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Why isn't Sonny and Sam backing Frank??


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All they have to do is say we won't work unless Herzog is back!!

I know LM has been trying to get that job for so long but now he is just the puppet for WJFK, he is the VP of Sports for them. This is a bad move that can blow up in their faces.

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Obviously Sonny and Sam don't feel that strongly about Frank staying on. If they had even made a half-assed effort to go to bat for Herzog, I think his job could have been saved. Frank is no spring chicken...maybe they could tell it was time.

On the other hand, I think Larry Michael might be such an unbearable homer that it could frustrate even Skins fans.

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Originally posted by GB81

On the other hand, I think Larry Michael might be such an unbearable homer that it could frustrate even Skins fans.

This is what I am afraid of. If you listen to his show he sounds like a crybaby fan :laugh:

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