins game.

Seriously, he is HORRIBLE. I wish I could provide specific quotations, but I was always too busy screaming retaliatory profanity or throwing beers at the TV to jot down notes...

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