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Hamas spiritual leader killed in air strike.

Mad Mike

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How many more innocent Palestinians must die at the hands of the occupiers and invaders before the world turns on the Israelis? How many more illegal settlements built upon the holy lands before the world sees Israel as the tyrannical aggressor that it is?

Ariel Sharon you will pay for your treacherous ways. Palestine will once again be the shining jewel of the Middle East.....this will happen in our lifetimes. Praise Palestine!!!!!!!!

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Guest 979guy
Originally posted by Renegade7

We aren't bombing Sadaam and Bin Laden because we aren't trying to kill him! .... That's my point, and i'm stickin to it.

"April 7, 2003: A US warplane bombed a residence where Saddam Hussein was believed to be meeting with other Iraqi leaders. An Air Force B-1 bomber dropped four satellite-guided 1-ton, GBU-31 bombs about 3:00 PM in the Mansur area west of the Baghdad International Fairgrounds. The bombs hit the target and left a big hole in the ground...."

Yeah, Renegade, stick to it!

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I am totally serious in my views and beliefs unlike the vast majority of the Israeli backers who only believe what the nightly news tells them.

Take a trip to the middle east and see how the Palestinian children are starving and dying everyday. See how they are not allowed to attend school and must stay inside practically the entire day. Were this to happen in America there would be national/international outrage. But now we see the world is slowly but surely coming over the the truth and Sharon and his murderous network will be exposed for what they are.

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Take a trip to the middle east and see how the Palestinian children are starving and dying everyday. See how they are not allowed to attend school and must stay inside practically the entire day.

SD, I'm not the hugest fan of Sharon either. But to pin the blame on the plight of the Palestinians squarely on Israel is unfair. The neighboring countries have had plenty of opportunities to welcome the Palestinians into their population and provide them with the means to live lives of hope and a degree of happiness. But they haven't, because they want the ammunition against Israel.

Here's a question for you: what would it take in order for the suicide bombings to stop?

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Guest 979guy
Originally posted by SKINZ_DOMIN8

Take a trip to the middle east and see how the Palestinian children are starving and dying everyday. See how they are not allowed to attend school and must stay inside practically the entire day.

Actually, don't have to take a trip.

FYI, Palestinian kids aren't deprived of education by Israel. If anyone, it is your Chairman Arafat who took UNESCO and UNRWA funds which were supposed to go to these kids and their families in refugee camps to his pocket.

Also, it is in the Zioninst beast's interest that the Palestinian kids be rounded up in their classrooms. They'd be easier for Israelis to kill, wouldn't they? DOMIN8, it is truly tragic and embarrassing that the Palestinian plight should be represented by someone so weak-minded as yourself.

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989, that was 11 years ago. I understand Bin Laden is better off dead, but if Bush feels that way why are we trying to catch him? Same with Sadaam. Why are we goin to try to kill him then once we fail try to just put him in jail? We went after Bin Laden by bombin to flush him out. we weren't sending apaches in broad daylight to wipe him out in city crowded with inoccents. I am sticking to it, but i'm not goin to ignore what u're saying and just blasting whatevers the first thing that comes off my mind. Unlike some people...

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Guest 979guy
Originally posted by Renegade7

989, that was 11 years ago.


What, in dog years? You're actually quite funny, in your own special "stickin'-to-it" way.

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

Renegade, we tried to kill Saddam about one year and seven days ago.

I get that black. But why try to kill him, the try to track him down to put him in jail. I thought everyone was intitled to a fair trial? Didn't they say that a year and seven days ago as well; that they were goin to put him on jail. The point is if Isreal can find these people, they need to put them in jail. They can execute if they want, but even if it might be justice to kill them, it isn't justice to the people that where in the way of the apache attacks. That's my point, and i AM sticking to it.

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

Renegade, I'm not quibbling with your philosophical point. I think Israel should have arrested the guy and had a quick trial for him.

What I am concerned about is your implying that Israel is operating differently from the USA. It's not.

In that case, lets just drop it. The US isn't tryin to kill terrorist in the same fasion as Isreal in that they don't send apaches into the middle of cities for the purpose of killing one person, killing several more people that had nothing to do with it in the process. To me, the Isreal is acting far differently then the USA in how they go about getting terrorist.

Technically, we agree. I'm ready to bury the hatchet now. I'm through agruing with u if u already understand what i'm saying. That's to u too 979. Unless i've still said somethin u don't like.

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Originally posted by SKINZ_DOMIN8

How many more innocent Palestinians must die at the hands of the occupiers and invaders before the world turns on the Israelis? How many more illegal settlements built upon the holy lands before the world sees Israel as the tyrannical aggressor that it is?

Ariel Sharon you will pay for your treacherous ways. Palestine will once again be the shining jewel of the Middle East.....this will happen in our lifetimes. Praise Palestine!!!!!!!!

The sack of sht that was killed deserved exactly what he got. He was the man most responsibe for the terrorist acts. He was NEVER interested in a peacful solution and was the instead the biggest obstacle.

I said it before and I will say it again. Israel is not perfect. I don't like Sharon. I don't like the settlements. I think thay need to use the carrot more to go along with the big stick.

But you are a disgusting POS if you think the Palestinians should be rewarded for TARGETING civilian men women and children. And you are an evil, twisted moron for chosing to side with those who purpously targets civilians for murder. One can only conclude that you think UBL was equaly justified for 9/11.

Tell you what though. I'm sure we can take up a collection to send you to "Palestine" I would be happy to kick in a few bucks to send you where you belong.


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Originally posted by SKINZ_DOMIN8

How many more innocent Palestinians must die at the hands of the occupiers and invaders before the world turns on the Israelis? How many more illegal settlements built upon the holy lands before the world sees Israel as the tyrannical aggressor that it is?

Ariel Sharon you will pay for your treacherous ways. Palestine will once again be the shining jewel of the Middle East.....this will happen in our lifetimes. Praise Palestine!!!!!!!!

Have you found my map yet, Kefka?

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Originally posted by SKINZ_DOMIN8

How many more innocent Palestinians must die at the hands of the occupiers and invaders before the world turns on the Israelis? How many more illegal settlements built upon the holy lands before the world sees Israel as the tyrannical aggressor that it is?

Ariel Sharon you will pay for your treacherous ways. Palestine will once again be the shining jewel of the Middle East.....this will happen in our lifetimes. Praise Palestine!!!!!!!!

Have you found my map yet, Kefka?

Oh yeah. Palestine is a toilet, and they have only their "leaders" to blame.

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

Tell you what though. I'm sure we can take up a collection to send you to "Palestine" I would be happy to kick in a few bucks to send you where you belong.


Amen. I'm in for a few bucks

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Originally posted by Renegade7

In that case, lets just drop it. The US isn't tryin to kill terrorist in the same fasion as Isreal in that they don't send apaches into the middle of cities for the purpose of killing one person, killing several more people that had nothing to do with it in the process. To me, the Isreal is acting far differently then the USA in how they go about getting terrorist.

Technically, we agree. I'm ready to bury the hatchet now. I'm through agruing with u if u already understand what i'm saying. That's to u too 979. Unless i've still said somethin u don't like.

Again, the good thing about the way Isreal is dealing with the situation is that there is nothing left to bring to trial.

I can just see Johnny ****roach defending this guy if they brought him to the US

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