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What don't you like about DC?


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eh i live in fairfax when i am not away at college so i go to annadale to hang out and such... but you cant never have enough girls...

anyways back to the topic... i know one thing i hate about DC area... its always the same... it never changes... everytime i go home to fairfax and meet up with old friends. we always end up just chillin cause like always there is nothing to do...

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Here's my question and it goes out to everyone--when you boil it all down--is there that much to do ANYWHERE?

Arguable on the West coast, you can go to the beach. Even in Seattle they got a couple of decent beaches and the view of the Sound or Lake Union is beautiful(not as good as Vancouver's but real nice) They got mountains out here...

But I guess I mean, besides "partying" which could be dancing, drinking, bars, etc, and some form of spectacle--concerts, movies, comedy shows, museums----what IS THERE TO DO?

I think of all the dates I've gone on--oh you can eat too--and that's about what it boils down to..sure there is variety in that, but generally it's pretty limited, IMO. Especially because people don't always want to trek out to some wildland or spend the scrilla on a concert.

So what do people do? Stuff their face, watch a game, or watch a movie and maybe drink and dance.

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DC has a LOT more to do than a lot of places. Go to Denver or Dallas or Indianapolis or Phoenix or Detroit or St. Louis or freaking Albuquerque to see lack of culture or town character in action. DC has museums, music, politics, history, parks, a great zoo, mountains nearby, ocean not much further. DC has character and an identity of its own, and not too many cities can really say that. Maybe New York, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego. Dunno, maybe Miami and Philly too.

Things that I didn't like about DC when I lived there was mostly the weather, the traffic and the weather. Did I mention the weather?

I like DC, but I am loving living in San Francisco. It has every single thing I want in a city. Beauty, culture, history, great weather, funky neighborhoods, the ocean, attractive women, and awesome food. If someone else would pay for my mortgage, I'd have it made.

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