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Something weird happened to me last night


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I know some of you guys might laugh, but a few of my friends said they have had it happen to them as well. I'll start things off by saying that I was 10 when I first had it happen to me. I remember fallin asleep in the living room of my house, it must've been like a Friday night I crashed in there..caus I remember it being the weekend when it happened..anyway..I wake up the next morning..open my eyes and see my mom walking about 10 feet infront of me into the kitchen. Problem is...I can't move, I mean I am totally paralyzed..all I can do is think, this continues for about 2 minutes or so and I finally close my eyes and re-open them and all of a sudden I can move again. Scared the **** out of me.

Now last night when I was trying to get to bed (you might laugh but im dead serious) I closed my eyes and began to have these horror movie images in my mind..sometimes I have that happen to me, don't know why but it just happens some time..I guess just to freak myself out for no apparent reason, anyway I started thinking of evil things..and then the devil..and then my mind just started runnin overdrive it seemed..like I seriously couldn't get that stuff out of my head,and out of no where...I heard this loud buzzing sound in my ears..and I was paralyzed for at least 10 seconds..I couldnt move a damn muscle! All through this I was saying God's name in my mind trying to get those evil images and thoughts out of my head..and it finally just stopped and I was able to move again. It spooked the hell out of me and I wasn't able to go back to bed for at least another 30 minutes.

Some of my friends say it is that stuff incubus or whatever....one of my friends went as far as to say it was the devil..because he said when it happened to him he heard this faint whisper in his ear..of his name..and he had the same buzzing sound in his ears. And when he turned over in his bed he saw this dark figure standing there and my friend started speaking of God and it vanished.

Now I am definately not bs'ing you guys, I wanted to see if any of you have experienced anything like this.

Spoooked the hell out of me.

Corrected most of the post, doesn't sound so childish now in context.

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I swear to God, I have had similar experience. It isn't quite as scary as yours, but when I have been absolutely exhausted, have slept for a bit and somehting else going on is waking my mind up--i.e; sound, dream, someone's voice, I feel as if I can't wake up it seems. It feels as if you are almost paralyzed. The feeling snowballs em to the point where I feel like I can't breathe...

However, it's kind of an in between state I am realizing. I am still asleep of course. You can't go from super deep sleep to fully awake with the snap of a finger I guess. It doesn't happen very often, but I kind of feel myself forcing my body to move, I do and I find myself awake.

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I've had weird dreams like that, the one in particular that I won't forget happened about a week after 9/11 and there were bombs going off all around the house and my room was lighting up and then I saw the devil laughing and then ran across my room.

But last night I had a cool dream, no B.S. I was at my ex-girlfriend's who lives 1500+ miles away and I haven't talked to her in a year and a half, but Coach Gibbs was there and I talking to him about football and racing. I wonder if its a sign. :whoknows:

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Originally posted by SkinsBry

But last night I had a cool dream, no B.S. I was at my ex-girlfriend's who lives 1500+ miles away and I haven't talked to her in a year and a half, but Coach Gibbs was there and I talking to him about football and racing. I wonder if its a sign. :whoknows:

Maybe you've got it for Joe Gibbs? (because any dream I'd be having of an ex-girlfriend would most probably include some action... :) )

WarpathBrave, I'm not sure your buddies value too highly, as an Incubus was a demon believed to have raped women in their sleep... On a lighter note, Incubus was also the first (and probably only) movie made in tha language of Esperanto. Check

THIS out if you want to hear Captain Kirk speak it. I find it creepier than what you went through! :paranoid:

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That happened to me several times when I was younger. In addition to not being able to move, I also could not breathe. It usually happened after I was having a dream and I was trying to move in the dream. I would wake up and be paralyzed. I didn't see the devil or anything like that, but I was freaked out none the less. It seemed as if I was still dreaming, but I knew that I wasn't. The only way that I found to get out of the paralysis was to make a conscious effort to try to move. This hasn't happened in a few years though.


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ha...lucky me, I had a dream I nailed Jessica Alba last night....she was awfully naughty....

I've had those paralyzed moments....usually in a dream where something dreadful is about to happen or something.....praying to Jesus snaps me out of it every time......

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It's called cataplexy sp? . This is product of your body becoming somewhat paralyzed when you go to sleep, so you don't twitch or thrash you arms/legs like a dog does. It's prett scary when your mind comes to and you are still in the cataplectic state.

Don't sweat it it happens to many people.

As far as the hellish visions , I can't help you there.

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