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WP: Redskins sign Harris.


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D@mn Thinker. You could have mentioned it was an aside at the VERY bottom of the item:laugh:

I scoured the item twice before I picked up on it. I'm NOT a proof reader. That's why I have those folks around to cover my arse;)

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Honestly, the whole Arrington contract situation is all his agent's fault. If the Postons actually read the contract before signing it, this would not be an issue. Its kinda hard to miss $6.5 million in a contract. Arrington and Poston didn't notice this until a couple months after he signed it and the actual bonus is in the seemingly worst place for it.

Smoot doesn't want the same thing happening to his contract and probably will want to be resigned by the Skins. Smoot do have a big mouth, but I think he will sign a cap-friendly contract during the season.

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THe Skins should go ahead and extend Smoots' contract right now instead of sitting back and waiting like they did with Bailey. Do it now, get him locked up and out of the way.

This is how you build loyality in a league where the initials stand for NOT FOR LONG. Do it and get it over with.

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seeing as this thread is titled "redskins sign harris" didn't harris and smoot go to the same college if i'm not mistaken, not at the same time obviously, but with smoot bumping his agent and another bulldog around him he could be more influenced to stay.

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