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Yes he is young


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and makes mistakes but he also shows promise like no other player we have had here in MANY moons. That is why so many people are angry that we may lose Ramsey over this.

We all know its not really an open competition. How would you feel giving up your body for 2 years for the team only to be replaced by a new coach merely because he likes older Vet QB, BEFORE you even throw a pass in his system?

Only a fool would dare say they wouldn't be angry if it where them

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I dont think I will be watching a game where I know my team has lost and it's only 10 minutes in the 1st quarter. There will be accountability and quality play again. Thank you Joe Gibbs. Patrick Ramsey can go suck on his thumb and cry. We were not very good last year and he has to take some blame. Just like Lavar, Trotter, Champ, Trung, and the rest of our sorry ass team.

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yes id be angry but ive never areed with trade demands and holdouts, if you sign a contract and pledge to be part of a team then you do just that , you dont stop as soon as it doesn't suit yourself. that said i think when ramsey goes to camp he will act just fine and will make sure his agent shuts up by then too

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Please stop with the attacks on Ramsey, its not becoming of you.

He isn't crying at all, he is angry and has every right to be. All he ever said he wanted was a FAIR shot at the job. The Skins played the media with thier PC snow job and said it was an open competition, yet shockingly after 1 day Brunell is already the starter.

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