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New potential forum layout. Feedback please.

Die Hard

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Originally posted by Die Hard

This is the hack you were talking about right? A hack that allows you to put your mouse over a particular thread and "preview" it?

What do others think about it? Would you like something like this? It essentially allows you to view the first 300 (settings are configurable) characters of a post.

I actually kind of like that feature DH. Although, it wouldn't be necessary if folks would take a second when naming their thread to make sure it give the potential reader some idea of what its about (unlike the many 'Hey - LOOK at THIS!' type threads. Sometimes for humorous threads, I'm more tolerant as I like a good setup for the 'punchline' as much as anyone. But generally, I think the title of the thread ought to be as much 'preview' as we need to know if we want to go further.

Interesting idea though.

And domin8, some might rightfully say STFU. Instead I'll offer the possibility that if one of the owners wants to consider any and all ideas to make this a better site, the least you can do is keep the negativity to yourself.

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DH was looking for feedback to help him design the site in ever better ways. A simple statement that you think the site looks good now and would wish no changes would be fine, SD. However, to comment about retarded garbage puts you on a level of an ignorant flamer who has nothing to contribute.

If you don't like where a specific piece of the projected layout is planned, say so, explain why and help improve the site. You didn't do that.

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Chris... that pic at the top is NOT the front page of the site. It's a screen shot of an image when you enter a particular forum (ie. FedEx) : http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=24

It would replace that layout.

The design of the front page is a completely different story. Right now we're just talking about the forums.

I'm not sure if that's what you meant though.

I like it! Especially if you navigate into a forum. It's sometimes tough to weed through all the material and most posters - seeing that ticker when they enter the forum - will know what's already been posted as a news item. I dig it! I think it would come in handy.


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I like the current format. You guys have done an oustanding job. The only "enhancement" I would suggest is to expand the links (news and message boards) of other teams to include all NFL teams rather than just those scheduled.

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I do like the idea of the news ticker. Sometimes news does get lost in the shuffle and the ticker could help prevent that. The thread preview...hmmmmmmmmm. Get back to you on that. I like the idea of the changes. Constantly improving or at least trying.

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I love the ticker and the tweak of the format. Looks awesome.

However, the mouse rollover function I think makes forums look sloppy and cramped. If the forum is running slow at peak activity times, it could also create lag on computers, especially for those with slower connections (not me though, I have a T1 :-) ). Everything else looks great!

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Actually, one more thing to throw out there....

Bubba isn't the only one who posts news around here, especially guys like inmate continually provide news. Is that going to go up in the ticker, and are the other guys going to get credit if they do?

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I think the idea of a little "preview box" that would appear if you paused your mouse over a thread would be VERY cool. A lot of times I pick and choose which threads with cryptic titles I want to spend time reading,, a preview box would allow me to see what it's all about, and i could scan a lot more threads than i usually would.

If a thread is called "On the other hand...." Or "we should...." It would be a nifty little feature to find out what that's all about with a quick glance.


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Originally posted by TODD

Actually, one more thing to throw out there....

Bubba isn't the only one who posts news around here, especially guys like inmate continually provide news. Is that going to go up in the ticker, and are the other guys going to get credit if they do?

No, any member that submits articles posted in the NEWS forums will be visible. The NEWS forum is ultimately run and maintained now by Bubba, so it's his newsticker :) But other people are allowed to submit articles and participate.

This isn't about taking/receiving credit. - bubba or anyone else :) It's about identifying and distinguishing "news" articles for quick reference... and to prevent double-posting of recent news.

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