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VOTE: Best Stiff-Arm


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Given the recent propensity to post stiff-arm clips, may I propose a poll to determine who is the lucky - unlucky? - recipient of the Nastiest Stiff-Arm Award.

1) Dexter Reid, University of North Carolina. Courtesy of Greg Jones, Florida State University.


2) Roy Williams, Dallas Cowboys. Courtesy of Chris Brown, Tennessee Titans.


3) Kellen Winslow Two Sticks, Cleveland Browns. Courtesy of Randy Starks, Tennessee Titans.


4) Other. Please post your animated gif or clip.

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Originally posted by dieselfan44

There is absolutely positively no doubt that it has to be Dexter Reid. Not many hits make you jump out of your seat like that one did.

I have to agree with you dieselfan44. I am a UNC fan and I was watching that game live and I did come out of my seat when I saw that hit. They replayed it like three or four times. That is the type of hit the defense or a lineman is supposed to deliver not a running back. I mean he almost knocked the guy out of his shoes with a quick shoulder charge. He did knock him out of his helmet and knocked down his own guy and another Carolina player in the process.

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