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Hamas spiritual leader killed in air strike.

Mad Mike

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Until Israel relinquishes all occupied territories and accepts the rights of the persecuted Palestinian citizens and accepts a Palestinian state there will be more and more violence even though I am against it--I understand it.

A Palestinian state will not stop terrorism. If anything it might increase it. Poll after Poll suggests that the Palestinian people( a rather large majority) will still support resistance even after a creation of Palestinian state.

Sadly, coexistence is not an option.

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Originally posted by SKINZ_DOMIN8

Its called guerilla warfare genius.........see the U.S. Revolutionary War, for starters.

If another country were to do to the United States what Israel is doing to the Middle East, there would most certainly be all out attack on the foreign invaders/occupiers just like Israel is.

Until Israel relinquishes all occupied territories and accepts the rights of the persecuted Palestinian citizens and accepts a Palestinian state there will be more and more violence even though I am against it--I understand it.

Listen Mahmoud Jihad, American Revolutionaries did not kill civilians jackass.

Are you that stupid?!

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The Israelis have a hellua lot more balls then our all talk little to show for it leaders do. Now that is winning the war on terror no excuses, intelligence (most likely a Mossad agent sees the pig on the street and calls in a strike) SUCCESS. Our government republicans and democrats hopefully will learn something from this.

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SKINZ, you say its guerilla warfare. I would call an example of guerilla warfare something like Vietnam, where US troops would get anbushed in the jungle, etc. Key word is "troops." You cannot possibly justify people blowing up a bus full of people who were most likely born in Israel (you're not exactly an invader if you were born in a country and simply live out your life). These terrorist suicide bombers are purposely bombing places like cafes, buses, dance clubs to maximize kills. They put nails and metal pieces in the bombs to increase the shrapnel, guaranteeing maximum collateral damage. That is not guerilla warfare, that's cold blooded murder. At least Israel has a goal in killing the leader of Hamas. What goal do the terrorist bombers, or "freedom fighting guerillas" as you would call them, have? Kill as many people as possible, regardless of who they are, as long as they live in a certain area or practice a different religion???

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The scumbag who was killed was the single most responsible person for the terrorism inflicted uppon Israel. If there was ONE PERSON that should have been killed it is him.

I have been known to complain about some of Israel's policys, not because I disagree with Israel's right to a peacful existance, but because I sometimes dissagree with how the try to achieve that goal. I simply believe some of their policys are not in their own best interest.

But this? Would you suggest we not kill UBL because it will further anger the terrorists? Since the parallel nature of the two men should be fairly clear, I wonder if domin8 believes that maybe we should not kill UBL?

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Originally posted by SKINZ_DOMIN8

Its called guerilla warfare genius.........see the U.S. Revolutionary War, for starters.

If another country were to do to the United States what Israel is doing to the Middle East, there would most certainly be all out attack on the foreign invaders/occupiers just like Israel is.

Until Israel relinquishes all occupied territories and accepts the rights of the persecuted Palestinian citizens and accepts a Palestinian state there will be more and more violence even though I am against it--I understand it.

All the more reason to wipe out the rest of the peaceful palestinians. Every last man, woman and child. Then there would be peace.

Then nitwits like you can find another group of terrorists to defend.

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Every time Israel and the US try to restart the peace process....i.e. withdrawl of troops..etc. One of the many terrorist organizations attacks israel with a suicide bomber....how is this helping....also every one of the terrorist organizations which basically control all the palestinians refuse to acknowledge the right of israel to exist......hmmmm...thats so strange....they claim Jerusalem is theirs....you know I think the their holy site is built on top of one of the jews holy site....hmmmmm...I guess that would the jews were there first......

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you know I think the their holy site is built on top of one of the jews holy site....hmmmmm...I guess that would the jews were there first......

yuck, now I have something that upon which I agree with you.

Can any Terrorstinian supporters answer this? How do you explain the fact that the Muslim Holy Sites are built ON TOP of the Jewish and Christian ones?

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Originally posted by Sarge

Here are some nice pics of the "innocent" children


Do you really think a child could hold a machine gun? Maybe if he a Major League Baseball player, but I think it's highly unlikely he could handle a heavy gun that not filled with water. Stop the propaganda....it's coming close to the same themes in "Birth of a Nation".:fart:

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Originally posted by OURYEAR#56

Do you really think a child could hold a machine gun? Maybe if he a Major League Baseball player, but I think it's highly unlikely he could handle a heavy gun that not filled with water. Stop the propaganda....it's coming close to the same themes in "Birth of a Nation".:fart:

lol, whether it's filled with water or lead...that's not the point. The point is they are teaching these kids early to hate.

That's fact. Not proraganda.

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Oh relax Kilmer I'm sure we have a lot of common ground...we just don't know where it is....haha

Yeah these pictures are pretty f*cked up but such is the nature of news media....

Has anyone seen the special on the Discovery Channel about the two reporters and their coverage of the Intifada? One is palestinian and one is israeli...it is quite interesting and a must watch for anyone discussing the situation..

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Originally posted by redman

Those pictures of the kids make me sick!

If anyone needs any further information beyond pics like those to understand why I back Israel in this fight, you need your head checked.

So you would back african americans that bomb the Ku Klux Klan. They had little kids posing with confederate flags, and automatic machine guns. If I follow you logic then I'm justified in killing white people. Makes sense I guess. By the way look closely at the pic....doesn't that look like plastic? Do you really think a child could carry a fully automatic machine gun with a full clip? You need your head checked....maybe you got some super kids flying in your neck of the woods, but that thing has to weigh 8-15 pounds....and what about the kick back. Man you guys are reaaaching. :whippin:

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Of course the gun is fake, Sherlock.

Whether or not it is real is not the point. The point is that people there are brought up to hate and kill from birth. That is all that kid will ever know. In a few years, he'll have the real thing.

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